Hangover Cure

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I limped through the halls groggily, my hoodie covering my bright pink hair and protecting me from the harsh rays of 'daytime'. Luckily, my first period teacher today was Dickers. He wouldn't mind me being 10 minutes... or an hour late.

As I pushed open the door, the class I had come to love all looked up at me. I frowned at them and looked up at the board that read, 'hangover class'.

"Heyy do you have a hangover too, Dickers?" I held out a weak fistbump as my favourite teacher eyed my up and down.

"You look like death!" he exclaimed in his high pitched voice, "Its not like you to come to class with a hangover. Did you not do your make up?"

I looked out at the class, noticing the look of shock on their faces.

"Broke up with my boyfriend, okay?" I snickered, "Couldn't sleep so I took my mum's gin."

I noticed Mitchell seemed to have a little smirk. Fuckin Mitchell. Class 'bad boy' but also 'biggest-helmet-I-know'.

He was used to me striding into class, showing off my flawless makeup and expensive jewellery. But hey, even the least special kid in 'Special K' has issues.

I put my head down again and walked to the second last row of seats, where I took my seat next to the helmet.

Alfie continued to go on about some bullshit and I rested my head on the ice cold desk, flinching as it threatened to wake me from my hangover-trance.

"Oi, lesbian one," he whispered to me in his normal braindead tone.

"You know my name," I turned my head to the side to look at him.

"Sorry, just wasn't sure it was you, aye? Used to the whole 'better-than-you' act," he retorted.

"Listen, jizzface, I'm just not in the mood today, alright?" I turned away.

For some reason, Mitchell became quiet after that. I wasn't sure if I'd upset him by not wanting to be his sparring partner that morning, but he'd always genuinely pissed me off. Some people joked that we liked each other, but I knew he liked Jing anyway. It was too obvious.

My phone buzzed. It was Chantelle. She had taught me everything I knew about makeup and fashion, plus she'd given me a few pointers on seduction.

'Back table in the cafeteria at lunch. Stephen and I are worried. Love you babe, you deserved better than that truck driver anyway.'

And Stephen, the gay man (who had never been in a relationship) who taught me everything I knew about boys. Maybe not the best idea.

I messaged back, 'Yes please. Thanks guys.'


I was slightly more awake by lunch, but still stumbled through the halls and had to go to the bathroom to puke every now and then.

I made my way to the table at the very back of the cafeteria, in the corner. A place where my little group of three went whenever we needed a private space to vent.

I sat down on top of the table, and just held my hand in my hands, sobbing. I let it all out for the first time all day.

"What did he do, babes? You guys seemed good after what happened," Chantelle pet my back.

"He- he cheated! Again!" I cried out, unable to control myself.

"Oh my god!" Stephen yelled and made a fake throw up noise, "I will KILL him!"

"Yeah, babes, we'll put bleach in his conditioner," Chantelle added.

"There's no u-" I started but was cut off by jizzface.

"Hey cumbuckets, mind if I steal Alex for a minute?" he asked.

He held a thermos in one hand and a bag in the other.

"Bad! Timing!" Stephen hissed, gesturing towards me.

"It's okay," I wiped my eyes and stood up, "He missed his chance to pick on me this morning, I owe him this one."

This helmet of a boy gestured for me to follow him, and so I did. We eventually made our way to a storage cupboard which he told me to walk into. Seemed suspicious, but Mitchell had never made me feel uncomfortable or creeped out, so I complied. I was also very curious.

He sat on a box and I sat next to him. I raised an eyebrow in a 'wtf-is-this-about-you're-wasting-my-time' way.

He quickly snapped into reality and handed me the thermos. I opened it and smelt what was inside. It smelt like rotten fish and garlic.

"What the fu-" I was cut off once again.

"Hangover cure," he explained, his tone softening and sounding not dumb for the first time ever, "Tastes absolutely terrible, but that's why I got you this."

Out of the bag, he pulled a Kit Kat bar and a Redbull. I stared at the gifts, dumbfounded. This was not the Mitchell I knew.


"I thought your entrance this morning was sick as."

There he is.

"We ain't never seen that side of ya, but it's cool. You feel more real when you're-" I tried cutting him off to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Depressed?" I, once again, raised an eyebrow.

"Honest about how you feel," he looked at me, and he seemed serious, "Plus, you not wanting to fight with me this morning made me a bit worried."


I raised the thermos and winked at him, quickly gulping it down so as to get it over and done with. I began to violently cough and splutter.

Mitchel almost instinctively unwrapped the Kit Kat bar and raised a hand to my jaw, opening my mouth himself and feeding me a piece of the Kit Kat bar. I closed my eyes, chewed and gulped. After a few seconds, he removed his hand from my jaw and smiled at me. He then opened the Redbull, took a swig for himself and went to feed me again.

"I think I can drink red bull for myself," I snatched the Redbull can and gulped it down to rid of the last lot of anchovy taste.

I quickly realised I was being difficult after what he'd done for me, and shot him a smile, "Thank you."

He smiled back at me and I put the moment we were having on hold to ask him a question.

"Why the storage locker, though?" My head tilted.

"Can't have people knowing I was looking after such a penis," he snickered and reached out a hand to help me up.

I took it and got up. I picked up the chocolate and Redbull before giving him a final smile of gratitude and opening the door to leave the storage room.

The next morning, I was at school on time like usual, I had my make up done, my signature coco butter lipbalm on, my hair curled, and I wore a tight school uniform. Everything seemed back to normal. And everything was.

Except now, Mitchell and I had bonded. And there's no going back from bonding with the bad boy.

Coco Butter Kisses - Bad Education Mitchell Harper × OCWhere stories live. Discover now