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I ran over to my best friends and wrapped my arms around them, tight. They quickly closed the doors so no more people would see what happened and become nosey and I sped over to Joe. I kneeled down next to him. I may not have really liked him in that way, but he was still a good friend. And this was still my fault.

"I'm so sorry this happened," I sighed and placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

He was laying on his side. His nose was gushing blood and as soon as I touched him he yelped. How could Mitchell hurt someone like this?

Chantelle, Stephen and I attempted to pick him up; one at one end, one at the other, and one in the middle. But Joe was way too heavy. Eventually, Chantelle and Stephen gave up on that idea and went to go get the nurse and I stayed with Joe to make sure he was okay.

My heels clicked on the tiles as I walked over to him once again and began to kneel down next to him again. The storage room was cold and dark, and, once again, we were alone. I took off my jumper, exposing my stomach slightly as I did so, and tried to cover Joe with it. But it barely even covered his chest.

"You're so small," he chuckled.

"Not a good way to compliment a girl," I moved around so that I could properly sit down next to him, "But I'll let you have it because you're probably concussed."

I peered around the barren room. The dim lighting, the quiet, the seclusion. If I was with Mitchell, I'd feel like we were the only two people in the world. I knew because I'd felt that with him in the exact same room as I was in now. But as I looked down at Joe, that just wasn't happening.

Suddenly, the nurse burst into the room.

"Thank you for all you help, but that will be all for now. I'll get Mr Fraser to talk to you about what happened. This young man may even need an ambulance."

I attempted to stifle a laugh. Shaquille Fraser? As if he'd do anything about this.

I speed walked out of the room and to Stephen and Chantelle who were waiting by the door.

"I'm sorry, Joe," I smiled slightly as I waved goodbye.

My friends guided me out and we all went to talk in the nearest girls' bathroom together. Chantelle and Stephen sat on the sinks and I stood in front of them, bags under my eyes and my hair incredibly frazzled.

"Thank you so much for coming to my rescue," I folded my arms and rested them on my body, the body that I could feel sweat dripping from, "That was so stressful. But how'd you know what was going on?"

"Some kid was running through the halls saying, 'A fat boy is being beaten up by some hot guy while he confesses his love to some hot girl,' and we knew instantly," Stephen pretended to flip hair that didn't exist behind his shoulder.

Chantelle shrugged and nodded in agreement, before raising an eyebrow, "Now you tell us what caused that!"

I hung my head in shame and sighed. I knew I would have to tell them eventually... But it was so embarrassing.

"O.M.G!" Stephen pretended to throw up, "You kissed Joe!?"

Chantelle stared daggers at me, "What happened to perky tits and finding you a real rebound?"

"It- it just kind of happened? And I was desperate... and I shouldn't have led him on, but if I'm honest, and I hate saying this but, he's a better kisser than Mitchell," tears stung my eyes, but I laughed through it.

Chantelle and Stephen laughed too.

"Of course he is, babes," Stephen rolled his eyes, "Mitchell was even more of a virgin than Joe before he met you."

"At least tell me Joe initiated the kiss?" Chantelle stared me down once more.

I nodded profusely and both her and Stephen let out sighs of relief.

"So what are you gonna do about karate kid? He's obviously not over you," Stephen stood up off the sinks.

"I told him I'd meet up with him. He can't keep fighting every straight guy I talk to, plus there's definitely more to this than I thought," I took out my phone and Chantelle got up too, to watch me send the text.

"How?" She asked me from over my shoulder.

"The reason he did it has something to do with drugs, I just know it," I closed my eyes and breathed deeply as I knew I was about to say something I never thought I would, "My mum is a drug addict. She goes missing for months at a time, sometimes. And she recently stole from someone with Cleo's last name. Not only that, Mitchell's dad is also a drug dealer..."

They both looked at me in shock, but Stephen quickly snapped back into it.

"Welcome to Abbey Grove, I guess," he remarked, and Chantelle reached behind my back to hit him.

"It's okay; I know it's wild," I pressed on Mitchell's contact and began to type, "Where should I meet him?"

"The park!" Chantelle immediately yelled, "Mysterious, but romantic!"

"But also public in case he goes mental," Stephen snapped his fingers, "Ooo do it at like 10 at night though so that no one sees you. Don't want any more drug dealer tea, if someone hears you talking about it you'll all be in shit with the cops."

I rolled my eyes a little. My friends were dumbasses, but they were right. I sent the text.

Coco Butter Kisses - Bad Education Mitchell Harper × OCWhere stories live. Discover now