Chapter 4

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I helped Sebastian with cleaning up his sister preparing her for burial. He had to do a hard deed, he was taking it lightly to seem tough but on the inside he was crushed. You could see it in his face. "You did the right thing ya know. She wouldn't have wanted to stay like that, and she would have been devastated if she hurt any of you." I didn't know them and I wasn't gonna pretend I did, but he needed to hear that. "She's in a better place now." I whispered.
After I finished helping him I made my way out of the room closing the door behind me. I leaned against it and took a deep breath preparing myself before returning to Elle, Silas, and Sarah. I'm sure they heard everything, but that doesn't mean this was gonna be any easier.
"She's gone, she went peacefully and comfortable." I started off calmly watching their faces fall more. " It took an 1hr and 30mins for her to fully turn.. things became difficult, but Sebastian handled it." I watched the many emotions cross Silas's face. Anger. Sadness. Anger. Sadness. He to blamed himself. He held onto Sarah as she cried into his chest. "We cleaned her up and she's all ready for you guys to say goodbye." And with that he stood up holding his sister and headed for the guest bedroom. Elle rushed towards me and thats when we took the time to break down together.
3 hours later•
I explained everything to Elle, then together we all went out back dug a grave and said our goodbyes. We didn't know her so we let the family have their last final moments together. Now we currently sat planning our next move. After all the commotion we can't stay here. It is no longer safe.
"What about here?" Elle pointed to our remote lake house grandpa left to us after he passed. "Thats actually a pretty good idea, my grandpa was kinda crazy so the place is completely locked down and has tons of things for us to survive." I chipped in. Papa was crazy and now that we are in this post apocalyptic world I'm starting to believe he was onto something and we should have listened. "Our only problem is, thats a good 2 week trip. A week with a car. We don't have many supplies, all we have are a bunch of kitchen knives and a bat" Silas inputted. He's right. We wouldn't even make it off the front porch with this shit. I looked at all of them and smiled happy dad had a weird way of giving gifts. My family was crazy what could I say. "Well, its a good thing I had a strange family." We made our way down my basement stairs. Mom always took the gifts and locked them away. She hated everything that man did and didn't appreciate him giving her daughter military gifts, I on the other hand am thanking him gratefully. I opened the safe to reveal a couple hand guns, combat knives, and ammunition. "Kira why the hell have you never showed me this?!"  Elle asked, I just shrugged and responded. "mom never liked me down here."
We all geared up making sure to pack light and only what we needed. Ha. Rule number 6. The boys took head and made sure none of the infected where outside. Elle unlocked her car and we all pilled inside.
"Okay now the lake house is east, so when you pull out of the driveway head north. We live in the city so there may be a bunch of those things out. Stay low should anything happen to the car we stick together." I looked around the car announcing the plan. Everyone shook their heads in agreement and we headed off, I said one more silent goodbye to my childhood home and payed attention to the road.

•Several hours later•
"Kira i have to potty." Sarah said out loud. I checked the time to find we where about a day ahead of the schedule. "Okay, we can stop somewhere. But we stay together and we move fast okay?" They nodded and I drove until I came across an abandoned gas station. We had about 5 more hours of daylight left and none of us have slept since the night Silvia.. yeah we are pretty exhausted.
"So Elle, will take Sarah to the bathroom. But first Silas, Sebastian and I will scope out the place." Just because we were tired doesn't mean it was an excuse to be lazy and stupid. "After the place is deemed safe everyone moves quick and gets back to the car got it? Grab what you can leave what we don't need. I will work on getting more gas for the car." Everyone nodded in agreement and we began to exit the car quietly. Silas took right, Sebastian took the back, and I scoped out the left. We were still in the city so we had to be extremely careful. After everything was good we all headed to work.
As I was pumping gas I heard a shrill scream. We where down the street from an elementary school so I pinpointed it there. I turned my focus back to the pump, but then I heard it again. This time I couldn't drown it out. Everyone rushed out side. "Are you okay?" They all asked in a panic weapons ready. I raised my hands. "wasn't me sounds as if it came from the school." I said as I lowered my hands back down. "We should check it out?" Silas questioned i turned my head to him and crossed my arms. "Are you crazy rule 5 dumbass, we would just get ourselves killed." I stated. "We just need to pack our shit into the car and get outta here, before we are the ones screaming next." Heartless I know, but we can't save everyone. Another kid would just slow us down.
"What if its Anna, Kira?" Elle turned to me slightly worried. She hasn't mentioned her family since after my mom. "I think we should check it out." She gave a defensive stance. I huffed out defeated. She wanted closure I get that, but we couldn't risk killing everyone. "I'll go alone, I'm smarter, smaller, and faster. If its her, i'll get her out safe." I said giving her a sympathetic smile. Anna was only 8 and if she survived a whole month on her own in a school I'll be extremely shocked.
Before anyone could protest I gathered what I need and head towards the school. Breaking almost every rule I put in place. I rounded the corner careful to stay clear of all infected. Seeing dead children wasn't on my bucket-list, but the shit we do for our loved ones. I checked out the front of the school making sure to take note of my exits and surroundings. Once I found a good entry point I head towards it.
The school was still pretty lit due to the sunlight and a couple ceiling lights that still worked. It looked trashed on the inside, blood. Papers. Backpacks. Shoes. Clothes. Limbs. Everything littered the halls. It reeked the smell of death. Covering my nose i began to sneak around the halls. Aaah. The small person screamed again. I pinpointed its direction and head for it. Be fast, be fast. I had to get to her or him before the infected. Aaah. Right, it came from the right.
There was already one banging on the door. It was ferocious, it hit the door hungrily, anomalistically. I rushed towards it careful to not draw its attention. The infection was still fresh so it had more strength. I drew my knife back as I got closer plunging it into his skull. He fell with a loud thump. I whispered from the other side of the door. " he's dead honey, you can come out but you have to be quite. We don't wanna alert anymore." The child opened the door and I was thrilled to see it was in fact Anna. "Kira?" I pulled her into a warm hug. " yes sweetie its me, and Elle will be thrilled to see you." Her eyes instantly lit up. "S-she's alive?" I couldn't get much out because before we know it about a dozen infected rounded the corner. Instinctively I grabbed Anna and took off.
Faster, faster Kira. Don't let them catch you. You broke the rules, fuck you broke the rules. I kept repeating to myself. I had to think fast before i knew it i rounded a corner and ran into a classroom barricading the door.
"Well, we have more unwelcome company now." I turned around to be faced with four more people. Well fuck. What the hell do we do now?

We are all caught up now! Yay, so Kira broke some rules but it turned out to be for the best, right? With only a few more hours of daylight left will the make it outta the classroom? Or did she just doom them all? The next chapters will all be present events unless I state otherwise. No more flashbacks.

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