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Welcome home, Calidora.

The planet seemed to scream this at her. She refused to go to her hometown though, not telling Din that. Such a small place, she didn't want to constantly see people she used to know, not while she was with a Mandalorian. They left the child to sleep in the ship for the exact reason she couldn't bring Din to where she used to live. Too much attention.

Instead she took him to the largest city in Bellassa, still not that large, but she knew the bank held the largest amount of money. She couldn't remember how much she transferred to this account, but she knew it would be more than what her hometown bank would have. It was that small a town.

Din and Calidora walked up to a tellers desk. He looked around Calidora's age, maybe a couple years younger, with blonde hair.

She smiled as she approached him and pulled out her chain code card.

"Calidora Añes, withdrawal." She said and the boy nodded his head, typing something in.

"How much, miss?" He asked, and Calidora noticed his eyes lingered on her a little longer.

"How much is in there?"

"A good amount." He said in a lower voice, looking around. Money talk wasn't the smartest thing on Bellassa, never was.

"All of it, please."

An apologetic look crossed the tellers features.

"I don't think we can do miss, policies." He told the two.

Calidora wasn't going to give up though, she turned to the Mandalorian beside her - who hasn't said anything yet.

"Why don't you go over there, we're gonna have to apologize to your girlfriend that we're gonna be late." Calidora said, staring into his helmet. Luckily he got her hint and walked away, pretending to look busy but keeping an eye on her.

Calidora turned back to the teller and put her elbow on the counter, cheek in her palm and drew her eyebrows inward.

"So I really can't take it all out?" She asked.

The teller shook his head, the kind apology still on his face.

"I'm sorry miss, I wish there was something I could do." He sounded genuine and Calidora knew this would be easy.

"That's okay... what's your name?"


Calidora perked up with interest, still leaning on her hand.

"Elias, I like that. You grew up here?"

Elias smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yes, miss."

"Call me Calidora." She said and leaned towards him, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

"O-okay... Calidora. Is that a Mandalorian with you?"

Calidora didn't look back but shrugged as a yes.

"Yea, he and his girlfriend are moving in together, meaning she's kicking me out and I need money for a new place." She sounded slightly upset.

"You're single?" Elias didn't make eye contact with her.

"Yea, I just can't find anyone I really connect with, you know?" Calidora sighed before catching a glimpse of a small framed picture on the tellers desk. "Is that a Cloudjumper XC80?"

"You're into ships?" He looked at the photograph before back at Calidora in eager.

"Yea, my first ride was Corellian Corvette 65." Calidora mimicked his excitement.

Elias' jaw dropped.

"The limited edition two passenger ones?"

"You can imagine the shock when I pulled up beside the CR90s." The two laughed a bit before Calidora relaxed her shoulders and gave a slightly sad look. "I guess I have to go, don't want to waste anymore of your time. It was nice meeting you, Elias."

Her eyes cast down a bit, feigning shyness, which just pulled him in more. As she turned around, Calidora winked at the Mandalorian.

"Wait, Calidora!" She turned around when the teller called her. "I don't see why you can't withdrawal your money, it is your account anyway."

"Oh, Elias, I don't want to get you in trouble."

"No, really, it's fine." He shook his head.

Calidora genuinely smiled.

"Well, thank you."

And they walked out with enough credits to pay off the bounty on the kid. Well, not that much, but that's what it felt like to Calidora as they walked back to the Razor Crest.

"You're a good actress." Din mentioned after a while of silence.

"Thank you." Calidora smiled.

"I've seen you do that a couple times, completely change your personality." He said, then paused. "Have you ever lied to me?"

Calidora thought that was a weird question.

"I don't think I ever have."

"Acting is lying." He clarified and Calidora looked at him.

"Like I said, I don't think so. I've never had to lie to you. First I was your quarry, and I didn't want to escape so I had no need to lie, then I was your friend. Friends don't lie to each other."

The Mandalorian nodded, content that he put his trust in the right person. They walked in silence again until Din broke it again.

"And if you had wanted to escape?"

Calidora grinned and looked smugly at him.

"I wouldn't have to. You would've let me walk free."

"I don't think you're that good." The Mandalorian defended, but didn't full believe himself.

"I have a tendency to prove people wrong when they say that."

When they arrived at the Crest, the child was awake. The Mandalorian put away most of the credits, seeing as the sun was setting, he suggested they find some lodging for the night. The trio set out for a nearby town Calidora knew, easily finding a bar with upstairs rooms for rent and no patrons. One room, a bed and a cot, the child's carrier beside Calidora, who always took the floor. Her reasoning was that the Mandalorian was in the armour all day, which couldn't be completely comfortable, so she would take the floor at night. He didn't argue.

Calidora looked over at the child and smiled as he cooed at her in his sleep. It was dark and Calidora was staring at the ceiling, thinking of the man who laid in the bed beside her. She knew he was awake, being around him this long she learned his breathing pattern for when he was asleep or awake. She wondered if he knew hers.

"Do I ever get that kiss?" Calidora asked into the dark, thinking about what she said earlier in the day.

She heard the Mandalorian shift a bit.

"If you do something to deserve it." His voice was tired.

"Then I'll be giving 110% at everything." Calidora smiled and they both laughed.

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