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I felt a bubbling in my chest as it grew tight. It felt as though there were lasers shooting through my heart. The room felt cold and desolate. I had been betrayed by a boy once again.

Somehow, they didn't notice I was there. I watched in horror as the scene from my dream replayed itself. They finished, and Mitchell turned his head to look at me.


That's what he said? That's what I missed in the dream? All he could manage to get out was, 'Fuck.'?

A waterfall took place on my face, streaming from my eyes.

"You're just as bad as my fucking ex!" I might as well have screamed it, and I stormed off.

All the while, Mitchell was doing his best to get his pants back on quickly so he could talk to me.

"Please!" I heard him call out to me, as power walked down the hall to get to me, "It ain't what you fink!"

"That's such a cliche," I stormed off, leaving him standing there, watching me.


In class, I sat at the front next to Joe, once again, with my head on the desk. I didn't want anyone to see me in this state.

"Are you okay?" Joe whispered to me with a concerned expression on his face.

At least someone cared about me.

Alfie was calling out the roll in the background as the new deputy, his father, was cracking down on 'rules'.

"Cleo Ofoedo or however you say it."

I winced at her name and Joe picked up on it.

"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about with her and Mitchell," he tried to comfort me, "They just get along because they're both idiots."

I sighed. Joe was sweet, but so naive.

Suddenly, the door handle turned and the door slowly opened. Behind it was Mitchell, head down, wearing hoodie. He obviously didn't want anyone to see him. But, Form K was nosy. So, obviously, they all looked up at him. Apart from me.

"Has he been crying?" Joe whispered to me, "What happened?"

I turned my head to Joe, still laying on the desk, and he saw my inflamed eyes and rose red face. His eyes widened.

"He's just like every other boy," the tears started up again.

Alfie looked down at me, then up at Mitchell, then down at me, then up at Mitchell, and the cycle continued.

"Just say what you wanna say, Dickers," Mitchell remarked from under his hoodie.

His voice seemed fragile. It shook and wavered.

"Did something... happen?" He asked softly.

"None of your busi-" I cut Mitchell off.

"He's a dickhead is what happened," my voice shook just as Mitchell's did.

"Alex, we're gonna need more than that.   I think we all already knew that Mitchell's a twat," Alfie spoke softly again.

The whole class nodded in agreement.

"He fucking cheated on me, okay!?" I yelled and stood up, picking up my bag and storming out of the classroom, pushing Mitch out of the way in the process.

He just pulled his hoodie down and sat where I had been sitting. He wouldn't sit next to Cleo.

"You're an idiot," I heard Joe come to my defense from outside the door.

"You think I don't know that!?" Mitchell yelled in response and I rolled my eyes.

Obviously not. I sighed and began to stumble my way through the hallways and back home. Mitchell Harper was no longer worth my time.


I creaked open the door to my caravan and stepped in. If it was unlocked, that meant...

"Hello, beautiful," my mother looked up at me with her dark eyes, the large bags underneath them worse than ever.

Her long, brown hair was the most matted I'd ever seen it and there were more red spots up her arm than ever.

"And where have you been the past few days?" I tried to look stern, but she'd already noticed the tears in my eyes and the shake in my voice.

I was vulnerable.

"Please, babe, I got into some trouble and I just need a bit of money," she pleaded with me, "I stole from Ofoedo and I'm in deep shit if I don't pay her back."

Ofoedo... It sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Will she kill you?" I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms.

I couldn't deny that there was a twinge in my heart. I wasn't a monster. Of course I cared about my mum, but I knew the routine by now. It wasn't worth letting her get to me.

"Well... no; she's too low end for that, but she has some power in the community! She could cut off my supply or do something to try and ruin my life or-"

"The way I see it, your life's already ruined," I sighed and walked past the table where she was sitting to get closer to my room, "And cutting off your supply might get it back on track anyway."

"Come on," she continued to plead, "You don't care about me or my life. You just want me gone so that you can be alone!"

Lasers shot into my heart once again.

"All I've ever wanted is a mum!" I cried, "But you've never been one, Diane."

I used her real name and walked into my room, slamming the door behind me. I'd worked hard for my money. She was having none of it.

Now, where did I know Ofoedo from...?

My phone buzzed and I picked it up to see a message from Mitchell.

'There are no ecscuses. And no matter what the reason, I fucked up. You mite feel better thoe if you new why.'

I wasn't even in the mood to laugh at his silly typing errors.

'Leave me alone. You're right, there are no excuses.'

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