The Park at 10pm

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I made my way through the entrance to the park. Well, more of a field with picnic benches than a park.

I wore comfortable sneakers, unlike my normal heels, a hoodie and some tracksuit pants. I felt dew sitting on the overly long grass pierce through my socks and make my ankles and feet damp and cold. I just wanted to get this over with.

I saw a boy shaped like Mitchell, and wearing his clothes, sitting on a table a few metres away. A street light shone on him, cutting through the darkness. This really felt like some weird, teenage James Bond movie.

I made my way over to the bench and sat on the table next to him, pulling off my hoodie. He took his off as well, and did something I would not expect him to do in a million years.

He immediately pulled me into a tight embrace. I felt his large hands around my waist for the first time in what felt like forever. He nestled his chin in the crook of my neck, and he seemed to be taking in my scent. I couldn't help myself, and I hugged him back.

"Earlier," he whispered into my ear, "When I said that I loved you, that was a lie. Because I still do love you."

I immediately pushed him off of me and sat further away from him. I needed to stay strong. Of course I loved him too but...

"That's not what I'm here for," an intense gaze spread across my face, "You kept saying you wanted to tell me the reason you did it. This is your chance."

Mitchell looked down. He seemed hurt and ashamed, as he should have been.

"I was going to sit in the storage room that morning and Cleo followed me in," he began to explain, his words heavy, "She noticed we were a prized couple."

His face seemed to light up as he reminisced on how perfect we were, which only made me feel worse. Not for him, though.

"She explained something. It was weird to hear it come from her. I fought we was friends," he looked down, "She said her mum was a drug dealer, and that your mum had stolen some expensive shit from her. The plan was smart. She does business with her mum, doin' the dirty work."

I couldn't believe the words coming from his mouth. They seemed to flow from him and instead of go into my ears, they pierced holes through my skull and attacked my mind. All of this stupid teenager drama was really initiated by some huge drug scheme?

He continued, his voice growing colder, "Cleo knew you was the one providin' your mum with money, so if you was hurt and stopped goin' to work, your mum would go bankrupt too. Obviously I wa'n't gonna do that. I had no reason to. She tried to bribe me by saying she'd tell everyone about my dad if I didn't... fuck 'er. Then she'd slowly destory your life which would destroy your mum's. Everyone already knows about my dad so I didn't really give a monkey's bollocks. And even if they didn't, it weren't worth cheating on you."

What was this fucking movie plot? Was I in High School Musical: Drug Edition? I could barely even believe what Mitch was saying, mainly because it was preposterous. Why would high schoolers get involved so heavily in this?

"That was until," he tried to grab my hand but I pulled it swiftly away, "She told me about your mum."

I looked up at him for the first time in what felt like a long time, with a glint of trust within me. I never told him about my mum. There's no way he could know that unless this was all true. I blushed a little and grabbed his hand again. He wasn't lying to me.

This made him excited, I could tell, but he continued explaining.

"She threatened to tell everyone about your mum unless I f-"

"Yes, I heard you the first time, I SAW you the first time, no need to say it again," I barked.

He nodded and sighed.

"I don't expect you to forgive me or nufin', but I want you to know it weren't selfish. In a very twisted way, I did it for you."

I leaned in to kiss him, but just as our lips parted and almost met, I closed my mouth again and pulled away. I pulled my hand away as well. And I saw the hurt manifest in his eyes again. They grew cold and dark, as they had been when he saw me kissing Joe.

"I can't do this," I mumbled slightly and as our eyes met, I could almost feel the tears forming in his eyes, "The cheating thing might not be so bad anymore... But I stand by you being a monster!"

I quickly stood up and stared him down through the light.

"So, what is it then!?" His ugliest side was showing again, "Joe got a bigger dick than me!? Joe got a better fuck than me!? Joe more sensitive than me!? Cuz I sure as hell don't remember you minding me being a little rough around the edges when I fucked you!"

He moved closer to me, obviously trying to make me desperate for him... He wanted me to touch him and remember how it felt.

"I don't remember you minding waking up in my sheets with my arms around you, strong, warm," he wrapped his arms around my waistline, but I was stronger than that.

I pushed him down and he fell into the dewy grass.

"I don't love Joe. Anyone could see that. So there was no need for you to punch him up, you know that. And you're the one who cheated on me."

I quickly ran off. This could only get worse.

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