Hate ___

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The next morning I felt 10/10, better than ever. I'd finally squashed everything bad in my life. Mitchell was out of the picture, my mum had left again, Cleo had failed and Joe was... standing right in front of me.

As I walked through the halls, my makeup done up to the nines, by hair perfectly straightened, wearing my best push up bra, chipper than ever, I'd barely noticed Joe walking up to me. Oh god.

"M-morning," I stumbled over my words, not wanting to upset him after what he went through yesterday, "How ya feeling?"

I looked down at him. He was miles shorter than me... Why, oh why, did I kiss him?

"A lot better after seeing you," he smiled up at me.

God, that kiss really grew him some balls...

"How sweet," I tried to laugh him off and continue walking, but he stopped me again.

"Wanna go on a date? Maybe tonight? We could-" he was cut off, in normal Mitchell fashion.

Mitchell jumped in front of me, creating a barrier between us. His eyes were puffy and were carrying dark bags, but somehow on him, they made him look more menacing.

"Listen here, you bellend, she was lonely 'n missin my lips, not yours. So fuck off, dicktard, before I have another go at ya," he ruffled Joe's hair and Joe quickly turned and ran away, using his puffer as he did so.

I grabbed Mitchell by the tie and pressed him against a locker, putting my foot up next to him so he couldn't escape, and choking him by pulling on his tie.

"The fuck was that for!?" I yelled at him, "I can fight my own battles. And you've just scared that poor boy!"

I could tell he could feel my breath on his face, but he didn't seem to mind it.

"Oh, you naughty little bitch!" everyone was staring at us at this point, so he whispered the next thing in my ear, "You know if we were in bed right now that wouldn't fly."

I felt my cheeks burning up, and in a moment of weakness, my grasp on his tie loosened. Mitchell used the opportunity to slide away, and as I watched him strut off, I clenched my fists. My good mood was already ruined, after barely five minutes at school. Little dickhead...


I got into class early and reclaimed my seat next to Mitchell before Cleo got there. I didn't particularly want to sit next to him, but better him than Joe at that point. Mitchell seemed surprised to see me sit down next to him.

"Miss me already?" He leaned back in his seat with a smug smile on his face, "Quite a show you put on in the halls. Everyone's talking about it."

I rolled my eyes and looked ahead, "I'll kick your ass next time you say something like that."

"Gosh, I really corrupted the good girl, didn't I? People aren't even surprised to see you acting up now."

Alfie walked in to see me sitting next to Mitchell, glaring towards the front of the classroom as Mitch seemed calm and collected.

"Why are you guys-" he paused and looked at us.

"Better him than Joe, right?" Stephen guessed and turned around to look at me, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded before putting my head down.

He knew me too well at this point. Joe flopped his head onto the desk and Mitchell's smile faded. That was the only reason I was sitting next to him, and he did not seem too smug about that.

"Okay, I'm not poking that situation with a ten foot pole," Alfie clenched his teeth slightly.

"Me either, it seems," Mitchell winked at me, so I stomped on his foot.

He yelped out in pain and the entire class laughed.

"Right, that's it!" Mitchell stood up and grabbed my hand, storming me out of the classroom with him.

"What are you-"

"Should we do something about that?" Alfie looked around the class.

"I bet you ten bucks they're just going to have hate sex," Chantelle shrugged.

And she also knew me all too well. Mitchell stormed me to the store room and pressed me up against a shelf, roughly making out with me, and every now and then licking and biting my neck. I moaned from the pleasure. I missed this, even if he was shit at it.

"You have no idea how much I've missed making you moan like that," he groaned.

"But this doesn't mean-"

"I know, just shut up and let me fuck you! You've been acting out all day, I need to put you in your place!"

I groaned at his words, and jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around him. He caught me and held my by the ass, as I left hickeys all down his neck.

He put me down on the floor and began to undo my shirt.

"You're a piece of shit, you know that, Mitchell?" I moaned.

"And you're fucking filthy!"

And thus began mind blowing, meaningless hate sex that would continue to happen every day for a month at the least. Well, at least until...


I was sitting on a long bench at the back of the storage room, moaning with Mitchell as we both had the most amazing sex either of us had had since we started this.

"I'm gonna-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Oh, fuck, I love you," the three words seemed to slip out, just as he did as soon as he said it, "I mean-"

We both stood up properly and I began to pull my underwear back on. Moment ruined.

"I didn't mean it like-"

"I know how you meant it," I kissed him on the cheek and shot him a, very obviously, fake smile before walking off and out of the room.

He didn't mean it the way I wanted...

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