The accident pt. 1

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Hey guys so this might be a multiple part thing with really short chapter or one really long one I haven't decide you'll figure it out I guess :)

Sam's P.O.V

*Bzzzz bzzzz* "huh? Oh fricken phone!" I said spring up in my bed. I woke up this afternoon at like 1:00pm I would have slept far far later if my phone hadn't decide to scare the hell out of me and wake me up! last night after Mikey dropped me off at my house at like 5pm I decide to just lay in my room listening to music and eating Nutella out of the jar with a spoon then eventually at like 4am I finally passed out so that explains why I slept in so late and woke up with Nutella on my face. Once I was finally awake enough to actually find the motivation to look for my phone I dug through my bed for about 5 minutes to find my phone before I flung my blanket up in the air and then i saw my phone go flying across my bedroom and hit my wall and fall to the ground "crap!" I yelled running to my phone to make sure I didn't break not a scratch or a crack "thank god I have a life proof case" I thought to myself as I climbed back into bed with my phone. When I was snuggled back in under my blankets I clicked my home button and saw a text from "Mikey!😍" Because that was his name in my phone I slid my finger across my phone to the right and typed in my password and clicked on my message app I saw the message from Mikey

M: hey baby I'm super excited for our date tonight you still good to go?

S: hey! Of course I'm crazy excited too ill see you at the keg at 6:30

M: bye! 😘

S: later! 😘

Sam's P.O.V

So because it was only one o'clock when I woke up and texted Mikey back I realized I still had 5 and a half hours till I had to be at the restaurant and looking kinda presentable the opposite of how I looked right now. I figured that if i started getting ready at 3 i would have the perfect amount of time do get ready so I kinda just laid about for 3 hours listening to music, watching tv and just checking all my social media sites tumblr, Facebook, twitter and basically being lazy the usual. then when I checked the clock it was 3 o'clock "I should probably start getting ready now." I said rolling my lazy butt off the couch and slowly shuffling to the bathroom for my shower. Once I got to the bathroom I got the water turned on to almost scolding hot because I needed to wake up and that was the only way I knew how. "Uh" I gasped as I hopped in the shower I loved hot showers but they still shock you when you first jump in that's the waking up part. As soon as I was adjusted to the burning sensation the water gave me I started to wash my hair I started scrubbing it as hard as I could trying to make my hair as bubbly as possible the once my finger and scalp were tried of scrubbing and being scrubbed I rinsed the bubbles from my hair just as I was about to hop out I remembered "shit I have to shave!" I said grabbing my razor and some shave cream. once I got my legs covered in shaving cream and scrapped it all away with my razor I rinsed the rest of the shaving cream off my legs and actually got out of the shower this time then I turned off the water grabbed my towel and quickly ran to my bedroom once I was in my room I plugged my phone into my speaker and blared my music "if you can't hang" by sleeping my sirens played I screamed along the lyrics as I ripped a brush through my hair trying to get out all the knots then I grabbed my blow dryer and turned it to max to make it go faster I would have taken my time but the shower went longer because I forgot I had to shave and I had to take my time other wise I would have cut my leg when I got my hair dry I realized I hadn't picked out my outfit yet I went to my closet and the first thing that caught my eye was this little red dress that flares out at the bottom but is tight all along the torso then I only have one pair of heels and their red so it was perfect! Then I went to my drawer to grab underwear and bra and I saw these cute pair of black nylons with little black hearts all over them "these would look perfect!" I said grabbing them and throwing them on my bed with my dress and shoes. Now that I had my outfit picked out I decide I wanted to curl my hair so I pulled out my curling iron and curled my blonde hair into big long loose curls after that I just put on some simple make up concealer mascara and black eyeliner. "Perfect!" I said "well except for the fact I still have to get dressed but close enough!" I said as I walked to my bed and grabbed my clothes for the night and threw them on then I looked in the mirror to see how I looked for the night "good now I just need some jewellery" I said walking to the jewellery box I've had since I was 6 I picked out a pair of black heart earrings and put them in then I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:20 "shit I go to go!" I said as I ran to the door grabbing my phone and little black clutch purse on my way out. once I got to the door I saw my black leather jacket hanging on the hook I grabbed it and threw it on I looked down at my outfit now and smiled I had a very simple good girl look and with the black leather jacket it gave it the perfect edge to the outfit. I ran outside and jumped in my car and started driving to the restaurant. I was about 5 minutes from the restaurant and it was only 6:22 I was going to be right on time I thought to myself, then I heard a loud honk and everything went black...


