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"Those don't seem to bug you." He didn't even turn around.

Calidora rolled her eyes, keeping her hands steady between the cuffs. She moved her arms skillfully so they wouldn't become numb, but given the length of time she had already spent in them, she could tell why he was curious.

"I'm sure you can assume from my profession that I'm quite used to handcuffs." She lifted her shoulder up to wipe away a stray piece of hair that was bugging her.

A barely audible chuckle came from behind the helmet, but one that Calidora caught.

"So, Mandalorian," she crossed her legs. "There a reason I wasn't carbon-frozen like the Neimoidian? Or do you just want good company?"

"Sometimes there's complications with unfreezing," he flicked a switch, "the client wants you unharmed."

"So you're babysitting." Calidora confirmed.

"Babysitting." He nodded. "He wanted no harm to come to you."

Calidora snorted.

"He can't say the same about his wife." She used her arm to wipe the hair away again.

"Qe'in doesn't have a wife."

"Not anymore, no."

The Mandalorian turned his chair, one hand still on the control panel, but head turned towards Calidora. She knew she caught his attention with that. So she told him her story, just as she told anyone who would listen, that to the galaxies, Qe'in was single philanthropist, adopted two kids from a struggling planet because he was a kind soul, and built a business that gave jobs and wages to the poor. But that was all a facade to distract from the fact that he loved strippers and money - dirty money. His business wasn't honest, the worker were treated poorly, and the kids were a product of himself and the wife he kept hidden in a closet size room, banned from seeing everyone - including her own children.

One night, while wandering his home after a night that left him dead tired, Calidora came across a door she had never seen, to which she opened it. Calidora had never been a curious person, it wasn't the desire to know that drove her to do things, but it was her ego. She always felt untouchable, because she usually was, any trouble she got into would be dropped after a few words and a smile.

There was no light that shone through onto the woman she saw, but the soft, pale glow from the three moons illuminated her dark, beautiful skin into an ashy halo. She looked like a spirit brought down from the higher power, and when their eyes locked, Calidora fell in love.

Juna was her name, and her touch was light as a falling feather from a flying bird. Her voice rough like the angry fjords crashing against mountain rocks, and beauty ethereal like a far away supernova, colours merging and igniting flames upon flames of desire within Calidora.

So Calidora started taking more jobs with Qe'in. A high class escort such as herself was always hard to book, so when Calidora seemingly threw herself at the opportunity to be with Qe'in, he took it as a sign she wanted him, like he wanted her. And pretty soon, he became taken with her. While Calidora was sneaking off with her lover, Qe'in's wife, he was planning to eliminate Juna, he didn't need her now that he had the beautiful escort.

Then one night, as Calidora snuck to her chambers, Qe'in caught her in the halls, broad smile and arms open.

"We can be together, my love."

"What do you mean?"

"I have severed my last tie that would prevent me from being truly, 100% yours."

And he grabbed her and kissed her, such vigour and passion he held while Calidora's eyes were wide, staring at the door to her true love.

When he broke away and sauntered back to his chamber, Calidora couldn't stop the ringing in her ears and the pounding of her chest as she raced to Juna. Door flying open, soft moonlights casting halos onto the heap of body that was her lover. Calidora's arms encircled her, head to her chest in hopes of hearing some faint heartbeat, but instead pulling back with blood on her cheek. She held Juna for an unknown time, but she knew that hatred and love burned inside her. She knew she needed to leave. So she did.

As she told the Mandalorian, he gave no signs of emotion, no sympathy, disbelief, or anything else. But when she finished he spoke.

"And now you're willingly going back?"

"I have my reasons." She moved the hair once again.

"So you like women." He stated.

Calidora raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn't really matter to me, I've worked for many differen-"

"I don't mean in work." He cut her off.

Calidora cocked her head to the side, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Like I said, it doesn't matter to me." She shifted to try and see his front. "Why? Are you attracted to me?"

The Mandalorian laughed as he switched to autopilot and stood up. He turned around to face Calidora, who - annoyed, this time - moved the piece of hair that kept tickling her face.

"From that story I can guess that having feelings for you isn't the smartest idea." He walked towards the doorway, stopping in front of her for a second and raised his wrist, which sent a puff of air out and onto Calidora's face, moving the hair completely away. "Or the safest."

Calidora smiled as the Mandalorian walked out the door.

"Thank you." She said.

As they approached their destination, the Mandalorian returned to the cockpit, Calidora simply watched the big, blue planet with three moons.

"I wonder if the children are still there." She never took her eyes off the planet.

"You were close?" The Beskar wearer took his seat.

"I raised them." Calidora's expression softened. "But by now Qe'in would have sent them to boarding school. I don't think I'll ever see them again."

A sudden jerk threw off Calidora, and her cuffed wrists hit the metal, sending a shocking pain up her arm. She hissed out before glaring at the Mandalorian, who swerved the ship seemingly on purpose.

He turned to face her.

"What's your deal?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You run away from the man who killed the woman you loved, only to return willingly when I've come to capture you, even though there is no one there you love."

"I have my reasons." Calidora leaned back into the wall as the Mandalorian leaned towards her.

"Which are?" He inquired. He was surely curious and Calidora raised an eyebrow.

"Are you a snitch?"

"I'm a Mandalorian." He quipped.

A small smile pulled at Calidora's face.

"I'm going to kill him." She calmed. "Are you usually this curious with your cargo?"

The Mandalorian didn't move for a moment. Didn't say anything either, but he seemed satisfied with her answer and didn't acknowledge her question as he turned back to the controls and flew steadily, sending them both to the blue planet.

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