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Calidora, the Mandalorian, and the child made their way back to the Razor Crest. Much to the dismay of Din, Calidora refused to let him carry her and the child on the jet pack, so the walk was a bit longer.

Cara and Greef Karga stayed in the town so it was just the three of them walking in silence. Calidora, despite holding the kid, refused to let go of the Mandalorian. Whether it be hold his hand or his cape, she wouldn't let him go, she couldn't bring herself to, until they had to bury Kuiil. She hated it.

When they got on the ship, and Calidora placed the child in the pram, she turned to find the Mandalorian looking at her, his helmet off. They were a couple feet apart and his head was covered in dried blood, new cuts and bruises littered his face, but neither of them said anything. Neither knew what to say. Usually they would undercut the situation with a joke, but it didn't feel right. The only thing they could do was work with the situation.

"Tell me." Calidora said, a desolate look on her face.

"Tell you what?" Din's voice was soft and his face held sorrow and worry.

"Tell me that you think you're falling for me."

"I love you." He said. No hesitation, no wavering in his voice, no broken eye contact.

Calidora nodded. She loved him too.

"I'm so sorry you had to be there." He sighed.

"I chose to go." She dismissed it. "I'll be fine."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" He took a step closer to her and lifted her chin a bit.

"I gave a 110%" she whispered and the Mandalorian smiled.

"Yes, you did." He said and leaned down to kiss her.

Calidora placed her hands on his cheeks and Din held her tightly, she felt so safe in his arms that when they broke the kiss she wouldn't let him let go. She hugged him back and rested her head against the uncomfortable Beskar.

"I can't believe you wear this all day." She mumbled and felt Din laugh.

"You should go to sleep." He told her and finally let go.

"Promise you won't be too long?" Calidora asked, knowing that he must be exhausted. The Mandalorian nodded and she went to their room. The child was fast asleep, which she was thankful for.

Calidora laid on her side, facing the wall, the child's pram beside her, then Din's cot. But she couldn't sleep, her mind still digesting everything that happened, and how dirty she actually was, but her body was too exhausted to get up.

She didn't know if it was 10 minutes or 10 hours later, but her eyes were closed, begging sleep to encompass when the door opened. Calidora, still in the same position, knew it was Din without looking and she expected him to lay down on his mattress and she would go back to trying to sleep. But when the door slid shut, the Mandalorian laid beside Calidora on her cot, an arm wrapping around her waist and he buried his face in the crook of her neck, sighing in content.

Calidora smiled. Her hand moved to intertwine her fingers with the hand that was on her waist, and Din slid his other arm under the pillow, placing a small kiss on Calidora's neck.

"I love you." She whispered and her repeated it.

And they fell asleep.

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