Piercing and Dye!

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Hey guys so I just put out an authors not so I don't really know what to say but just FYI the girls out fits are in the pic so I tried to describe them as best as I could but if u want a better pic u can find it :)

Piper's P.O.V

This morning when I woke up it was 9:00am now normally I would of just checked my phone for the time and just rolled over and went back to bed but this morning when I checked my phone I saw that I had a text from Luke from 5 minutes ago.

(Piper and Luke's convo)


L:Good morning baby 😘😘😘

P: It is now that I got a text from you...😉😘

L: well aren't you cute...☺

P: I know lol!😜

L: anyways what's up? 😋

P: I just got up hbu?

L: I just got up too then I have band practice from 11-12 and I promised the guys I would hang for a bit

P: cool well that's good cuz I promised the girls I would hang too but I didn't want to turn you down😇

L: okay well then if we're both busy for the day want to go out tonite? 😏

P: I'd love too! See ya at 6:30?

L: perfect ill see ya later! 😊😘

P: see ya 😘😊

Pipers P.O.V

So now that I was awake and I had plans for this evening with Luke I wanted to get a hold of the girls so we could talk about what we were doing for today.

(Piper, Jessie, Lyla and Sam's convo)


P: hey guys so we had talked about hanging out today so what do you want to do? 😋

J: umm idk?

Ly: we could go to the beach

S: mall?

P: I'm down with the mall 😄

Ly: sames!

J: sounds good

P: ok well the boys have band practice from 11-12 then they're all hanging out so we could go watch them play then when the boys go hang we could too! Sound good?

S: Hells ya😜

J: sure

Ly: noice

P: k surprise the boys at Ashton's at 11 bye! 😎

Piper's P.O.V

It was 9:30 and I had to be at Ashton's house in an hour and a half so I needed to start getting ready so I pulled my hair out of the messy bun I put it in to to sleep. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower once I got it nice and warm I hopped in I grabbed shampoo and put it in my hands and started scrubbing my hair then I took the left overs on my hands and scrubbed it on my body "it does the same thing right?" I thought to my self as I rinsed the bubbles off my body and out of my hair I jumped out and turned off the water and wrapped towel around me and another one around my hair to try and take the water out of it then I headed to my room so I could pick out some clothes I wasn't to worried about what I should wear so I decide to just wear my grey leggings my grey tee shirt with a computer on it that says nothing but net then a darkish green kinda army camo shirt to wear over top with my dark grey and turquoise keds then I brushed my hair and teeth and grabbed my phone to check the time to see that it was 10:45 "god dammit I'm always late!" I said running out the door to Ashton's house.

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