Chapter 10

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The next few days, I walked into work with my head down and maintained a very low profile. It's best this way. Outside of our storyline, I didn't hang out with AJ. In fact, I ignored her. That's a really hard thing to do when you're in love with someone but I had to. She kept trying to speak to me but I kept coming up with an excuse not to. I know, I know. I'm hurting AJ but what am I suppose to do? I just can't talk to her right now. What I did was wrong because everyone knows how much AJ loves her husband. She's so crazy about him that it's actually kind of cute.

"Saraya?" I looked up from my daydream and watched Colby walk out of the bathroom wrapped in nothing but a towel. I'd just had sex with him for the seventh time this week. Don't judge me, the devil made me do it. "Hm?" "You seem stuck in a daydream love, what's up?" "Colby, this doesn't mean anything, you know?" "But if it didn't, then you wouldn't keep coming back to me." "I only keep coming back because you keep threatening me with that picture. I really don't want to ruin April's marriage like I did with yours. Have a heart, Colby. Do you really want April and Phil to turn out just like you and Renee? Those two are crazy about one another." "They're a modern day Romeo and Juliet those two."

Colby sat next to me on the bed once he was dressed and I nodded, "Exactly. I can't be in love with her. That's why I've been avoiding her backstage. I will not be ruining the AJ/Punk and Punklee fandom." Colby looked at me weirdly, "What the hell is that?" "The fans take a diva and a superstar or a superstar and a superstar or even two divas then they write fanfictions about them." Colby chuckled, "The fans never cease to amaze me." "Some of them are pretty good. I ship you and Dean actually." Colby frowned, "Even if I was gay, I'd never be with him. He's a lunatic." "The point is, I cannot get myself involved in another marriage. I'm always the other woman."

He grabbed my hands holding them and looked at me, "Punk and AJ aren't Renee and I. You didn't ruin our marriage, we ruined our own marriage. What is about April that you love so much anyway? She's manipulative on and off screen." "April just...she has this way about her, you know? She's passionate. She's beautiful and she isn't stuck up like everyone else. She doesn't brag about all these guys she's slept with. You know she didn't lose her virginity until she was 24? She was so into wrestling that she really didn't have time for guys and dating. She was the only female in her wrestling class and she was the best student. She's into things that usually guys are into like comics. She speaks her mind, she's talented. She's hilarious and her laugh, God... I love her laugh.." "You're really in love with her, aren't you?" He asked quietly. I nodded.

Colby didn't say anything for awhile and just stared at my hands that he was still holding. "I use to feel that way about you...but then you changed. Or maybe you didn't, I don't know. You showed your true colors when you left NXT without saying goodbye to me. Then everyone else saw it when you turned your back on your brothers and-" "Shut up. I don't wanna talk about this anymore. You're in love with someone who's married for Christ sakes." He quickly let go and he was back to his selfish asshole ways. This is why it could never work with him.

My thoughts got interrupted by my phone ringing. I reached for it on the dresser and answered it, "Hello?" "You've been ignoring April. What's up with that?" "Phil?" "Look. Ape, Dean, and I are getting Starbucks right now. She wants you to join in, are you down?" "I can't.." "You can't? Why can't you?" "Because I have shit to train and stuff." "It's just coffee and conversation. You love Starbucks, you should come. It'll mean the world to April. You know, she hardly has friends backstage anymore ever since Kaitlyn and I left the business. You're the first friend she enjoys spending time with outside of the ring. My wife adores you." You have no idea, Phillip. "I-" "Please come to Starbucks. She thinks you hate her. Did something happen when I left the bar with Dean or something? You've been weird since."

What does he know, what has he heard. Oh god. "Nothing happened...I'm on my way okay? Just let me get dressed. I'll be at Starbucks in five." I got up quickly putting my clothes on as Colby just stared watching me. "Oh and Saraya?" Phil asked. "Yeah?" "When you're kissing her, bite her lip. She loves it. It drives her crazy every time." I froze. "What.." I whispered. "On screen, when you guys are kissing, bite her lip." I sighed in relief. The storyline. Right. Not the actual kiss but the storyline. "Right..yeah okay. I'll make a note of that."

I got off the phone with him, grabbed my bag, and walked out of Colby's bedroom. He followed me to the door, "You're not gonna stay and spend the day with me?" "We've been hooking up a lot this week, Colby. We've spent days and days with each other already. You're not bored with me yet?" I asked opening the door. He grabbed my wrist turning me around and his eyes softened in that way I use to adore so much, "I could never be bored with you, Saraya." "Colby...I have to go." "Remember," he smirked, "I still have that picture so when I call, you come. No questions asked, you got that?" "I know.."

Colby leaned and kissed me slowly. At first, I was just going to let him but then I quickly realized that if I didn't kiss back, he'd get angry. My goal is to not piss this man off. I kissed him back and just thought of AJ the entire time so the kiss didn't seem forced. My lips parted away from his and I walked down the hall. "Saraya?" I turned back around.

I was met by his warm smile, the smile that had me fall for him when I first met him, and he said quietly, "I love you."

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