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As they entered the hangar, Calidora leaned on the back of Din's chair, arms resting on top as she surveyed the ships and other people roaming around.

"Looks friendly." She commented, knowing that most of them were outlaws.

"Listen, they don't know that you're with me," he landed the ship and stood up, making Calidora step out of his way. "Time comes and you don't wanna go on the job, just tell me and you can stay with the kid."

"I think you forget that I've killed people." Calidora followed him to the ramp.

The Mandalorian pressed the button and the ship hissed as the ramp lowered.

"I think I have." He admitted.

"Mando. Is that you under that bucket?" A man laughed as the two walked out.

"Ran." Din acknowledged as they moved towards him.

"I didn't really know if I'd ever see you in these parts again. Good to see you." His eyes found Calidora and a hint of curiosity flashed on his face. "What's this, you got yourself a sidekick, Mando?"

"She's with me."

Ran put his hands up in fake surrender.

"You know, to be honest, I was a little surprised when you reached out to me. You know, 'cause I hear things. Like, maybe things between you and the Guild aren't workin' out."

"I'll be fine." The Mandalorian's eyes scanned around.

"Okay. Well, you know the policy. No questions. And you, you're welcome back here anytime."

"So, what's the job?" Calidora asked, more exited then she probably should be, she's never been on a job with Din before. She tried not to let her eagerness show, but the Mandalorian caught it.

"Yeah, one of our associates ran afoul of some competitors and got himself caught. So, I'm puttin' together a crew to spring him. It's a five person job - well six, I guess now. I got four. All I need is the ride, and you brought it." Ran started walking away and the two friends followed him.

"The ship wasn't part of the deal." The Mandalorian said, and Calidora didn't want anyone near the child.

"Well, the Crest is the only reason I let you back in here." He looked over his shoulder at the two of them. "What's the look? Is that gratitude?"

Ran stopped for a second to laugh before continuing on. Calidora didn't like him in that moment.

"Uh-huh. I think it is." He shouted out. "Hey, Mayfeld!"

"Yeah?" A bald man with a backpack responded, presumably Mayfeld.

"This is Mando, the guy I was tellin' you about. We used to do jobs way back when." Ran introduced, skipping over Calidora.

"This is the guy?"

"Yeah, we were all young, tryin' to make a name for ourselves." He laughed. "Yeah, but runnin' with a Mandalorian, that was what brought us some reputation."

"Oh, yeah? What did he get out of it?" Mayfeld was sizing up Din, who just stood in his natural statue-like state.

"I asked him that one time. You remember what you said, Mando?" Ran asked but didn't get a response, so he continued by himself. "Target practice. We did some crazy stuff, didn't we?"

Calidora looked up to the Mandalorian, an eyebrow raised. He looked back at her and finally responded, half to her and half to the two men he didn't care about.

"That was a long time ago."

"Well, I don't go out anymore. You understand? So, uh, Mayfeld, he's gonna run point on this job. If he says it, it's like it's comin' from me. You good with that?"

"You tell me." The Mandalorian broke eye contact with Calidora and Ran laughed once again.

"You haven't changed one bit." He said and Mayfeld didn't look too happy.

"Yeah, well, things have changed around here." He finally looked at Calidora, as if noticing her for the first time. "And what's this? She your bodyguard, Mando?"

Calidora crossed her arms, her stone cold look challenging Mayfeld to say some other smart remark, but he didn't.

Ran intervened, taking them to the rest of the crew who were gathering around the Crest. Mayfeld introduced them to Burg, who wasn't impressed with the Mandalorian, and the droid, Zero.

"I thought you said you had four." Din and Calidora looked around.

"He does." A female accented voice caught everyones attention. "Hello, Mando."

A purple Twi'lek approached them, a wicked smile and a knife in her hands. She appeared to be one of the people who knew the Mandalorian.


And the Mandalorian knew her too.

"Tell me why I shouldn't cut you down where you stand?" She enunciated, walking up to him with a look of temptation, before putting the knife to his throat. Calidora flinched but Din didn't budge.

"Nice to see you, too." He said and Calidora was confused. Was the Twi'lek always like this?

Everyone laughed around them, including Xi'an, licking her teeth as she did before lowering the knife and touching Din's armour. She sighed.

"I missed you." She pushed her body against his and Calidora's mind finally clicked in realization as Xi'an continued talking. "This is shiny. You wear it well."

"Do we need to leave the room or something?" Mayfeld piped up, but Xi'an didn't move and Din didn't move her.

"Well, Xi'an's been a little heartbroken since Mando left our group." Ran said, and Calidora wondered why everyone was still watching them.

"Aw." Mayfeld faked pouted. "You gonna be okay, sweetheart?"

"Oh, I'm all business now." She replied, body still pressed against the Beskar armour. She tapped it with her knife. "Learned from the best."

They finally broke it up as Mayfeld went over the plan. Turns out they were doing a prison break and the droid was going to be flying the Razor Crest, which didn't make the Mandalorian happy. But Calidora's mind couldn't focus on the job anymore. Even though she was excited about it before, she couldn't wait to tease Din about Xi'an, and caught herself casting glances at him constantly while everyone spoke.

When they were finally done and everyone was packing the ship, Din caught Calidora's arm.

"Why do you keep looking at me." It didn't sound like a question, but Calidora couldn't help the small laugh that bubbled out of her.

"I just didn't take you as a romantic, that's all." She said while motioning to Xi'an, who hissed at some onlooker.

"You think Xi'an is one for romance?" Din and Calidora leaned into each other so that the others couldn't hear them talking.

"So just hit it and quit it then." Calidora nodded in understanding and the Mandalorian laughed.

"Do you wanna do the job or sit here and gossip with Ran." He crossed his arms. "Because I will leave you here."

Calidora mimicked his pose.

"You're not the boss of me." She grinned up at him.

"Hey!" Mayfeld called from the Ramp of the Crest. "You two girls coming, or what?"

Din and Calidora quickly went to the ship, just to hear Mayfeld complaining about the Mandalorian and women. Calidora laughed.

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