1: Driving

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2 years later

"Annabeth!" Piper waved at me as she sprinted down the hallway, pushing through the large, rowdy corridor.

She pulled into a halt right before me, jumping up and down excitingly, "So, how was the econs test?" She asked, "I aced my French test, I bet I'll get full marks like last year!"

"It was not that bad, really." I answered, pulling her into an empty classroom, I couldn't really hear her outside.

"You always say that," She sulked, "Then, you end up ranking top 2 in the grade."

"Not anymore, I'm trying to get to top 1 this term."

"We'll see the results tomorrow," she grinned, "I swear I'm going to get into the top 50, at least."

I glanced out of the classroom window, there he was, Percy Jackson, his black messy hair was brushed to one side, his sea green eyes glistening vibrantly, he was wearing a huge dark blue sweatshirt, which he wore last tuesday and friday too. Smiling and giggling with his best friend, Frank. Instinctively, I stared at him, my eyes following him until he was out of my vision.

"Hey! Annabeth!" Piper shouted, shaking my shoulder, jolting me awake, "Were you listening?"

"What? Sorry, what were you talking about?" I responded, blushing embarrassingly, which she didn't notice in the dark classroom.

"I was talking about the club I will be taking on the new term, clubs will be continued next week."

"Really? I didn't know? What club are you joining?"

"I was thinking on joining the vocal club," she shrugged, "It's the club with the least people."

"Why are you dropping the drama club? I thought you enjoyed it."

She frowned and rolled her eyes, "I overheard that Jason is joining drama next term, I'm not risking it."

I felt guilty bringing up Jason, "You're still avoiding him?"

"Obviously, I rather die than stand in the same classroom with him."

"I think I won't be joining a club this year," I decided, "I'll just register as the librarian and stay at the library."

"What? That's like the most boring thing you can do after school, just join the book club."

"Denied, if I join the book club, I have to write a book at the year end festival, I don't have the time for that."

Piper let out a sigh, "Whatever you please, no one even goes to the library anymore, and even if they do it's not for studying." She raised her eyebrows cheekily, grining.

"Ugh, stop that," I nudged her, "You're creeping me out."

"I'm flattered, please continue." She teased.

I smiled, pulling out a chair to seat in it, "You know, you've changed. You've changed a lot."

"What changed?"

"After the breakup, you were so depressed for the entire half year, you would hardly eat, or even sleep, you would cry all day in my apartment, refusing to talk to me... I feel really relieved seeing you become so happy again."

She simply nodded, staring off into nothingness, "Yeah," She replied, "I'm glad too."

"How 'bout we have tea break at the moose café? It's been a while since we've went there." I suggested.

Piper helped me up, "Sure, let's go."

We strolled out of school, with Piper arm hooked over my shoulder, she carried her sling bag over her other arm. She has always been so pretty, she wore light makeup and a mini skirt with a oversize t-shirt, black vans and up to the knee stockings. Her hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, flowing gracefully down her neck. If I was a boy, I bet I would fall head over heels for her.

We entered the café, I pushed open the large transparent door and was greeted with a cold air conditioning room. I sat down on a round cushion seat and Piper followed after me, she raised her hand and called out for the barista, "2 iced coffee please!"

The barista signed a thumbs up and we sat there, not knowing what to talk about. I tried to start a conversation, "Hey, Pipe--"

Piper eyes widened and she jerked away, turning herself against the wall, using her phone to cover her face. I turned around, and two boys walked into the café, Percy Jackson and Jason Grace, they never hung out together at school, what were they doing in a café together? They seemed to be deep in conversation, shrugging, frowning and making hand gestures. They didn't notice us and sat themselves down at the table behind us, still talking.

Piper looked at me like, I'm getting out of here.

I waved for her to wait, then put a finger to my lips, quiet.

"I told you, Jason." Percy said from behind me, "I can't rent you that apartment anymore."

"Bro, just give me 1 more month, I swear--"

"You said that for the past 2 years and the money have just been accumulating. I don't think you'll ever get a decent job for once and pay off that rent."

"You know why, Perce. I have hockey practice, I can't quit."

"Then, you won't have an apartment." He snapped, "I've been patient, Jason. I rented out that apartment for a reason."

"Please, man." Jason pleaded, "Just help me out for a bit."

"I'm sorry, but you have to find another place to live in."

"I broke up with my ex because I could move in into your apartment," He stated angrily, "If I knew you would kick me out, I could've played pretend as a good boyfriend for longer. Her apartment was so much bigger than your small, pathetic one that need to pay rent!"

Piper stood up, her face red with anger, "Asshole!" She screamed, throwing a shoe at him.

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the café, leading me to where my car was parked. I fiddled out my keys from my side pocket and passed it to her open palm and she unlocked the door and sat by the driver seat.

I sat beside her, silence, tension.

She bursted out laughing, which kinda scared me, has she already gone insane?

"I can't-- I can't believe he stayed with me just to have a free apartment." She laughed to herself, trying to drown out the pain.

"I'm such an idiot!" She laughed, her eyes tearing up, she slammed her fist on her car wheel angrily, holding on the horn.

She let out a scream, turning on the radio and starting the car. She bursted out of the driveway, speeding off.

The car barely managed to survive the speed she was driving at. I was afraid my old second handed car would slide off the road but I was glad she could relieve the pain this way instead of bottling it all up like the first time she was broken hearted.

She drove the car, twist and turning into random streets, ignoring where she would head to. Unknown to where she'll end up in, she kept driving

and driving

and driving.

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