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The trio jetted off. Far, far away. Unsure of where to go, they patrolled the galaxies, stumbling upon planets that always had something wrong with them, one had too big of a population density, one had too many moons, some just had bad memories.

Calidora napped below deck while the Mandalorian flew, the child by his side admiring the machinery. He no longer felt the need to walk her up when he was with the child, he felt like he could handle him for long enough that Calidora could get a proper bit of sleep. The kid flicked a switch, to which the Mandalorian shut it off. He flicked it again, and the Mandalorian said,

"Stop touching things."

The child watched him, slowly leaning backwards to flick the switch again, but missed. Catching another, the ship violently shook, the child screeching and the Mandalorian shutting it off quickly before picking him up and placing him on his lap.

"I told you not to touch things."

Calidora appeared in the doorway, rattled and disheveled.

"I'm up, I'm up." She moved into the cockpit and rubbed her tired eyes, thinking the Mandalorian was calling for her again. "What's going on."

"The kid is touching things." The Mandalorian said as the child reached for a joystick in front of him.

Calidora came up to them and picked up the child, who cooed at her, and sat down in one of the other chairs behind the pilot. She cradled the child.

"Let's see, Sorgan." The Mandalorian said, looking at the map. "Looks like there's no star port, no industrial centres, no population densities. Real backwater skug hole. Which means it's perfect for us."

Calidora hummed in response as the Mandalorian turned towards the two.

"Ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months?"

Calidora nodded and the Mandalorian turned back around.

"Nobody's gonna find us here."

As they descended upon the lush planet, Calidora admired the scenery. Large bodies of water surrounded by acres and acres of trees, mountains in the distance, it was a wonder there weren't so many inhabitants.

They touched down in a flat, open spot, trees surrounding them to cover the ship.

"Listen. I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna look around." The Mandalorian stood up. "It shouldn't take too long."

"Alright then." Calidora agreed and stood up.

"No, you two stay here." The Mandalorian held his arm out to stop her. "I'll find some lodging, then I'll come back for you."

Calidora slumped back in the chair with a pout on her face.

"Don't give me that look." The Mandalorian deadpanned and Calidora stopped. He pointed at the child. "Don't touch anything."

Then he turned on his heels and walked out, the child immediately hopping off of Calidora's lap and following him. With a smile, the two simply accompanied the Mandalorian, who sigh in exasperation when he noticed they were with him.

The three of them walked a trail they found in the forest, leading up to a marketplace where people were selling food and other things from wooden huts. Calidora made sure the child could keep up with them as they entered a cantina with a thin-stick architecture. The Mandalorian lead them to an empty table, and Calidora could see the looks they got, but she sat down unbothered. A lady came up to them as Calidora placed the child in a chair.

"Welcome, travelers. Can I interest you in anything?" She wiped her hands and smiled.

"Bone broth, for the lady and the little one." The Mandalorian said.

"Oh, well, you're in luck. I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty." She shrugged. "Can I interest you in a porringer of broth as well?"

"Just the two." The Mandalorian seemed preoccupied and Calidora was wondering what he was focused on.

"Very well." The Lady was about to turn away.

"That one over there. When did she arrive?"

Calidora looked to where the Mandalorian nodded and saw a hard looking woman turning away from them. She sat on the opposite wall, a drink and some food, muscled and quite frankly attractive.

"I've seen her here for the last week or so." The lady recalled.

"What's her business here?" The Mandalorian pressed on.

Calidora raised an eyebrow at him, she didn't take him as someone who pursued a romantic interest.

"Business? Oh, well, there's not much business in Sorgan, so I can't say." The lady started and the Mandalorian tossed a few credits onto the table. "She doesn't strike me as a log runner. Well, thank you, sir. I will get that broth to you as soon as possible, and I will throw in a flagon of spotchka just for good measure."

She turned around and happily went back to the bar.

Calidora's eyes drifted back to the woman, only to find the table she sat at empty. She guessed the Mandalorian noticed it too because he abruptly stood up.

"Keep an eye on the kid." He said.

"Where are you going?" Calidora questioned as he started walking away.

"Just keep an eye on him." He threw over his shoulder and left.

Calidora huffed, but thanked the lady when she brought the broths and spotchka with a smile and a couple credits tip, to which she accepted with surprise and another round of thanks. After a couple sips in silence, Calidora turned to the child.

"You wanna go find him?" She asked and the child cooed. Calidora smiled. "Go."

She gave him his bowl and watched him waddle out of the cantina in search of the Mandalorian. When he left her sight, Calidora drank the rest of her soup in peace. She was still tired because she never got to finished her nap, and was about to rest her eyes, only for the Mandalorian to return with the child and the woman he was asking about.

"I told you to keep an eye on him." The Mandalorian and the woman took the remaining two seats so Calidora put the child in her lap.

She just smiled and faced the other woman.

"Calidora." She introduces herself.

"Cara Dune." She nodded in return.

Cara told them about who she was, a rebel shock trooper who had to have an early retirement. The Mandalorian and her both admitted they thought the other was after each other and that's why they were skeptical. Apparently Sorgan was a sanctuary for other people too, but Cara said that she was here first. So the trio finished up in the cantina and headed back to the Razor Crest as night fell.

"You head inside, I'll do a ground check." The Mandalorian told Calidora as they approached the ship.

"You don't want any help?" She asked and he shook his head.

"You're tired," he reasoned. "Put the child to bed then go to sleep, I'll be in soon."

She did as she was told, putting the child to bed then laying down in her cot next to the carrier. But she couldn't fall asleep, not when she heard conversations outside. The Mandalorian was talking to some people. So when he came to get her, she was already awake.

"Change of plan," he told her as she sat up. "I found us some lodging."

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