Chapter 1

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Run. Hide. Don't let them catch you. Thats all that repeated in my head. How did I get myself in this situation? I have always been so careful, stuck to a list of rules, but I heard a scream. A very small shrill, it sounded like a small child and I just had to investigate. Which is why I am currently hiding inside of a small classroom, with at least a dozen zeds on the other side of the door. Before I dive into how I got here allow me to take you back to the beginning, a more simpler time.

     It was the start of sixth period, everyones making their way to their last class of the year. The hallways echoed with talks of summer plans, It was my graduating year and I couldn't be happier. School for me wasn't the easiest, I had never been the 'socializing' type. Don't get me wrong I had one friend and to me I preferred it that way. Now let me not bore you with my boring backstories, but allow me to quickly introduce myself. my name is Kira. I'm 17 years old, 5ft 4in, roughly about 135Lbs, long brown curly hair, hazel eyes, blah blah blah. Now that, thats outta the way. We may continue.
     As I'm sitting at my desk my thoughts began to wonder away. My last period was drama led by the great Mr.Widner, he could careless about diving into anymore lectures, so he allowed us to do whatever for this last hour of hell. Irony right, this is what we thought was hell. Ha. My hell had yet to begin though. This year I would have to spend summer away with my father and his lovely wife Monica. Note all the sarcasm, Monica hates me and she has every right to. I was the product of an affair gone wrong. Crazy right, only in this story he wasn't 'madly in love' with my mother and left his wife for her, he hit it then quit it. He meant for it never to be revealed but 4 months later I surprised my mom, then 5 months later she surprised my dad and demanded him to at least be there for me. After many DNA tests providing proof I was his. He had no choice but to reveal to Monica the news, and from what I was told shit got wild. They eventually got over the betrayal, but that didn't stop her from completely despising me. I hated being forced to go, but ill be 18 in a month and i'd no longer have to go if i didn't want to.
     I was pulled from my thoughts with a loud book slamming on my desk. "Kira you would not believe what the hell just happened." My overly dramatic best friend Elle says as she takes a seat next to me brushing her bangs out of her face. 
   "What happened now?" I say rolling my eyes. I take the time to look at her and realize something serious was really wrong. I reach and grab her hand a little more sympathetic this time. "Seriously Elle, what happened?" She takes a deep breath, and a single tear rolls down her cheek. "Nate broke up with me." I instantly pull her into a hug and rub her back. "Oh babygirl, i'm so sorry. He is such an ass. Would you like me to go beat his ass for you?" She chuckles a little wiping the tears from her face. "No, i'll get over it eventually. It just hurts you know I thought we actually had something" She turns away and pulls out a mirror to fix her makeup. "Its the end of the year, so soon enough this will be a memory of the past." She finishes fixing herself and turns to me and smiles. Before I can speak to say anything the bell rings signaling the end of the day. Elle and I begin to pack our things and head towards the exit. "So any exciting plans for the summer?" She ask me, I start to nervously bite on my lip. "Well I have to spend half of it with George and the wicked witch" I say while rolling my eyes, as we walk outside and to the car I notice this strange man walking by the school. He looks as if he's had one to many to drink today. I look away and walked a little bit faster towards the car, don't wanna deal with the catcalling today.  Elle hops into the drivers seat and I into the passenger.
   We began to head towards my place, mom wouldn't be home until tomorrow and I didn't have to leave until the weekend so I invited Elle to stay the night. As we pulled into the driveway Elle placed the car in park. We grabbed our things and headed towards the door. I pulled out my keys and led us inside. "Moms spending the night with Eric again, so we have the house to ourselves tonight." I called behind me as I made my way upstairs. "Wow, shes spending a lot of time with him lately. I hear wedding bells" she taunts from down stairs. I laughed and yelled back "Oh shut up." I'd be happy for mom if it was the case, but mom likes to play hard to get and I can't tell if Eric enjoys the chase.
    I throw my backpack onto the bed, I quickly changed into sweats and a tank-top and head back downstairs. As I reach the last step I can hear the living room tv, I round the corner to see Elle watching the news. But that's not what catches my attention. What draws me in is what the lady was saying.
*Beep. Beep.*
"We have multiple reports come in of deranged people attacking each other. There has been cases of cannibalism, it appears to be something out of a horror movie. We ask that everyone stay indoors. Lock your doors. These people are dangerous, we don't have any updates on how this happened or what's going on. Avoid all contact, if you have been bitten or come into contact with the infected please head to your nearest hospital. The following symptoms may be signs of infection : high fevers, coughing, irritation of the eyes, rashes and hives, stiff muscles, increased production in saliva, nausea, fatigue, pain, tingling, or itching at the site of a bite wound or other viral entry. These symptoms are flu like, we recommend if you have come into contact with anyone with these symptoms you should head to the nearest hospital.
        Elle and I slowly turn towards each other with the same look of fear. What the hell was going on and why hadn't we noticed it. I start to think back to the man I saw around the school, he didn't look as they described the infected to be? My mind began to race, ring ring. The sound of my phone ringing startled me. I pulled it out of my pocket to reveal my mother calling. I answer it and put the phone to my ear. "Kira? Kira? Are you home, are you safe?" My mother asks in a panic. "Yes mom, I'm here with Elle. What's wrong? What's going on?" I asked slightly shaky. " I don't know sweetheart. Eric and I were out shopping when this strange lady came up to us, s-she was covered in blood.  A-and Eric went to help h-her and she bit him." In that moment i froze "M-m-mom get Eric to the hospital. Now. Then keep a distance away from him." I heard a shrill through the phone, it sounded as if it came from my mother but i couldn't make it out. All I heard next was her screaming out to Eric. I stood there panicked, I didn't wanna think of what happened. I was too afraid. With an instant I was grabbing the keys and heading towards the door, before I could make it Elle stood in front of it. "Where are you going didn't you hear the damn news lady, don't be like the dumb chick in the horror movies." I started shaking my head " I HAVE TO GO! she needs me Elle, I-I have to help." I broke down crying, in my head I just kept repeating she's okay. She's gonna be okay. "I know love, but we have to be smart about this. You are no help to her dead." She was right, I knew this. But it didn't stop me from fearing the worst.
I looked up to her and shook my head. "O-okay um, we have to barricade the house. Luckily mom went shopping the other day so we should be good on food and supplies." I ran my fingers through my hair. I'm not alone in this I had to think about the both of us. We had to hold each other together, but I'm sure neither of us were prepared for what happened next.

Kinda short I apologize. If your like me, you like lengthy stories. But I'm kinda just testing the waters lol this is my first time attempting to write and honestly idk if I'm any good but. This is a good therapy for me. If i get any recognition ill start making the chapters longer but for right now this is good for me. :) the next chapter will still be in a flashback.

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