Chapter 9

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We all had gotten up just before sunrise, due to my careless accident last night we had to pack our stuff and move fast. The infected catch the sent of blood fast. I could only pray we didn't have many unwanted guests downstairs already waiting for the open sign to light up. I shuddered at the thought of how my life has become now, everyday I wake up now and pray to make it through the day. Shits wild.
I took a second to check out my wound, it didn't look infected but the area was swollen and extremely red. I don't get it, a bite can be lethal but a deep set of scratches is not? I had no way to test it, no way of experimenting with it. I wouldn't risk anyone's life for my own benefit. "Alright the lake house is just a mile from where we are now. It should be abandon." I trailed off. Actually saying it out loud let reality hit that I really had no family left. Sure, mom had siblings. But we lived in Michigan and they all moved outta state the first chance they got. Dad lived up north with Monica, so they weren't exactly close either. I was truly alone. "Well you guys heard her let's get to moving." Lucas chipped in. Everyone was still so tired and it seemed like we would never get to actually rest. "With my accident from last night I'm sure we drew in some company if there was any stragglers remotely close to us, they probably caught wind of the smell." We all stood in the living area of the upstairs. I liked to always keep them prepared, one wrong move and it could be it for not just one person but all of us. I looked over the 4 children we had to protect. Eventually we need to teach them how to fight, but for now we will be their fighters. "Elle, Joan. I need the both of you to stay around the children okay?" I looked at them sternly, letting them know the task was important. "Why are we on baby-sitting duty?" Joan scuffed while crossing her arms. Before I could cut into her ass, Silas beat me to it. " because she said so, we are all sick of hearing you bitch about everything. Mommy and daddy's money isn't here to protect your ass anymore." He was angry, when the twins snap they snap. "Now you can either watch over the damn kids and do something useful, or we can leave you here. ALONE. To bitch to yourself in peace." He glared at her, and it made her shut up. For once someone made her shut up. "Ookay, welp uhh I'm gonna head downstairs and see what I can see through the windows." Sebastian stated scratching the back of his neck. "Uhh, yeah I'm gonna come with make sure we grabbed all of the, important stuff." I said making sure to pop the p. He led the way and I followed, we hadn't spoken much since our encounter.
*Last nights events*
I leaned forward and I kissed him. I. Kissed. Him.
It took a second before he gave me any response back. I'd be lying if I didn't say that kiss was powerful , It held so much hurt, so much pain. He kissed me hungrily, pulling me onto his lap. I straddled him running my fingers through his hair. He gripped my waist with so much force. We need this, but not here not now. I pulled away and placed my forehead to his. Those beautiful green eyes of his just stared back into mine. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours. Our lips swollen from the passion of the kiss. The clearing of someone's throat made us jump apart. Elle. Shit.
*end of flashback*
Yeah she geeked the whole night demanding to know every detail. I didn't know what to tell her, the stress of everything happening just made us get caught in the moment. She felt that was a load of bull but left it alone, probably to bug me more when we had more privacy.
We reached the bottom of the stairs, the silence between us was slightly awkward. Neither of us knew how to start up a conversation after that. He walked over to the windows scoping out the scene. The sun was still rising so we had plenty of time to reach the house before night struck again. I walked through the aisles once more grabbing anything I deemed useful. I had two bags, one care survival gear the other carried food. I filled the food bag with as much water and snacks as I could. Making sure neither of the bags where to heavy for me I grabbed both and headed over to Sebastian. "See anything?" I asked taking a peek out of the window. "Yeah a group of them maybe 4 just traveled to the right side of the building." He said sounding slightly worried. "Yeah well thats somewhat good news seeing as we need to go left, right?" I asked, not catching on to what he meant exactly. "If we start the car we have a chance of alerting them. Remember don't trap yourself. We might have to walk from here." He said turning his attention back to where they went. That was true we wouldn't wanna drag them to the area we want to be safe. We needed to grab the rest of our stuff from the car and start walking. I nodded my head in agreement and we headed back up stairs. "So, Seb here saw a group of them pass the area to the right, my lake house is to the left." I started watching to see the same confusion that crossed my face, cross theirs. "We can't risk alerting them, if we start the car the noise would draw them in instantly. We grab the things we need out of the car and start walking." I looked to Elle first. It was her first car, the first actual gift from her parents. They didn't exactly spend much time with their kids, so when she received the car as a gift she held onto it. We can never catch a break can we? "Well we are burning daylight people, let's get a move on." After saying that we headed down the stairs towards the exit. We needed a day to be worry free. Let's hope this walk relaxes us and not stresses us out more.

I'm enjoying the progression of this story. Kira and Seb had a pretty deep moment, and we seen Mr.Silas lose his temper for the first time. Cars gotta go, but walking shouldn't be so bad they were only a mile away. Nothing bad could really happen right?

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