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Hey guys so because they did it for me I would like to dedicate this chapter too 1Dand5SOSBUTT I hope you like it!

Sam's P.O.V

I was still laying in the hospital my entire body still a little sore but I was definitely getting better my mental state was great when I was first checked into the hospital I was anxious and stressed but my stress and anxiety became less and less every time Mikey came to visit me. He unfortunately had just left and I had also just taken my meds the doctor said it was a pain killer, a muscle relaxant and one that helped me sleep better. once I choked down the pills the nurse changed the bandage on my head when she took off the gauze wrap I saw in the reflection of the tv I had a huge gash across my forehead it was a deep long cut that was going to leave quite the scar it took my breath away I couldn't believe what I was seeing I hadn't looked in a mirror since the day of the accident my face was littered with scratches and I had a black eye I had seen the small scratches and light bruises on my body but my face was obviously the worst my hand raised towards my forehead to where my cut was my fingers traced it I hissed at the pain but kept lightly touching it as I got used to the stinging sensation pulsing through my head as I did so when I saw the nurse walking back my way with a new gauze wrap and disinfectant rub I dropped my hands to my sides pretending I wasn't just touching it. Once the nurse had re wrapped my head and took away my empty tray she looked back at me "get some rest Sam." she said softly with a small smile "I will." I said in a hushed voice returning the small smile then she walked out of my room and quietly closed the door behind her I reached up above my head to turn out the light I snuggled underneath the scratchy hospital blankets they weren't great but they would do and I feel fast asleep.

Ashton's P.O.V

I'm worried about Sam I hope she's getting better but honestly I'm more worried about Mikey he's just been off lately.

Calum's P.O.V

I'm worried about Sam but I think she's getting better which is good, on the other hand I don't think Mikey is he seems so distant.

Luke's P.O.V

I really hope Sam is getting better Mikey hasn't told us anything bad so she must be unfortunately I think Mikey is keeping a lot bottled up I wish he would just talk to us.

Lyla's P.O.V

I hope we get to see Sam soon I really miss her maybe tomorrow I'll swing by to see her but until then I might try to talk to Mikey there something wrong with him I just don't know what?

Jessie's P.O.V

Man I can't wait to go see Sam, Mikey said she was fine but I would still like to to see her but even though she might be fine I don't think Mikey is...

Piper's P.O.V

When all of this first happened I was really worried about Sam and I still am but she's in good care right now and I know now she'll be fine but Mikey on the other hand is just been off lately so distant I'm really worried about him I think I should talk to him I've never seen this side of him, but if all else fails I'll just bring in the big guns... Mom and dad.

Hey guys sorry this chapter was kinda short this was kind of a build up chapter to something bigger I hope you liked it also thanks for the support and just keep on voting and commenting! :)

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