Chapter 7 - School Sucks

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Sherlock and John bolted into the school it was nearly deserted, with only stragglers including themselves making their way into the classroom.

"Shit, I don't have my timetable" John said in realisation.

"That's okay. I'll take you to the office and get you sorted out." Sherlock explained. "Hopefully it will give us an excuse for being late to class."

John followed Sherlock down to the school office. The lady at the desk smiled widely at the two of them.

"Hello there Sherlock!" The lady smiled.

"This is Mrs Hudson, the head of admin and school nurse" Sherlock explained.

"John, John Watson" John said with a polite smile.

"Oh John! You're the new boy. Oh I apologise I should have guessed it. Although I'm not nearly as good at it as your friend there" Sherlock coughed awkwardly.

"What does she mean?" John asked, Sherlock who stayed quiet and proceeded to sign in.

"Oh don't you know? He has this ability that allows him to-"

"Thankyou Mrs Hudson, but I don't think John will appreciate hearing about my personal life just yet if we have only just met if you understand." Mrs Hudson put her mouth in an 'o' shape and nodded.

"Right you are deary" She smiled. John shot Sherlock a quizzical look and Sherlock struggle din response. "Here you are John" Mrs Hudson said passing John his timetable.

"Thankyou" John said.

"Oh boys, if you would like I can give you the day off so you can show John around a bit.. How does that sound?" She asked. Sherlock smiled widely, "it'd be my pleasure" he exclaimed, shooting John a wink that made him blush just a little.

"Okay then" Mrs Hudson laughed, "here's a pass, now off you pop you two!"

"Thankyou Mrs Hudson!!" Sherlock said before skipping out the door with John by his side.

A shrill bell rang over head and the friends looked around to see their peers pouring out of their classrooms. Obnoxious noises and chatter erupting everywhere.

"Ehh school, dismal isn't it?" Sherlock hissed, his face twisting in discuss.

"I'm guessing it's not your favourite place then?" John said, figuring the answer already. Sherlock lowered his head a bit and sighed, shaking his head. John reached up and gave Sherlocks shoulder a quick squeeze of reassurance, Sherlock gave him a small smile.

"You have me now, we'll get through it together" John said blushing a little at his words, biting his lip for Sherlock's answer.

Their little moment was interrupted by none other then Henry and his gang spotting Sherlock.

Sherlock groaned, not in the mood for their stupid behaviour, while he was having such a great-

"Hey Freak! Who's your boyfriend?" Henry spat, pointing at John mockingly. I was about to pull John along to get away but John stood planted in the ground.

"What's it to you?" John hissed back, clenching his fists. Henry laughed.

"Oooo, protecting your boyfriend, little hedgehog!" His friends erupted in disgusting laughter.

"Come on John.." Sherlock murmured to him. John didn't flinch.

"Only Sherlock is allowed to call me a hedgehog! You stupid oaf!" John spat back. Sherlock smirked at his words.

A series of ooo's sounded from a surrounding gathering crowd. Henry looked around and smirked.

"Look everyone! The new Fags of the high school!" Before Sherlock could stop him, John ran up and punched Henry square in the face knocking him to the floor.

"Sunuvabitch!" Henry hissed, holding his now bleeding nose.

"I wouldn't mess with Sherlock, mate. Not when I'm around." John said angrily. He turned and left, grabbing Sherlocks hand and leaving the crowd. Sherlock quickly turned his head and shouted back.

"And tell your mother I think the plumber is a lovely man and your father doesn't deserve her!" A series of curses spilled through Henry's mouth and Sherlock and John quickly departed the scene.

Sherlock led John to the library since it was probably the quietest place in the school. He walked up to the wall and repeatedly banged his head against it, it didn't hurt it just helped him calm down when he didn't have his ahh- other distractions.

"Woah, woah Sherlock.." John laughed, pulling his friend away from the wall. "Are you okay? What happened out there?" Sherlock sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Ahh.. haha" he chuckled awkwardly. "That's Henry, one of the reasons I hate this school so much." John nodded understandingly.

"Why did you stand up for me?" Sherlock asked curiously, John gulped and Sherlock noticed a slight blush coming up his neck, he smirked a little at this knowing the answer.

"I ahh- I couldn't let them say that stuff to you Sherlock." he smiled. "Because you're my friend.. and I care about- about you." he finished off confidently. Sherlocks heart fluttered at these words, oh god he was so in love. We at least he figured, he had never felt in love or really any emotion until he met John. He didn't really know what is was, but whatever it is, it felt amazing.

Noticing he hadn't replied he quickly regained composure.

"Thankyou John" Sherlock barely whispered. Both boys were so caught up in the moment that they didn't realise they had in fact crept towards each other until their noses were centimetres apart.



The school bell rang abruptly knocking them out of their transfixed state. 'Damn it' they both cursed moving away from the other. Awkward silence filled the air between them.

"One question." John fired quickly.

"Go ahead." Sherlock assured, still feeling awkward from the near kiss.

"How did you know all that stuff about Henry's parents?"

Oh no...

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