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Soft, lingering touches caressed Calidora's cheek as she lay with Juna. Chaste, half-hearted kisses were exchanged lazily as the two shared the little time they had together before the daybreak. Calidora's fingers trailed along Juna's skin, drawing shapes and following the contour of her body.

"And my eldest?" Juna's hoarse voice spoke as her breath fanned Calidora's face.

"So smart," she answered. "His studies are nothing to him, and his polite manners with everyone show how kind of heart he is."

Juna smiled as her eyes closed. Calidora took the moment to admire the beauty of the woman in her arms before placing a soft kiss on her dry lips. When she pulled back, Juna kept her eyes closed.

"What about my husband?" She breathed shakily.

Calidora knew Juna hated her husband, was terrified of him, but she couldn't help but ask what he was doing. Was he being good for her children? How was he treating Calidora?

"I don't remember agreeing to that title." Calidora smiled. "I thought I was your wife."

Juna giggled as Calidora nuzzled her head in the crook of her lovers neck. Simultaneous sighs escaped the two as Juna ran her fingers through her lady's hair.

"And how is my wife?" She asked, placing a kiss on top of Calidora's head.

"Right now, in perfect bliss."

The two stayed silent, enjoying each other until Calidora's watch beeped, signalling that she had to leave and sneak back into Qe'in's bed before he woke up. Calidora groaned.

"You need to leave." Spoke Juna.

"Do I have to?" Calidora kisses Juna's neck.


Calidora sighed as she lifted herself to sit up, both sets of arms letting go of each other and suddenly becoming cold in the open air. The two women stared at each other with soft looks. Leaning down, Calidora placed another kiss on Juna's lips.

"I'll be back tonight." She promised.

"And I'll be here waiting." Juna laughed.

After another goodbye kiss, Calidora got up and went to the door, taking one last glance, she left Juna. Both women longing to see the other at night again.

But that night Calidora left.

The aching in her heart lead her to Juna's home planet, Dantooine. A lush and beautiful planet full of life and colour, a perfect representation of the wonderful soul she had come to love. Tears blurred Calidora's vision as she flew, her memories crashing into her of the nights on Juna's floor as she told Calidora of her home, each one like a punch to the gut. The broken promises they spoke of returning together, the fantasy of escape and the thrill of love that kept Juna sane and hopeful in her captive state.

A crash landing and lodging crisis later, Calidora did all she could to blend in with the locals. No high class anyone was on this planet, so the chances of her being noticed were slim to none. And for the first few weeks, Calidora could take the time she needed to grieve the loss of her love.

And then the bounty hunters came.

At first they were easy to shake, after Calidora got hold of a blaster, getting rid of them and raiding their ships of credits and supplies was easy. Then the bounty was raised and more and more skilled hunters came. They became so frequent that Calidora had four bases to keep, never staying in any one for too long, and always moving between each. But she didn't want to stay on the run from him forever, not while he was comfortable in his mansion. She may have come to rushed terms as best she could about what happened, but that didn't mean the hatred in her heart had gone. Juna deserved to escape, she deserved to have a life, and right now she deserved to be avenged.

That's when Calidora stopped running and started planning.

Stationing herself in the city, she schemed for days, waiting for the next bounty hunter to come take her away.

Rumours of a Mandalorian chattered throughout the town, and Calidora knew they were here for her, so when she came home to find the Beskar armoured man sitting at her kitchen table, she offered him a meal before she let him lead her to his ship.

Hands cuffed and blaster pointed at her back as she ascended the ramp, she took a last look at Juna's planet. And she couldn't help but think that Juna's essence was here, shaking her head at the state Calidora was in.


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