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They picked up Cara in the wagon that two farmers were carrying them in. The Mandalorian told Calidora that the people needed him to get rid of a few problems in exchange for lodging, but Calidora didn't care, she just wanted to sleep. So after they set off, Calidora let the rocking of the wagon on the dirt path lull her to sleep as she held the child and rested her head against what she thought was a bag of supplies. The Mandalorian didn't feel like telling her that she was sleeping on his leg, she was tired enough.

They were woken up when the wagon came to a halt, sunshine and excited chatter from all around them. Children swarmed to the child, who curiously lifted his arms to reach out to them. Calidora saw square ponds, baskets and a lot of green everywhere. They unpacked the wagon and were lead by a few locals to a hut. Calidora and the Mandalorian stopped at this one where a woman inside was stringing up a sunroof.

"Please, come in." She said and Calidora and the Mandalorian stepped inside. "I hope this is comfortable for you."

She turned to Calidora with an apologetic looked.

"I'm sorry that all we have left is the barn." She wrung her hands.

"That's no problem, thank you." Calidora smiled, but before she could walk out with the woman, the Mandalorian held his arm out in front of her.

"She's staying with me." He turned to the woman. "Please."

Omera's eyebrows raised a bit, she looked between him and Calidora before nodding and disappearing outside, presumably to get another pillow. Calidora turned to the besker dressed man.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked.

The Mandalorian put his arm down and turned to walk towards the child.

"I brought you to take care of the kid, so you're staying here."

"Why doesn't he just stay with me in the barn?"

"The kid stays with me, you know that."

Calidora walked up to him, but he didn't face her.

"I think that's a little too over protective, no?" She questioned, looking down at the child along side him, his enormous eyes gleaming that the two.

"We're on a new planet surrounded by people we don't know." He said, and Calidora was about to say that the people seemed to like the child, when she was cut off. "I'm not having you in a barn by yourself."

Calidora raised a brow, turning to look up at him.

"Cara gets to stay by herself."

"Cara's a veteran, she can handle herself." He finally turned to face her. "How well can you fight?"

Calidora shrugged.

"Steady with a blaster, shit at hand-to-hand."

"So what's gonna happen if someone sneaks into the barn in the middle of the night?"

Calidora opens her mouth but was interrupted once again.

"I'm not taking a chance." The Mandalorian said before walking away to his bed, signalling that the conversation was over.

Calidora rolls her eyes as their hostess re-enters the hut with a couple more pillows.

"I'm afraid the bed isn't big enough for two people." She says.

"Oh no, don't worry." Calidora took the pillows she held out. "I'm fine with the floor."

A look of confusion crossed the local's face, clearly she thought the Mandalorian and Calidora were an item. But seeing Calidora make a bed on the opposite side of the hut clearly meant that they weren't. So she smiled at the Mandalorian and left them.

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