Chapter 4 - The Boy SH

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The sun was finally shining, and John walked out into the small backyard. Tall wooden fences lined the tiny area filled with luscious green grass, that swayed in the breeze.
'Needs mowing' John thought to himself.
The backyard was... Boring. To say the least.
Hardly anything besides grass and a single tree that stood in the middle at the back of the yard. John curiously pondered over to the old oak tree and noticed behind the green leaves and sprawled branches there was a small treehouse built into the crown of the tree.
John decided to take a closer look at the little house. He carefully placed a foot on the plank of wood nailed into the tree as a step. He wasn't completely sure if he could trust the old weathered wood, but he had nothing else to do. He climbed up further into the tree before he reached the balcony of the treehouse. Hauling himself up onto the base of the house. He ran his hand over the smooth wood, cherishing the years that have worn the roughness away. Johns hand then grazed across something in the floor board.
He studied the curious pattern.
'The same carving as the one in the bedroom' John remembered.
A small shuffle and groan sounded from inside the house. John stood up startled, then mentally slapped himself for being so idiotic.
'its probably just a squirrel you idiot!' he thought. Opening the small wooden door into the house. Ducking his head only a little he walked inside. Sunlight poured in through the windows, patterned with the shadows of tree branches.
The place was very homely, there was a small wooden table and some little chairs placed in the middle of the floor. And over in the corner was a small bench that was probably used as a bed, or being used.
John's eyes squinted at the large figure that was lying peacefully under a small blue blanket. Their face shadowed and leaning against the wall.
'That's no squirrel' John said stupidly. 'God damn it John' he slapped himself again.
The figure stirred and groaned again, John started to back away, planning on getting his parents to deal with this.
"I don't know if looking like a squirrel is something I should take as a complement..." A low sleepy voice sounded from the corner.
"I- I'm sorry" John choked.
"You thought I was a squirrel did you not?" The voice replied, not making a move to get up.
"Ah- um, no, well yes but now I know you are definately- ah human?" There was slow chuckle.
"How did you know that I thought you were a squirrel?" John asked again.
"Because you said it out loud" The voice replied as a matter of factley.
"Right" John hummed. Looking at his feet. "Well are you actually going to introduce yourself or stay hidden in the shadows like a mysterious stranger?" John asked.
The figure stood up from the bench stretching out but failing miserably and hitting his head on the roof.
"Ow!" He cursed rubbing his head. "This roof is a lot smaller than it used to be." John gulped slightly at the sight of the boy, he was tall, slim but reasonably built, he had fair porcelain skin and curly brown hair that was a dark chocolate brown and these eyes... There were no words. This boy was just... Beautiful.
'Wait what?' John realised 'not gay'. He reminded himself.
The air was thick with awkward tension so John broke the silence.
"You said you remembered this place?" John asked curiously.
"Yes, yes I do. This is my treehouse, well was mine and technically I would like to still take some ownership over it if you don't mind." he explained with a smirk. John blushed a bit, the boy noticed.
'He's quite cute when he blushes' He thought happily.
"Sorry what?!" John gasped tensing up a bit.
"I said I'd like to still take some ownership-"
"No after that" The boy tilted his head in confusion.
"I didn't say anything.." he replied.
"Yeah you did you said I was cute when I blushed" John explained.
'Oops' The boy sighed. John was about to say something else but the boy stuck his hand out.
"Sherlock Holmes" He explained.
'SH!' John thought.
He took the boys hand with a smile.
"John Watson" John replied.
Sherlock released John's hand and walked back over to the bed and started folding the blanket up.
"May I ask what you are doing here?" John said placing his hands in his pockets and swaggering over the Sherlock.
Sherlock hesitated a bit, he didn't want to worry John or come out as a softy. Well not just yet.
"Oh just came here to say goodbye to the old place" he lied. John nodded his head slowly. "I promise I won't be a bother any longer" he said waking sadly out the the door.
"Sherlock! Wait," John gasped, "you're welcome here whenever you like, please it'd be nice to have a friend here" John said. Sherlock stopped and turned.
"You want to be my- my friend?" Sherlock asked furrowing his brow.
"Mysterious handsome boy in my treehouse.. why not!" John laughed.
"Handsome?" Sherlock teased.
'Crap' John cursed. Sherlock laughed.
"Okay then. Well goodbye for now John. I'll see you around cutie" Sherlock said with a wink. Before climbing down the ladder.
John just stood there blushing like crazy.
"And make sure you use the front door next time!" John called out with a laugh.
"Of course!" Came a reply before Sherlock jumped the fence and headed down the back road.
John sighed happily falling against the wall with a giggle.
'Oh god..' He thought. He was just about questioning his sexuality now.

The Boy in the TreehouseWhere stories live. Discover now