15: I know

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People stared at us as we walked through the school corridors, peering through curves and whispering, chattering. I guess it was only natural, Percy was one of the popular kids in school, captain of the swim team, tons of girls have a crush on him.

Percy holding my hand was like a dream came true, as if we were broadcasting our relationship status, my hand felt sweaty from the nervousness, silently hoping he wouldn't get grossed out and let go of my hand. 

"You okay?" Percy whispered to me, "Or do you want to step away for a while?"

"I-I'm okay, just a little not used to the attention."

He smiled at me, "We still have some time before our classes start, you wanna hang out?"


He brought me to the park beside school, buying ice cream for the both of us. He then sat us down on a bench, in front of the big lake.

"This doesn't feel real," I said, "It feels like a dream."

"Hm," he took a bite of his ice cream, "This feels real enough to me,"

"I never expected you to like a simple nobody like me,"

"If you're a nobody then what am I? Atoms?"

"What did you get for chemistry?"

"A 'C',"

"I figured."

"I guess you're obligated to come over anytime to give me lessons," he laughed, nudging me slightly.

"I don't have that much free time you seaweed brain."

"I'll give you kisses in return,"

"Fair enough," I joked.

He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, "I love you, wise girl."

It was my first time saying it back to someone, "I-I love you too."

We went back to school, I went to my class, he went to his. We shared 2nd, 4th and 7th period together, so we won't be going to the same class at the moment.

People stared at me again when I entered my class, I shortcut my way to Piper who was listening to music.

She unplugged her ears when she saw me, "Hey Annabeth," she smirked, "How's life with a boyfriend?"

"Different," I replied, "It feels so weird."

"Everyone's talking about the both of you, you'll have a lot of rivals"

"People keep staring, it makes me feel insecure."

Piper leaned back in her chair, "Enjoy the attention, it'll die away soon."

"It better be soon."

"It's a pity I'm losing my best friend to her boyfriend,"

I unpacked my books, "Isn't it always like that when someone gets a boyfriend? You did that to me too when you had Jason."

"I think it's karma," she decided, "Hang out with me every saturday, alright?"

"Of course,"

A red headed girl walked towards my desk, she had pretty curls and beautiful makeup, somehow I recognised her, she was Rachel Dare from the cheerleading team. She wore her cheerleading dress and wore black leggings over it, her arm wrapped with colourful hoops and rings.

"Hey," she stopped at my table, "Annabeth Chase, isn't it?"

"Yeah-h..Hey, Rachel," I stammered, unknowing what to say.

"Oh, you know my name! How? Did Percy tell you?"

"Not really, you're quite popular actually."

She pulled her hair across her neck, "Nah, I'm normal. I-I'm just curious on why you're the one Percy Jackson rejected me for, I had no idea."

I blushed embarrassingly, "O-oh, we were classmates since we were kids and I liked him too."

"Lucky," she sighed, "And here I thought I stood a chance."

Her best friend Hazel tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned to me, "Sorry, gotta leave. Have fun with Percy."

"You too..." I answered without thinking, that was stupid, Percy was mine.

Piper swung her arm around my shoulder, "Focus on your studies too," she reminded, "Don't get carried away."

"I know, Piper," I spun my pencil, "I know."

All is Vanity ~PercabethWhere stories live. Discover now