Chapter 5

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I look around the room, slightly surprised at the sight of new people. Instinctively I pushed Anna behind me. "Who the hell are you?" I asked making sure to keep a protective stance. "Shouldn't we be asking you that? Your the dumbass that guided the zeds to an all you can eat buffet." The snobby looking chick decided to speak. "Seeing as I'm the only one in this room with a gun I suggest you watch your tongue bitch." I shot back earning a delightful glare. The older gentlemen stepped forth cutting our death glares short. "We are all trapped now, so there isn't any use in you two going at each-others throats." He was right, didn't stop me from imagining my boot agains her skull though. "How will we get out?" The younger boy asked, he looked about Sarah's age maybe a little older.
"We could put them back out where they came from and just wait it out?" She decided to open her mouth again, I started towards her ready to hold true to my previous thoughts, but Anna grabbed my hand calming me down.
"Well I don't know about you fucks, but I'm getting out of here." I walked towards the windows trying each of them. We were on the 1st floor still so only obstacle in our way was the fact that none of them opened. "Don't you think we already tried that?" She speaks again earning another glare from me. I take a step back and think before taking one of the chairs and slamming it into the bottom corner of the window. It shattered into pieces before me. Thank you dad. Motioning to Anna I guide her out of the window then carefully guide myself out. I poke my head back in " I'm sure every infected around for miles heard that so if I were you i'd get a move on." And with that I grabbed Anna and head for the direction of the car.
Once we reached the car first thing the little girl did was run into her sisters arms. I stood there and smiled at the reunion, but sadly had to cut it short. "Um, Kira who the hell are they? What happened to travel small?" Sebastian pointed behind me, I looked at him confused before turning and seeing the group of fuckheads heading towards us. "P-please don't leave us w-we could really use the h-help." The older male choked out, obviously out of breath from running. Without a second thought I instantly said "no."and headed towards my seat. "Please we have kids to." Looking at the children made me soften up a bit. "fuck, fine but one peep out of the snobby bitch and I'm kicking you all out on your ass." They all visibly exhaled and climbed into the car. Now this was a packed car already, so imagine 10 people piled into one small ass 2006 Honda civic. Yeah wasn't the best idea.
The sun was starting to set which meant we needed to find a place to camp, And fast. Last thing we want is to be trapped in the dark all stuck together in a small car. We pulled in front of a hotel, wasn't the smartest but it was safer than anything else. We were right outside of the city, which meant less infected. "Alright everyone stay in the car, Silas, Lucas, and I will go in and make a remotely safe area for us. Kira keep the girls" he pauses "and boy safe okay, your on lookout. Anything happens just yell got it?" Sebastian finishes I shake my head in acknowledgement and once the boys exit I lock the doors.
Few hours later and I see them signal us in. We motion for the kids to head inside while Elle and I grabbed some stuff from the car. The sun had set completely now and we were lucky to find a place just in time. The boys prepared a con-jointed room for us. they blocked the second door entry and removed the door that separates the two rooms. We barricaded the main door once everyone was inside. The master suite had a kitchen connection to it. It has only been a month and one week since the start of this hell, so power and water still worked.. Somewhat. The cell towers were the first to go so cellphones after a while was a bust. Some tv channels still worked, but we didn't wanna risk the noises so we never watched it. The master suite and attachment suite both had bathrooms and two queen size beds. Room A girls, Room B boys. Perfect. Room A also had a balcony connected off of the entertainment area. We were on the second floor and relatively safe.
After a few minutes of getting settled, everyone took some much needed showers, after everyone was nice and clean. Elle and I started on dinner. We had some frozen meat left over from our recent grocery store run, so while we could still cook and everything was still relatively fresh thats what we decided to cook, i seasoned everything and Elle cooked. We had the girls set the table so we could at least eat like a family. We hadn't talked much to this new group of people so I thought why not do introductions. As i cut into the chicken i began. " names Kira by the way. Figure we all will be spending lots of time together why not get to know one another. " I finished, most stayed quite Buy eventually some chimed in. "I'm Sebastian." He went next breaking the silence and starting the train. "Silas." It continued and he nodded his head. " Hi everyone I'm Elle" she chipped signaling to her sister to go next "I'm Anna."  She said in a soft voice "Sarah." She smiled and waved. "Lucas." He went next winking at Elle," and i must say this chicken right here, the flavor is  immaculate. 10/10 would try again." He stated earning a laugh from everyone. "I'm Joan" ms.snooty went next. "I'm Jonah" the timid boy stated. You could clearly tell they were siblings. My heart goes out to you little man. And last but certainly not least the finial girl to our group chimed in, "I'm Lynn" the smallest girl of our group finished. She also looked like Joan and Jonah. She had to be no more than 5yrs old poor child.
Once dinner was done and we finished introductions everyone was pretty full, so we kinda all did our own thing for an hour or so, then it was time for us all to head to bed. "I'll take first watch." I stated. "I'll join you." Sebastian said as he followed me out onto the balcony. "I wanted to, um thank you for helping me with my sister. You didn't have to but I'm glad you did." I smiled at him. "It was no problem, you needed a shoulder and I provided you one." We sat on the benches outside and just looked around. Things really had gone to shit. Here we are 10 kids, attempting to survive without parental guidance. Sure it was a couple of 18 and 20 yr olds keeping the kids safe, but none of us actually knew what we were doing. "We seem like the only strong minded people of our group." He states. "We gotta keep the peace, we gotta keep them safe." I chuckled a little " we can barely keep ourselves together how our we gonna keep 7 people at bay." He turned towards me and placed a hand on my knee. " I don't know how we will do it, but we just have to. And no matter what we do it together." The gesture was cute, but I was screaming in my head. Don't get attached. He could die. They all could die. You can't lose focus. I won't allow you to lose focus.
Survival. The only word that played in my mind.

Well things got kinda sticky at the school, but Kira is a speedy learner. After all its not just her life shes looking after anymore.

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