Chapter 6

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At this point, the entire locker room was out in the hallway. They all just stared at us. Mostly me just waiting for my answer. I knew the answer before he even got on his knee. No. Absolutely not. How am I suppose to accept his proposal? One, he's drunk. He probably won't remember proposing to me by tomorrow. Two, he's married already. "Colby...stand up.." I whispered. He shook his head, I rolled my eyes, then pulled him up to his feet. I looked at him as he spoke, "I love you, Saraya." "Please stop saying that. I love AJ." I whispered to him. Stubborn Colby refused to believe that and everyone was still watching us. "Paige, you're on in ten minutes." The intercom blared and I used that to my advantage, "Well would you look at that, I'm on in ten." I started to walk pass him when he said, "So that's a no?"

"That's a never! You're married! I am not going to be with you so leave it alone! You had your chance and you blew it! And." I stopped when I saw AJ standing behind him. Colby coughed as AJ said, "We're up next. Colby, Renee is looking for you. I'd suggest you hurry before wifey figures out your drunk." Before he could say anything, AJ skipped around him and locked arms with me. She smiled up at me and said, "How's my little crumpet today?" She didn't know it but my heart was currently exploding at her nickname for me. I'm glad I was saved by her because I don't know what I'd do if she didn't appear. I smiled, "Wonderful. How's my queen?" "Fantastic." "You two make me sick," He mumbled then brushed passed us walking away.

"Sooo, what's the deal with you and Rollins?" She asked watching him walk away. I shook my head. I didn't wanna talk about him anymore. Especially to AJ. "Ancient history. What's the game plan for tonight?" AJ cleared her throat and I breathed in every word as she spoke, "We're taking it easy tonight for now baby girl. Tonight is going to run smoothly. You're on commentary during my match against one of those Total Hoes. You will speak highly of me through it all and then I believe Eva Marie, that's who I'm facing, will gain the upper hand. That's one tough pill to swallow but I'll manage. Anyway, she'll gain the upper hand and she'll shove me outside the ring. She'll follow me and start making fun of me. Creative told me she's gonna taunt you and make fun of our relationship. You just simply smile at her through it all and then, the rest is up to me." "Are you scheduled to win?" "Of course I'm scheduled to win." I smiled, "Then that's all that matters to me."

Later on commentary...

"Paige, you've developed some sort of relationship with AJ as of lately," Cole said as we watched AJ beat the crap out of Eva Marie. I grinned, "Of course. We belong together. We shouldn't be fighting over silly little things because apart is not the way to go. I am in love with her after all, and she feels the same." "You do realize this is what AJ specializes in right? She's known to make guys fall in love with her for her own gain and some are saying she's doing the same to you." I laughed, "That's the key word there, Micheal. Guys. AJ has had her heart broken so many times by men and now, she's taking a different approach. AJ knows I am not Dolph or Daniel or even Punk. I am different and she gets it. We're in love." "But Paige, you have to consider the fact that AJ has said that she works better alone. That she doesn't need anyone or anything to get her job done. You are a huge threat to her divas championship. AJ knows that and that's why she has decided to make you think she's in love with you. So you won't take her championship away from her. Have you considered that?"

"I have considered that but my little AJ wouldn't do that to me. I'm her white knight." Eva shoved AJ outside of the ring as planned but of course, it took AJ to sell it well enough for it to be believable. Eva followed and I put my concerned look on my face. Eva smirked at me and blew a kiss toward me then started yelling at AJ, "Come on, AJ! You can do better then that! Come on champ!" Eva started skipping back and forth as AJ "struggled" to her feet. I smiled coming up with something brilliant and took my headset off, standing up. I kneeled next to AJ who was still in front of the announce table and ran my hand through her beautiful dark hair.

AJ stared up at me and I leaned closer to her. I suddenly kissed her and the fans went even crazier than they did the first time we kissed. AJ was shocked, mostly because this wasn't in the script, but she sold the kiss by kissing back. We kissed all the way up until she got back on her feet and suddenly, she pulled away. She ran and clotheslined Eva to the ground outside of the ring. It's like she had a sudden burst of energy now. I smiled when she winked at me. She pulled Eva up and rolled her back inside the ring then AJ followed inside. Eva managed to get back on her feet but she was a little wobbly and AJ took that to her advantage, wrapping her legs around her, connecting the Black Widow. Immediately, Eva tapped.

I clapped and grabbed the Divas championship. I rolled myself in the ring and AJ finally let go of Eva. I handed her her championship but not before kissing it. AJ smirked, shook her head, then kissed the title slowly. Two can play this game. I shook my head, licked my lips, and kissed her the same way she kissed the title. She bit my lip, pretty much meaning that she's in control of these kisses, and kissed me back hungrily. Maybe she really does like me..either that, or she's a really good actress. Either way, totally not complaining. AJ pulled away suddenly and I frowned. I touched my lip and it was bleeding from where she bit down onto it. I looked at my finger with the blood on it then looked at AJ. She smiled then started skipping around me in circles.

She did this on purpose...and I love it.

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