Mikey's P.O.V

It was 6:25 and I was at the restaurant I had talked the hostess and she had brought me to our table I sat their by myself and I felt kinda awkward I didn't want to order anything without her because its kinda rude but I thought she would be happy if there was food here when she got here I didn't know so I just decided not to order any food because I don't really know what she likes.

Sam's P.O.V

As I laid there in the crumbled wreck that is my car I couldn't bring my self to open my eyes and see what was going on around me but i could feel something wet trickle down my face from my forehead i assumed it was blood so I just laid there with my eyes closed praying that I would last long enough that I could say goodbye to my family and friends.


Mikey's P.O.V

It was 6:30 and I was starting to get a little worried but I just brushed it off though "eh it's Sam she's always a little late." I thought to myself "she's probably having trouble with her outfit or something she always like to dress to impress!" I thought to myself laughing a little under my breath.

Sam's P.O.V

I think about 15 minutes has passed since I was in the wreck and there is a sharp pain seizing through my entire body causing tears to well up in my eyes and its getting worse as the time goes by. I hear a few cars stop at where I'm laying and I hear a lady yell "call 9/11!" as I open my eyes and lift my head up to see what's going on around me I see a huge chunk of metal is covering most of my legs I cringe just looking at it. I see this then I put my head back down and close my eyes hoping this is just some twisted dream.


Mikey's P.O.V

Ok now I'm seriously beginning to get worried Sam is never this late she usual shows up at the exact time she's supposed to be there or maybe 5 minutes late tops plus when she is running late she'll normally texts especially me because she knows I worry, especially about her.

Sam's P.O.V

I continued to lay there in the rubble of my car most of my limbs covered in mashed up pieces of cars and scrap metal. I could hear the people standing outside talking about what they should do and what happened and then everything like that then every once in a while a lady with a very calm soothing voice would say something like "sweetie are you okay in there?" Or "don't worry honey help is coming." I would never responded I was to shaken up by all of this to talk or even react for that matter I just lied there in the wreck and rubble waiting for death.


Mikey's P.O.V

I can't believe it she's half an hour late! and I haven't even heard from her, when or, hell if she ever gets here she better have a damn good excuse as to why she is so fricken late! I can't believe her!

Sam's P.O.V

I'd say its been about half and hour since my accident and I finally heard a siren in the distance as it came speeding up to the scene I heard it get louder and louder. When I the paramedics got out of the ambulance I could hear them run to me yelling some random doctor jibberish they got the big piece of metal off my legs and dragged me out of my car because I couldn't move a single muscle. the paramedics plopped me on a stretcher and ran me to the ambulance they brought me into the ambulance and laid me down on the bed in the back and slammed the door behind us "ok kid I need you to keep your eyes open do not close can you do that for us?" One paramedic said as he shined a light in my eyes it took all of my strength but I finally sputtered out 3 words "I need Michael." And then it all went black again.


Mikey's P.O.V

"I can't believe her! I can't believe she would do this to me I thought she really liked me! God I guess I was just kidding myself!" I thought to my self standing up from table after waiting for Sam for an hour I grabbed my coat and stormed out of the restaurant just pissed that I got stood up *bzzz bzzz, bzzz bzzz* my phone went off I was getting a call I checked to see who it was "unknown name?" I muttered to myself confused I decide to pick it up "hello?" I asked "Yes hello is this Michael Clifford?" A very hushed and almost sympathetic voice asked "yes... Who is this?" "Michael I am very sorry to tell you your girlfriend Samantha jones was checked in to the hospital she was in a car accident."

Holy crap now wasn't that the worth wait guys!!! OMG I had chills writing that so this might have a couple of parts to it just to let you know so these next few chapters are going to take a while to update :)

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