Chapter 6 - Hello Stranger

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Sherlock could not stop thinking about John. Even after many hours passed he was still lying on his bed thinking about the boy.

It made him happy to know that John was the new owner of his treehouse, his new friend, he has invited him to visit whenever, his new crush it was just John, John, John.

Sherlock had accepted from the second he saw John that this boy was special, he made him feel happy, he made him "feel". It was amazing! It was a new drug that he never wanted to stop being on a high from. So he just accepted that even just a little bit, he had a crush on John Watson.

But to his luck John was probably straight, but then again he did call him handsome and Sherlock made him blush on several occasions..
You never know, just maybe Sherlock could look into this new case. The John Case.


Sherlock groaned as he rolled over in his bed. He had to go to school today, the worst possible place, the worst thing ever.

He hated it. And it wasn't because the food was bad, or they gave too much homework, or the teachers were too dumb (although that was a factor). No, it was the bullies or as Sherlock liked to call them, "The fat-ass gits".

All he wanted was for them to leave him alone but they never did, they would never let him just go.

To be honest he tried, he tried not to be the freak that could tell you your whole life story by looking at you. But when it was triggered he couldn't stop it. It was a gift and a curse.

Sherlock remembered how hard it was the other day not to blurt out John's whole life story at him, he had contained it, for the sake of his friend and their new found friendship. He liked John, a lot.

He threw on his school uniform and headed down stairs. And just as he expected his family had left already. Like they did every morning with out a care in the world for their youngest.

To be fair Sherlock was 16 going on 17 soon. He could definitely look after himself easy.

He sighed and walked out the door with his bag hanging limply on his shoulder. Not even bothering to eat anything as usual.

He locked the door behind him and headed down the front steps. He was drawn out of his depressive state by a familiar figure walking hurriedly past the front of his house.
His heart leaped happily as he saw it as John.

He ran over to the gate but John didn't see him. He wanted to get his attention before he lost him.
'Stay cool Sherlock don't look desperate' he thought.

"Hello stranger!" He called, the shorter boy turned to see Sherlock jogging up from behind him a smile on his face.

"Hello mysterious boy" he laughed back. "I've missed you".
Sherlock winked at him.
"And vise versa John."
'Let the flirting games begin!' Sherlock thought cheekily.

"So where are you off to?" John asked.

"The same place as you obviously" Sherlock explained gesturing to their uniforms.

"Oh of course" John said stupidly.
They heard the school bell ring and both panicked.

"Oh god we're going to be late." John exclaimed, grabbing Sherlocks hand and pulling him along.

Sherlock couldn't help but blush at their interlocked fingers but he made no reason to move them.
Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

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