You are not in charge of my life!

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Piper's P.O.V.

My eyes widen as Michael growled at me and Luke, I gripped Luke's hand tighter as my breathing became heavier and shaky. "What the hell were you two thinking?!" Michael shouted at us coming closer. Sam gripped his arm and tried to hold him back but her small body just moved as he did. "Michael please calm down" Sam hesitantly whispered to Michael, her eyes wide. "No! Piper! You are sixteen!" Michael shouted again in my face. Luke calmly looked over at Michael. "Michael, don't speak to Piper like that." Michael quickly turned his head and glared at him. "Don't you dare tell me what to fucking do! You got my sister pregnant!" Michael said lowly, yanking his arm away from Sam and using it to shove Luke up against the wall. I gasped, terrifying of what Michael would do to Luke I held Luke's hand tighter and began sobbing, begging for Michael to let Luke go. Even though I was a wreck and Michael was furious and Sam seemed in shock over how Michael was behaving, Luke seemed completely calm and unchanged. He spoke softly with a straight face "Michael. Piper and I are young but I love her and I'm not leaving her and if she wants the child we're gonna keep it and Piper and I are gonna raise it." "No!" Michael yelled as his face got redder. "Piper is sixteen! She is not having this baby!" I gasped then got really upset and shoved Michael. "You are not in charge of my life! If I want this baby no one can stop me! Not you! Not mom and dad! Not even Luke!" I burst into tears again and went running out. I ducked around the outside of the house and hid in my old tree house in the back yard. I curled up in my old sleeping bag and laid down and sighed thinking about everything that this baby would change. I fell asleep thinking about what Michael and I's knew life would be like. I was woken up an hour later by Sam gently poking at me "Piper? Wake up. I wanna talk" she said softly to me as she prodded at my back. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes "what do you wanna talk about?" I asked, yawning and rubbing my eyes. Sam sighed, looking down at her fidgeting hands. "Im sorry about Michael...." she said softly. "Look Sam," I began "its fine, well its not fine, but Mikes my brother, I'm used to it" I shrugged. "You're used to him being crazy like this?" Sam raised an eyebrow at me. I laughed slightly and shrugged "Am I mad at Mikey? Sorta. Am I shocked he reacted this way? Not at all. Do I blame him for reacting the way he did? Well I don't know... I mean I think he's allowed to be pissed or scared or worried or whatever he's actually feeling but I mean he seriously needs to handle it better but like I said I'm used to it I've been putting up with this shit for 16 years" I shrugged, smiling softly for the first time in a while. Sam gave me a small laugh and rolled her eyes "Siblings are weird." I simply laughed and nodded then hugged her tight "Thank you" I whispered gently to her. Sam hugged back and laughed slightly "For what?" She asked, "For everything" I replied "You're so good to my brother but you're still a good friend and you always have his back but you still call him on his bullshit when its needed." I smiled at her as I pulled back and looked at her. Sam just smiled and blushed faintly, "Well of course," she began "I mean we've been best friends forever and nothings gonna change that but I am crazy about your brother." She blushed a little harder. I just smiled and laughed then sighed slightly and turned to a more serious note, "How mad is he?" Sam bit her lip and looked away. I just nodded "Yeah thats what I thought..." I sighed and stood then shrugged. "Well its time to face him." I smiled slightly, patted Sam on the shoulder then climbed down the tree. I looked at the house and bit my lip then slowly walked inside through the back door. "Hello?" I called out not as loud as I could've secretly hoping no one would hear me. I continued to slowly creep through my own house feeling absolutely terrified when I start to hear laughter. "What the fuck...?" I mumbled to myself as I followed the sound of the laughter down the hall and into the door way of the living room. What I saw literally scared the fucking shit out of me. It was Michael and Luke sitting on the couch surrounded by empty cans of beer laughing there heads off and playing Call of Duty getting slaughtered. I couldn't help but laugh, just a while ago they were at each others throats trying to kill each other and now they were smashed and best buds again. I guess I was laughing a little too hard because they heard and both turned around. "Hey! Theres my prego little sister!!" Michael laughed and opened his arms to me. "Get over here with my little niece or nephew!" He smiled wide and laughed. I giggled and walked over to him and hugged him tight. "Glad to see you're feeling better about all of this." "Well of course I am! You have a little baby in you! And its my best friends baby!" Michael smiled wide at me then hugged Luke tight and Luke laughed and hugged back too. "My teeny tiny baby!" Luke smiled at my belly and rubbed in gently. I smiled and laughed at the two of them. "So how many beers did it take to get you two this happy?" Luke laughed and looked around at the table, floor and couch, tried counting the beers in his head then laughed and shrugged "At least two!" Michael burst out in a fit of laughter, he fell over on to his back and started tearing up he was laughing so hard and when Luke saw how hard Michael was laughing and he broke down and started laughing just as hard as Michael. I laughed softly to myself and stood up leaving my brother and the father of my unborn child laughing on the couch like two children. I smiled down at the two of them then walked through the house and out the back door to my back yard. "Hey Sam!" I called out to the treehouse. "Yeah?" She responded, popping her head out of the treehouse. "Get in here, you gotta see this!" I laughed, she raised her eyebrow slightly in confusion then climbed out of the tree and walked back into the house with me. We walked into the living room and there the boys were, laughing their heads off harder than ever, Sam looked at me and started laughing too. "What're they laughing at?" I smiled and laughed slightly then shrugged. "I don't even know." Sam smiled and walked over to Michael and shook him. "Babe, take a breath what the hell are you laughing so hard at?" Sam smiled down at him, Michael looked up at Sam, took a deep breath then shrugged. "I don't even know!" He laughed slightly. I rolled my eyes at Michael then smiled and walked over to Luke. "Okay sweetheart now that everyones feeling a little better why don't I take you home?" Luke grinned up at me and nodded quickly then jumped up and hugged me tight. "You're so pretty" Luke cooed at me "Thanks baby" I laughed slightly and put my hand on his back and his arm around my shoulders as i helped him walk outside. "Okay guys, I think I'm gonna stay at Luke's tonight to keep an eye on him so I'll swing by sometime tomorrow" I smiled and waved slightly as me and Luke walked out to his car.

Once (I of course) drove us back to Luke's place I helped him out of he car and into his house. He stumbled himself through the front and right into the living room, he tripped over his own feet and face planted on the couch. I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly as I walked over to him. "Luke you're a drunk mess, lets get you into bed."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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