Remember it Tomorrow - Finale

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'Finally,' My breath had nothing to do but sink into the warmth embracing me and, 'Finally,' was the only word my mind could come up with.

No drama, no Mitchell. Just me, my bed and the weekend. Well, it felt that way. But phones exist. So, almost on queue, 'buzz buzz, buzz buzz.'

"Yes?" I knew I sounded exhausted and pissed off, mostly because I was.

"Don't sass me, you've got a party to be getting to!" Chantelle yelled excitedly through the phone.

Instead of my heart sinking as it had earlier that day while talking to Mitchell, my heart began to pound and my chest tightened. I'd forgotten I agreed to that...

"There'll be college boys!" Chantelle's attempt at tempting me was definitely working.

"I'm in!" I squealed through the phone, "Get to my place, with Stephen, right now and help me pick out an outfit."

That night, I was on the prowl. And I was getting over Mitchell.


I stood in between the two most supportive friends I'd ever have, arms linked with both of them. All three of our heels clicked against the stairs leading into what would be the most important night of my life.

"Ready to get so drunk we won't remember it tomorrow?" I beamed.

"100%!" Stephen yelled and we all 'whooped' as we walked through the door.

And that is exactly what we did, sort of.

"Who's up for some drinking games!?" Chantelle yelled once inside.

Music thumped so loudly I could feel it, and I already knew this night would be a fun one.


"Never have I ever hooked up with someone at school," Stephen looked over at me with persecuting eyes.

"Another shot for Miss Alex?" A broad and slightly overweight, but in a cute way, college football player handed me a shot glass full of vodka.

"Of course!" I was so drunk I could barely even think, so I opened my mouth for him to pour it in.

The meat-headed boy, however, had a different idea. He opened his mouth and took the shot himself, before directly transferring the alcohol from his mouth to my own. After the shot had gone down though, his mouth didn't seem to pull away. And neither did mine. The first person I'd kissed since Mitch. And it was all a haze.

All I know, is that we didn't stop. The boy whose name I don't believe I will ever know and I stumbled our way up the stairs, often tumbling, but eventually making it to a spare room.

We touched, we groaned, we yelled. Raw, soft skin on smooth skin, in between delicate bed sheets. I gave all of myself to him, and all thoughts of Mitchell floated away just as my sobriety had an unimaginable number of shots ago.

Ruining this feeling, a sound filled my ears. The sound of a stumble? The sound of shoes? A thump? It's all too hazy. But no matter what the sound was, the door flew open.

"Oh for fucks sake!" That same daft voice sounded around the poor host's room, though annoyingly distorted in my drunken state.

The shouting startled me completely and I fell off of the college boy and onto hard wood floors.

"What's his name!?" Mitchell looked at me to answer.

I sat and stared up at him from the floor, barely able to speak.

"What's this guy's name?" He repeated himself, and the boy sat up, covering his increasingly flacid penis with a blanket.

"I- I donno," I stumbled through my words.

"Exactly!" He finished shouting at me and turned to my... partner, "You use drunk girls often, wanktard?"

"I didn't mean to-" he was cut off.

"You're sober and you're fucking a drunk girl who's probably five years younger than ya!" He continued and the boy quickly stood up with the blanket around his naked body, closing the door behind him.

Mitchell took a deep breath and ran over to the other side of the bed where my dazed self sat, about to pass out. He took my hands and pulled me up, before carefully placing my exposed body back down on the bed.

"How'd- how you know?" I tried to get answers as Mitch pulled a duvet over my bare self, "How you know I'll be here?"

He tried to choke down a laugh, "You asked me to go with ya when ya found out this party 'appened every year."

I sighed happily and let out a cheeky smile as Mitchell moved around the bed and sat down next to me to keep watch so I could safely pass out.


Brightness pierced holes through my eyes, though they were closed, and sheets were the only thing encasing my cold body.

'Where the fuck am I?' The thought rang through my head.

I remembered drinking, I remembered that boy, but where the fuck had I ended up? My eyes slowly opened themselves, I was afraid of what I might see. And rightly so, as my naked self stared over to my right to see a fully clothed, over the blankets Mitchell.

I screamed and almost fell off of the bed again, but strong arms broke my fall and my head was pulled into a warm chest.

"I didn't do anyfing last night, if that's what you're worried about," he was daft, but his voice was soft, and he was sensitive.

Still though, I pushed him away.

"W-what did happen then?" Mitchell could see how the bright lights were hurting me, and he got up and closed the curtains.

"You-" I could see his skin grow red hot, he was angry with the blaze of a thousand suns, but he managed to calm himself down, "Some stupid 20-something took advantage of you, but I stopped him."

Memories began to flood back, and I was suddenly so grateful for Mitch being in my life.

I stood up and began to put my clothes back on as Mitchell pretended not to watch.

"You know... It's the weekend," I hugged the boy I loved from behind and kissed him on the cheek, "We do have to get out of this stranger's house, but after that... We could go snuggle at my place... like old times?"

Mitchell flung himself around and took my head in his hands, connecting our lips. And for the first time since before we broke up, everything was electrical. Mitchell's love was magic, and no matter what, we would be together. I knew in that moment that nothing would keep us apart.

"I fucking love you," I breathed through his lips.

"I love you too," he whispered in my ear and grabbed my hand.

The world was ours.

So uh,,,, finale hey???? I really wanna do some extra chapters of what life is like after tho and them telling their friends,,,, so if you're interested in that let me know!! Thank you so much for supporting me and reading, I knew in a million years expected my shitty little story to blow up this much, so thanks, babes. Xx

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