3: My lottery

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"Ah, Miss Chase!" Mrs Margaret's face lit up as she saw me at the library counter, "Thank you so much for your work today, you may be excused."

"Oh, right," I turned over my wrist to look at my watch, I hadn't even realise it was already so late, I had almost spent most of my shift talking to Leo while strolling around the library, I guess time really fly past when you're in a book paradise.

I flung my bag over my shoulder, "Thanks, ma'am."

"No worries, see you tomorrow."

I bowed as I past by her smiling freckled face, opening and then slamming the library door shut. I stopped by the bulletin board outside the library, tracing my fingers down the clubroom flyer. "Vocal club...where's the vocal club.." I muttered to myself, I traced it all the way to the last club, 'Vocal club - science lab ground floor'.

I fetched my phone from my bag, 

Me: Hey Piper, have you finished club?

Piper: Not yet...wait for me outside, I think I'll be excused soon.

Me: Alright, see ya.

I sighed, I knew she was slacking off playing her phone in lessons, this is why she never scored high in exams, that habit of her's is eating her future away.

I found myself sprinting down the stairway, scrolling through my texts for new messages, I reached the bottom and started figuring out which way to go. The science lab was on the other side of the school, the shorter way was to turn into the swimming area, then out again to the science lab.

I sauntered to the swimming area, which was on the other end of the corridor. I heard the soft wails of water splashing around, it was not that loud, barely in earshot. The swimming club had ended quite a while ago, there isn't suppose to be anyone there, I thought the pool is closed down after club.

I stepped out of the corridor, peeking out from the behind of the huge whiteboard that wrote: '200m warm up, freestyle 4 rounds, breaststroke 5 rounds, butterfly 2 rounds, repeat 5 times' The sound of water splashing continued, echoing through the empty room. 

Suddenly, the sound of someone panting was heard, I pushed away the whiteboard to make my way to the other side to get to the science lab, the wheels of the board made loud screeching sounds, rolling to another corner.

The person turned around, until I realized it was Percy Jackson.

My face flushed, yay, he's gonna think I'm a crazy stalker watching him swim.

His face was pale and was still panting, he pulled himself out of the water, topless and only wearing trunks, which made me blush even more. "Yo," he smiled, "Annabeth, am I right?"

"Y-yea," I stammered awkwardly, "I was just on my way to the science lab, sorry to disturb you."

He stood up and walked to the bench, uncapping his bottle and drinking it frantically, "No way, I'm relieved you're not the security dude, he always chases me out for swimming here after club practises."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, the school is really particular about this type of stuff, makes me go crazy."

I leaned against the wall naturally, "You're training for the competition, right?"

"Yeah," he winced, "Every year I'm chosen to represent the school, the guys hate me, plus, don't you have a competition too?"

He knows, my heart sang, he notices you.

"Maths competition, same every year too."

He yanked a dry towel out from his bag, draping in around his neck, "Cool, Mom says if I don't pass my Maths test next term I'll have to quit swimming, we don't want that, do we?"

"No, we don't." I agreed, "So, what are you gonna do?"

He let out a snicker, "I'm currently looking for a tutor, a cheap one, we're short on money."

I said the first thing that came to mind, "I-i can tutor you, if you want. Free of charge. I'm free on Sundays."

I stared at me in shock, I thought it was because I was such a creep but instead his mouth curved into a grin. "Seriously? Free tuition? Are you sure you don't need payment, maybe just--"

"Free of charge." I repeated, more confidently.

"I've never met someone quite like you," he laughed, "Do you have a phone number? We can text the details."

 "Sure," I replied taking out a sticky note and pen from my bag's side pocket and scribbling my number on it, writing my full name under it. He came over with his swim bag and towel then clicked the note off my hand, "Thanks, Annabeth. See you on Sunday." He said, exiting the area, waving goodbye to me.

"Bye," I waved back, my face blushed with happiness on what had just happened. Me, jackson, the both of us together, close, sitting by the same table, staring down at the same book. Just thinking of it makes me squeal, how in the world did I manage to do such a-- undorky thing. 

"Annabeth!" Piper called from the other side, running over to me, "I was looking for you, where had you been?"

My eyes glinted, if God is good maybe...just maybe I could get closer to Percy Jackson, and he'll be my b--

"Hey! Annabeth!" She kicked me, "What's going on?"

"Nothing," I smirked giddily, trying but obviously failing to hide my excitement, I'll tell her tomorrow, about my crush, I decided, It's time she knew.

Piper smiled with me, "I'm serious, lady. You look like you just won a lottery."

"Huh, maybe I just did."


"I think I just won a lottery."

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