Chapter 12

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Once I made it to my car, I sat in it for hours going over everything that just happen. Oh my god. I just made myself look absolutely stupid and eventually, I'll have to explain that to all three of them. Two of them know exactly but Phil is the clueless in all of this. He doesn't know that he's just an innocent victim in all of this. All he's doing is loving his wife as a man should. It's not like he does these things to spite me but it still pisses me off. Why can't this be simple? Why can't it just be Seth leaving me alone, AJ being with me, Phil being cool with that, and Ambrose throwing us this big grand wedding? Oh yes that's right. Nicholas Sparks did not write and publish my life. No, no. There just has to be these impossible obstacles in my way. Every damn time.

I jumped when my passenger door opened, "What the hell!?" "Sorry. It's really cold out there." Ambrose just entered my car without asking. He had two cups in his hands and I watched him set it down. He leaned back out and closed the door behind him then leaned back in the passenger seat. "What are you doing?" I asked glaring at him. He looked at me weirdly, "I told you. It's cold." "Dean-" "I'm here to help you." I shook my head looking at him, "I don't need help." "Yes you do. You like April, don't you? I can help you win her." "Well Jesus she's not a trophy." He chuckled, "You know what I meant. Look, I know what it's like to want something, someone, so bad but you can't have them. They love someone different than you."

"It's not worth helping me," I sighed."
"I'm a mess." "Well you're in love. Love makes you a mess." He replied. "Have you ever been in love with anyone?" I asked. He stared at me for a really long time. So long that I started to question if I even asked the question aloud. After ten minutes I started to say something but he interrupted, "Of course I have but this really isn't about me. It's about you. I'll help you, whether you like it or not." Dean picked up one of the cups he'd brought with him and handed it to me. I took it as he said, "This is for you. French Vanilla is your I've been told. Thought it might cheer you up." I stared at the cup then suddenly blurted out, "I ruined Colby's marriage. It was me."

Dean nodded and sipped his own cup, "I know." "You know?" I raised my eyebrows, "How do you know?" "Once upon a time in the land of NXT, there were three guys put together known as The Shield. These boys became friends. Best friends. These boys became brothers unintentionally and would tell each other everything. I do mean, everything. That means hook ups and fallouts and just a bunch of on the road stories. You'd think being the only single member of The Shield, the hook ups would be mine but wrong. They had just as many. So I knew about you before you knew about you, know what I mean?" "Boys will be boys." He smirked, " know back then, I wanted to warn you about getting involved with Rollins. I just didn't know how though. What was I suppose to say? Oh Paige, I have this ridiculous crush on you and you're an amazing wrestler so stay away from Seth and come be with me? No."

"You think I'm an amazing wrestler?" I asked teasingly. Dean shrugged, "You're decent for a chick." "Oh really?" "Yeah I mean you're no Lita or Trish but you're a great substitute for the PG era." I rolled my eyes, "There's not a PG bone in my body." "I can tell by the way you straddle the women in pins and lick the sides of their faces." "That was once! Don't go there." We both started to laugh. Talking to him instead of myself this time felt really nice. It'd distracted me from the madness that just happened with AJ and its a real good thing it did because, my mind would've exploded if I thought about it more. I jumped a little when Dean reached toward me, "What are you doing?" He looked at me with...concern? That's what it looked like in his eyes. "You've been crying."

Dean reached and started wiping tears, that I didn't even feel upon my cheeks, away. It was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me in a really long time and usually, I'd pull away from anyone else. It was like I was compelled to stay still. I remembered feeling the same way when I fell for Colby. But this isn't Colby, who was blackmailing me into sex with him but still has apart of me with him. This isn't AJ, who I desperately want to do anything she wants to do to me and will under the right circumstances. This is Dean Ambrose, who I like way more than I like to admit. Not more than AJ but enough to let him touch me...wherever he felt like touching me. That just so happens to be my face this time....

Dammit. Shut up. I sound like every desperate fan girl of his and I wouldn't put it past the Lunatic Fringe to hook up with those lonely fans. I just hope those girls were age appropriate. Or guys, I'm not judging. "Would you stop?" He asked. Stop what? "Stop?" "Yes. Stop. You're staring at me with those green eyes and I feel like doing something I probably shouldn't. I just felt the need to wipe the tears away because when I'm around you, I feel it's my job to make all your pain go away.." Dean slowed down toward the end of his sentence. Who knew Dean was so...sweet? Wait one fucking second. Am I the girl's he in love with? Shit...

This just got more tangled than it needs to be. All these people in love with these other people who they can't be with. All these broken pieces that are suppose to fit together to create something beautiful just simply cannot do that? That's complicated. We as humans are complicated enough. Oh fuck it. I think way too much into things. If I wasn't gonna have AJ due to her baby planning, then I'm playing by my rules. This is all in my hands and I'll be damned if I'm the only one in this equation stressing about it. It's unfair. She's in love with me too...shouldn't she be just as stressed out? If not more? I don't know. I have no time to justify these things.

"Saraya.." He whispered. I shook my head and placed my finger on his lips to shut him up before he ruined it. Trust me. I could picture it.

And instead of giving him reasons why kissing me would further complicate things, I kissed him and let things get even more dangerous than they were before.

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