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Touching down onto the ground, Calidora turned to the Mandalorian.

"Do you have anything I could check my reflection in?" She asked.

The man just looked at her.

"I need to look presentable."

So the Mandalorian found the best piece of reflective metal, tossed it on the ground in front of her, and unlatched the cuffs from the wall. He stood in front of her as she used her bound hands to fix her hair and pinch her cheeks. He was utterly dumbfounded.

"You done?" He asked when she was checking her teeth. Calidora looked up and nodded before standing up and smiling.

To be fair, she did look more presentable. But the Mandalorian didn't care as he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the ship. Qe'in was there to greet them, along with a small force of guards. His expression instantly light up as he saw Calidora.

"My dear!" He shouted as he held his arms open.

Calidora grinned, demeanour switching to one of glee as she wrestled out of the grip of the Mandalorian and ran the last couple of feet into Qe'in's arms. Her arms - still cuffed - went around his neck as his went to her waist to lift her up and spin her around. Calidora let out a giggle as he set her down, their arms still around one another.

"My darling, you are hard to catch." Qe'in leaned in towards her face.

"I wanted you to come get me," Calidora shamelessly flirted. "But when you didn't come I couldn't stand to be away from you any longer."

The Mandalorian stood a good distance in front of them, watching the reunion in silence.

"Well you are back now." Qe'in smiled and turned towards the Mandalorian, releasing one hand from Calidora's hip. "And you, my good man, deserve your reward."

He snapped and a guard appeared with a briefcase, presumably full of credits. The Mandalorian stiffened slightly, and Calidora wasn't sure if it was because he didn't expect to get that much, or if he wanted more. But she decided to have a little fun.

"That's it?" She spoke and all eyes turned to her. She faced Qe'in and pressed her body up against him, pouting. "That's all I'm worth to you?"

Qe'in, entranced by Calidora, quickly shook his head.

"You are right, my dear," he turned towards the guard with the money, "double it."

The Mandalorian turned to Calidora, and she winked. Both to show how much power she had, and as a bribe incase he was thinking of snitching. Then she turned back to Qe'in.

"May I get out of these cuffs now?" She asked, lifting her arms off of him and showing the handcuffs.

"I supposed." He sighed as the guards came up and handed him double the credits.

Calidora smiled as Qe'in beckoned the Mandalorian towards the two. The man approached Calidora first, who held out her arms, and detached her cuffs, staring at her the entire time although no one would know. Calidora looked into his helmet.

You're welcome, she mouthed as she rubbed her wrists.

The Mandalorian turned to Qe'in, who thanked him and handed him the case. After curt goodbyes, the Mandalorian departed without another look at Calidora, who silently hoped he would get his landing gear fixed.

"Now, my dear." Calidora switched her attention to the man. "You have me back, what now?"

Qe'in, having now found Calidora, was as possessive as ever. Never letting her out of his sight, or anyone to talk to her, Calidora started to understand Juna's situation. But she wouldn't let it show. She continued to present the flirty airhead facade that Qe'in loved.

And pretty soon they were married.

Calidora was right, she never saw his children. He sent them away for schooling, but she knew it was because he didn't want to look after them.

A couple months into their marriage, Qe'in saw a guard speaking with Calidora, and in a fit of rage, he threw her into the same room he kept Juna in. Although he didn't know that Calidora knew Juna, he was pleased with the horrified reaction he got from locking her in there for a day.

After that, Calidora tried to be as submissive as possible, not to save herself, but to get close enough to him to kill him. The guard she was talking to was her supplier, he managed to get her what she had been asking for.

And the evening that Calidora brought Qe'in his tea, she was sickly sweet, timid, and gentle with him. He fed off of this persona she had, unbeknownst to him that it was a front. He thought she was a naive, unintelligent, whore that he made his wife. So the look of betrayal and surprise that overcame his face as he choked on his own foaming vomit brought immeasurable happiness to the stone cold and calculating face of Calidora.

He reached for her, at first to try and kill her, then to plead with her to let him live, but Calidora didn't budge.

Her face split into a smile as he wretched and clawed at his throat in a vain attempt to save himself.

"This is for Juna." She spoke with a voice as steady and deadly as a dagger being thrust into ones chest. And the look on Qe'in dying face - of the realization that she knew - was enough consolation to satisfy her as he dropped.

Calidora finished her tea that evening without rush, got ready for bed, and slept like a baby. Qe'in's body was ordered to be left where he died, just like he left Juna.

About a week later she was informed that she had a visitor. Nothing prepared her for the sight of the Mandalorian to show up, new, shining beskar to replace the dull ones he had when they last met.

"He dead?" He asked once the door closed, showing that they were the only two people in the room.


"I need your help."

"With what?"

"You said you were good with children."

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