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Space was quiet. Although the trio hadn't heard silence for a while, what with Calidora and the Mandalorian talking, the child cooing and crying, and the occasional shootout. They didn't welcome the silence back like one would think.

All while the Mandalorian flew back to Calidora's 'home', she couldn't help the sense of dread that crawled up her chest and into her throat, choking her until she spoke.

"It's not my home." The silence shattered like glass. "You said you were taking me home, but it's not my home."

"I thought Juna was there." The Mandalorian didn't look back at her.

"She is, but it isn't her home either. She's from Dantooine."

The silence rebuilt, but Calidora couldn't take it.

"I'm from Bellassa." She said. "Well, I was born on Bellassa."

"Then where's your home?"

"I don't - I don't know." She sat rigid. "Where's yours?"

"Mandalore, I guess."

"When's the last time you were back there?"

The Mandalorian didn't answer and the silence grew again. Unbearable for the both of them because with this silence came awkwardness, both parties having things they need to get off their chest but both refusing to do so. Until the Mandalorian stopped the ship in mid space. Calidora looked around in confusion until the Mandalorian turned his chair to face her.

"I can't take you back." He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, watching Calidora.

"Why not."

"The kid, he needs you."

"You do a fine job on your own, he doesn't need me." Calidora reasoned.

"Fine," the Mandalorian said. "I want you here."

Calidora didn't know what to say to that.

"You were right, I like your company, the kid likes your company." He continued. "You said yourself, it's not your home, so why are you going back."

Calidora opened her mouth to answer, then closed it. Then opened it again, but the only thing that came out was Juna's name. And she hung her head in shame.

"Calidora." The Mandalorian spoke with such force that she felt compelled to look at him again. "I know you loved her - love her. But you can't trap yourself in the same place she was locked in just for the sake of your own guilty conscious."

Calidora hadn't thought of it like that, but he was absolutely right. Going back would mean imprisoning herself. She knew if she set foot on that planet she could never bring herself to leave again, she can't waste her life like that. Juna wouldn't want it. Yes, she loved her with all her heart, but he was right, Juna, who wanted nothing more than to leave, would hate that Calidora spend the rest of her life in that place. Isolated. Slowly going mad with only the memories of her lover.

"Loved." She corrected him. "I know she's gone. I loved her."

The two stared at each other, the tension breaking away until there was nothing but a comfortable atmosphere surrounding the two, and Calidora knew that she truly didn't want to go back. She wanted to travel the galaxy with the Mandalorian. She smiled at him.

"I like your company too."

The Mandalorian nodded at her.

"So?" He asked.

"This has been one hell of a ride." She stared at the stars before looking back at the Beskar. "And I'm not ready to end it."

Calidora heard a sigh of relief escape the Mandalorian before he stood up and walked towards her and wrapping his arms around her. Calidora, who loved hugs, immediately wrapped her arms around him too, standing up on her tippy toes to make it more comfortable. They stayed like that for a few seconds until the Mandalorian pulled away and Calidora landed on her flat feet again.

"I really don't know how to take care of a child." He said and Calidora laughed, falling back into her chair, a lot more comfortable this time.

The Mandalorian went back to his seat and started the ship back up again. The child, who had been put to sleep below deck, waddled his way into the cockpit, and Calidora picked him up to put in her lap.

"So, where to, partner?" Calidora asked.

"Well, we have the small problem of having no money." He flicked a switch. "But I have an old friend close by I could do a job for."

"Will I have to hide in the ship again?" Calidora raised an eyebrow and the Mandalorian chuckled.

"The child, yes." He turned his head to look at her. "But I think you can handle yourself."

Calidora smiled and the Mandalorian changed courses to head for a different galaxy. The trio rode in a peaceful silence this time, the only noise besides the ship being the child, who cooed when he wanted something.

"Din." The Mandalorian said.


"My name." He cleared his throat. "It's Din. Din Djarin."

"Din." Calidora tried it, she liked it.

"Just." Din paused. "Just don't tell anyone."

Calidora couldn't help the grin on her face.

"No problem, Din."

He smiled under the helmet.

"And you won't forget her, you shouldn't be afraid of that." He continued, finally finding the right chance to tell her. "I remember my parents. The pain fades but the memories last and soon it won't be so bad."

Calidora started at the back of his helmet, a feeling of gratefulness and some relief washing over her. The child played with her fingers but she still watched Din. The pain did fade, she didn't want to say that because she thought if it didn't hurt anymore then it didn't matter. But his words helped her. She realized her and Juna were one point in time, and while it was a significant point in her life, it's not all encompassing, and right now she was with the child and the Mandalorian. She would remember Juna, and how she loved her, but right now was a different time, a different place. It comforted her.

"Thank you." She finally uttered.

"Anything for you, partner."

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