Awkward Beach

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Hey guys sorry this one is all over place with drama but whatever I also wanted to say...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL CLIFFORD!!!❤❤❤


Sam's P.O.V

So this morning when Lyla woke me and Mikey up I was shocked/surprised and excited. Shocked: to be woken up so early and by having someone bang on the door yelling. Surprised: to wake up next to Mikey with his arm around me and, we were just in our underwear! Excited: to get breakfast and more importantly to wake up next to Mikey with his arm around me In. My. Underwear! "So um breakfast...?" I said trying to break the tension as me Mikey stumbled for our clothes "Are we going to talk about...umm... Well you know how we woke up?" Mikey asked stuttering not sure how to brining up "Ya we probably should, but can we at least have breakfast first?" I asked "Oh god I love you I...I mean that idea I love that idea." Mikey said again stuttering over not know what to say, I just laughed. When we go downstairs everyone is already seated and eating so me and Mikey just slip in grab a plate and some bacon and waffles. " Piper aren't you going to tell Sam, Mikey Jessie and Calum what happened this morning?" Lyla asked breaking the silence with her mouth full. Pipers eyes widened looking at Luke "Umm sure so... Luke made breakfast this morning." Piper lied "No not that silly the other thing." Ashton said with a grin "Want to know what I'll tell 'em!" Luke said "Are you sure?" Piper added "Ya." Luke said squeezing Pipers hand with a smile as he stood up "Me and Piper kissed this morning and Morgan and Ashton walked in on us." Luke said very proud. "Does this mean you two are dating?" Jessie asked curiously "Well um..." Luke looked down at Piper not sure what to say "Ya we are!" Piper said standing up proud and happy. Luke and Piper gave each other a big hug and Luke kissed her on the nose. "That's nice guys," said Calum "but not at the table." As he pretended to gag.

*After breakfast*

Sam's P.O.V

"So guys what are we going to do today?" Jessie questioned "How about the beach?" Mikey chimed in which was followed by a choir of "Ya sounds good!" From everyone else including my self. "Okay well we can take my moms van and stop at everyone's houses and grab there suits then head to the beach." Offered Ashton "Perfect!" Calum said clearly very excited. As I was walking out the door with everybody else somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me back "Hey!" I shouted "Hey calm down its just me." Said Lyla "Ok well what do you want?" I say my heart still racing "So umm this is a little awkward but this morning before I banged on you door to wake you up I tried knocking on the door but there was no answer I just went because I know you heavy sleeper an-" "Ya I know you saw me and Mikey I don't know what happened so I'm going to talk to him later so if you see us talking don't come over or let anybody else. Ok? I asked "Of course!" "HURRY UP!" Calum yelled from the van as we ran out the door.

*At the beach

Sam's P.O.V

"Come on don't just sit on the beach lets go swimming!" Jessie said standing up as she ran to the water "Ya come one guys!" Calum said trailing behind Jessie. Seeing that we were being left behind we all got up and followed into the water, me and Jessie jumped in right away getting totally soaked while Piper and Lyla eased in as it was kinda chilly. Then Luke grabbed Piper and dunked her "LUKE!!!!" Piper yelled coming up soaked with hair in her face Luke just laughed, Lyla ran up behind Ashton and jumped on his back and pushed him under the water "Really?!?!" Ashton snapped "Ya!" Lyla said giggling. Next thing you know we're having a 4 way chicken fight, me and Mikey, Ashton and Lyla, Jessie and Calum and Piper and Luke. (I know shocker right?) So with the girls on the guys back we all went chasing after each other the guys pushing and shoving the girls kicking their feet and shoving the girl on top to shake their balance. Me and Mikey went after Piper and Luke first and Jessie and Calum went after Lyla and Ashton, after about 5 mins of shoving between me and Mikey and Piper and Luke, Mikey swiped Luke's leg and they went falling down like a tree! Then we went over to where Calum and Jessie and Lyla and Ashton were pushing each other Mikey went up to Calum and shoved him over like nothing then we went over to Ashton and Lyla where we struggled for a little bit me and Lyla had each others hands pushing and pulling while Mikey and Ashton were doing the same then finally between Mikey pushing Ashton back and me pulling Lyla forward we knocked them down! "Woo-Hoo!" I yelled as Mikey took me off his shoulders and hugged me I lifted my feet up as he spun around with me in his arms. Then all of a sudden everyone snuck up on us and knocked us over as we came thrashing out of the water shocked at suddenly being pushed under water we heard everyone laughing. "Guys I'm starved," said Calum "I grabbed some snacks before we left lets go get them." "Awesome!" Said Jessie. After we inhaled all the snack Calum brought Ashton said "Hey Lyla can I talk to you privately for a sec?" "Sure." Replied Lyla as they walked off a long the beach "Speaking of which I need to talk to you too." Mikey said looking at me "Ya" I said walking off with Mikey in the oppisite direction of Ashton and Lyla. "So I just wanted to talk to you know?" Mikey said looking at me and then back at his feet "Ya ok but before we do I kinda have a confession so you know last night when carried me up to bed because you thought I was sleeping?" "Ya" Mikey said with a questioning tone in his voice "Well I wasn't really sleeping, well I was at first but when I felt you picking me up it was so sweet I just pretended to be asleep... Sorry. Ps I liked the kiss though." I said with a half smirk "Oh really now?" Mikey said slightly turning his head side ways with his mouth open faking being offended "Okay well now that I came clean can you explain why this morning I woke up next to you with your arm around me and all you had on was boxers." I said putting extreme emphasis on the word boxers " "Okay so what happened was... I don't know I sleep in my boxers and I didn't want to sleep on the floor and i thought i was kinda picking up a vibe from you so I kinda just lurched on the edge of the bed but then once I was asleep I guess subconsciously I just rolled over and put my arm around you. Sorry." Mikey said shrugging with a very apologetic look on his face "It's okay," I said "and you weren't wrong about the vibe..." I said trailing off at the end looking down at my feet then as Mikey lifted my head up by my chin he looked me in the eyes and said "Your not the only one." I head the biggest smile on my face and Mikey had the same I jumped into his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around his around my waist and spun us around "Wait." I said putting my hands on his shoulders looking his in the eyes "does this mean were... Like dating?" I asked "I want to if you do." Mikey said I answered by kissing him on the lips.

Hey guys sorry again for the long dramatic chapter I hope you liked it thanks for all the votes and comments keep them coming :)

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