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"Hand over the child, Mando."

Lasers crackled around them, Razor Crest alarms blaring, red flashing. Calidora and the child were being whipped violently around the cockpit as the Mandalorian tried to keep the ship together.

"I might let you live." The enemy taunted.

The child whimpered, and so did Calidora. She grabbed him and threw herself onto one of the chairs, hanging on for dear life.

"Hold on." The Mandalorian told the two of them and Calidora bit her tongue from saying a smart ass remark, thinking that it was not something he needed right now.

"Come on." He said under his breath to the ship.

"I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold." The intercom rang.

The Mandalorian jerked up, looping around the ship and aiming. Firing, the enemy ship exploded and the Mandalorian said with pride,

"That's my line."

Calidora was about to breath a sigh of relief when the alarm increased and the child started screaming. The ship lurched badly.

"Losing fuel." The Mandalorian warned as the engine powered down and everything shut off, including the lights.

The child giggled and the Mandalorian stood up to move towards the switch panel, turning on the backup power.

"We need to make a stop?" Calidora questioned as the Mandalorian went back to his seat, the red light surrounding him.

He smiled but no one could tell.

"A quick stop." He agreed and Calidora smiled.

"How quick?" She teased.

"Quick." He said and flicked a switch.

"This is Mos Eisley Tower." The radio came to life. "We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five, over."

"Copy that." The Mandalorian followed the instructions. "Locked in for three-five."

The planet was mostly sand, Calidora didn't really like sand.

"Where are we?" Calidora asked.

"Tatooine." The Mandalorian said. "We'll be as quick as possible then take you back home."

The Mandalorian hoped it wouldn't be that quick.

When they touched down, Calidora saw droids starting to surround the ship and the Mandalorian grumbled incoherently behind her.

"I'll go talk with them, do you mind staying with the child in here?" He asks.

"Do we have a choice?" Calidora knows the Mandalorian wants them to stay inside.



Calidora brought the child below deck and to the small room with the cot and his carrier. She stayed inside with him, closing the door. She sighed, and the child copied her.

"Do you know how to talk?" Calidora asked him as she lay down on the cot, staring up at the ceiling.

The child simply cooed and sat down beside her. She stroked his ear.

"Well I figured, since you were 50." She put her hand down and the child mimicked her pose and laid down on his back.

"Do you know where you belong?" She asked. "Is there some kind of indicator that's telling you where you need to be, some kind of. . . Force?"

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