8: Home

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I got back into my car, it had started to drizzling, the sound of the raindrops tapping on the car window, like soft and gentle music played by mother nature. I hadn't paid my Dad a visit in a while, it was because I didn't need to, but deep down I knew I didn't want to. It was not because of Dad, it was that woman he was living with, that cockalorum in the house.

Every year when I'd visit to celebrate Christmas, she'll look at me with hatred and disgust, she never said it out, but we had this unspoken rule about hating each other. My step-brothers were okay, they never fail to be funny and goofy, and I liked the feeling of having siblings. But I just can't stand my stepmom, sure I miss my dad and brothers but she just gives off vibes that if I stay there any longer I'll beat her dead with a sledgehammer.

This was another situation, I wanted to talk to Dad about it, I wanted to learn more about Mom, their relationship, just anything.

I played some soft music from spotify and winded down the window, an hour drive there, no more no less. I reversed out of the lot and turned into the long highway, I knew the way there by memory at this point.

I listened to the calm and swaying sound of the song artist, the tip-tapping on the window continued to ring, longing to be heard.

I pulled up by the side road opposite the house, hitting on 'park' as I rested my hand on my lap, I tried to pull up my legs to my chest but my legs felt numb, the rain had gotten heavier and heavier through time it felt that the sound of the soft music had gotten drowned by the loud thunder and banging of the rain, the rain was heard, it had won.

Shit, I didn't have an umbrella.

I sighed, this was a bad day for a family reunion, on the count of three I sprinted out of the car and ran all the way to the doorstep, banging on it hurriedly, feeling as the water seeped into my clothes, right to my undergarments.

After a while the door creaked open, my brother Bobby was standing there, eyes wide, "Annabeth's back!" he shouted, smiling  like crazy, "Mom! Mom! Annabeth's back!"

"Bobby!" a familiar yet unpleasant voice yelled, "I told you not to open the front door yourself!"

My step-mom, Victoria emerged from the kitchen, wearing an oversize apron with slightly red but faded hair, she looked at me and frowned, "Annabeth, what are you doing here? You're wet!"

"Yeah, I can see that," I noted sarcastically, "I need to see my Dad." stepping in the house drenched in water, I didn't give a damn of the wet rain I was leaving all over the floor, I just needed to talk to my Dad.

"Annabeth!" Victoria scolded, "Get a towel for goodness sake!"

I knocked the door and yanked it wide open, "Victo-- Annabeth!" Dad face was more worried than shock, "W-what's going on?"

He was on the computer, probably doing his nerdy scientist stuff, he took off his glasses, walking over to the sofa and tapped for me to sit beside him, even though I was wet head to toe.

I sat down beside him, leaning my wet body on him, my head on his shoulder, "Dad?"

"Yes?" He replied lovingly, turning over to see me better.

"Did you-- did you love mom?"

He seemed shocked by the question, "You mean your Mom?"

I didn't give an answer but he took that as a yes, he laughed softly, "Of course I loved her, why would you ask that?"

"Then-" my voice went an octave lower, "Then why did you write that?" I pointed at another copy of 'All is vanity' on his bookshelf, covered in dust.

He scowled innocently, "I wrote that because I loved her, what do you mea--"

"I know what it means, the feelings you wanted to convey, it's all out in the open."

He didn't look surprised, like he expected me to find out myself one day, "Oh," He murmured, "It was supposed to just be a message for her, something only she would notice."

"I don't know much about Mom, but the book wrote that she was in pain, she was pressured by everybody and when she made that decision you wrote it into a goddamn book to get back at her."

"No, no! That wasn't my message, she made that decision knowing that she had a husband and a daughter waiting for her, we were there for her, we were the family, the missing piece in her life. She didn't tell me anything about killing herself, I would've stop her, she could be here...right now."

"Maybe she just didn't want you to stop her," I whispered, "She wanted to leave in peace, without any sad goodbyes, without confession for her pain."

"You don't get it," Dad said rubbing his hand on my shoulder, "We loved each other, we even had a child, she made that choice beforehand, knowing the responsibility as a wife and mother. In my opinion, she just wanted to get rid of everything at once, good or bad, she wanted it all gone. I didn't. Her selfishness left me broken and in pain, more pain that she had possibly gone through, Athelia was my everything."

"You still have me," 

"Yeah, I do. But is it really enough?"

"You have Victoria," I smiled, "You still have Victoria, Bobby and Matthew. They're your family, they're mine too."

"They're our family."

I hugged him, my wet skin against his buttoned up suit felt so calming, so beautiful.

"I need to go," I told him, "I have church tomorrow."

I stood up to leave but he pulled on my sleeve, "Stay for the night," he told me, "We still have you old room untouched, plus it's been a while since you've spent time with the family, eat dinner with us too."

I managed a giggle, "You're right, I'll go take a bath now."

He nodded.

I pushed the door open, "Is all really vanity?"

"What do you think?"

"I have no idea."

He flicked his hand, gesturing for me to leave playfully, "Then so be it."

Home never felt so welcoming before. 

All is Vanity ~PercabethWhere stories live. Discover now