Chapter 9 - Meet the Watsons

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John was somewhat nervous about Sherlock meeting his family. But he was confused to why this was such a big deal to him, like they weren't a couple.. weren't they?

All too soon the front door swung open revealing his sister Harry, who walked away shortly after without even saying hello. She was still ignoring him.

Sherlock raised an eyebrow at John. He just sighed in response.

"I'll explain later-"

"John!" His Dad walked up to the pair, who had begun to walk inside the hallway.

"Hiya Dad!" John smiled. He looked to Sherlock, who's eyes were wondering about the room. John coughed softly to get his attention. Sherlock seemed to snap out of his trance holding out his hand as if everything he had been doing was completely normal. John smiled softly at his cuteness.

"Sherlock Holmes, you must be Mr Watson?" The man shook Sherlocks hand.

"You're quite the gentleman my boy!" He exclaimed laughing. "So John is this THE boy?" He emphasised on the "the", causing John to blush furiously.

"I ah- um, yes.. Maybe" he stuttered scratching the back of his head. Sherlock smirked.

"I guess I have already been brought up in discussion then.." He winked at John. His Dad had to bite his tongue to contain his laughter.

"Dad, this is Sherlock's old home, coincidence don't you think?" He awkwardly laughed trying to break the tension that was arising in the room.

"Perhaps..." He raised his eyebrows. "How did you two meet again?"

"Well ah you see-" Sherlock began.

"Boys! What are you doing standing out there with the door open! You'll freeze us to death!" A loud motherly tone raised from the kitchen.

"That'd be the wife.." Mr Watson chuckled. Soon a short curly haired woman came marching into the hallway. She was about to tell her husband and son off before she spotted Sherlock standing awkwardly beside John.

"Oh! Hello dear! Sorry to have alarmed you, these boys are always leaving the door open!" She huffed coming to stand beside her husband, who put his arms around her, she just rolled her eyes playfully. "What's your name dear?"

"This is Sherlock..." Mr Watson explained. "John's friend." He smirked. John half wanted to run away and hide in a darkened room for the rest of his life. Sherlock smiled again, before looking at John who had turned a deep shade of red.

"Mum the doors still open..." John croaked.

"Oh yes!" She brushed her husbands hand away before moving towards the door and closing it. "Well make yourself at home Sherlock! It's so good to see John making some new friends.." Mr Watson choked again. John rolled his eyes, before grabbing Sherlocks forearm and pulling him towards the stairs.

"I'm going to show Sherlock my room now if that's okay!" John explained pulling Sherlock up the stairs.

"Okay be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do!" His mother called out, before he successfully got Sherlock out the danger that was 'his parents'.

They reached his/Sherlocks room (technically), shortly after slamming the door shut behind them and bursting into shits and giggles.

"Oh my god they are so embarrassing!" John said falling backwards into his bed in exasperation, flailing his hands in the air, before covering his face with his hands.

Sherlock laughed at his adorableness, before proceeding to fall across John's stomach with a loud 'humph'. John's tummy clenched and he tried to keep breathing with Sherlock lying inconveniently across him.

"Sherlock!" He laughed. "You're squashing me!" Sherlock rolled down his stomach, down his thighs before crashing on the floor with a bang.

John sat up quickly to check on his friend.

"Are you okay?!" He giggled, Sherlock was sitting down, pouting while rubbing his head.

"No..." He whined, looking up at John with big blue-green eyes. John had never seen something so beautiful.

"Aww, did wittle Sherlawk bump his head?" He pouted teasingly.

"Yes..." Sherlock moped again. John shook his head and chuckled.

"Come here..." He gestured for Sherlock to sit by his knees as he lowered his head to place a gentle kiss atop his brown curly locks. Sherlock hummed in approval.

When John pulled away, the first thing he noticed was how Sherlock was looking at him, and how close their faces were.

Sherlocks eyes flicked down to his lips and he felt his do the same, as if asking for permission that was granted from both parties.

The two boys lent in until there noses were slightly touching. One more look of approval was given before their lips connected in a small slow kiss.

John swore this was the most brilliant moment of his life and he could tell Sherlock was thinking a very similar thing by the way he hummed into John's lips. John felt his knees drop to the floor softly next to Sherlock to get a better angle, and he tangled his small fingers into the other boys hair, while Sherlock placed his hands on John's waist.

The kiss continued like that for a while, fingers massaging and lips never breaking, and if you even asked either boy what their name even was, they wouldn't be able to tell you, they could only tell you the name of the other boy.

Regaining their senses the boys parted. By now John was almost completely on top of Sherlock, he blushed noticing their positions but did not make any attempt to move nor did Sherlock.

"You have the most beautiful eyes..." John murmured caressing Sherlock's face. It was amazing to see that pale, flawless skin tint with a light shade of pink. Sherlock proceeded to place a little kiss on John's lips.

"You're amazing, John. You really are." He smiled beautifully.

The boys sat there for quite sometime just appreciating the other, and both had never felt quite like this before.

Hiya everyone!!
Hope you are enjoying this! Thankyou for your support and don't worry this isn't the end THERE WILL BE MORE!
AND YES JOHNLOCK KISS!!! WHOOOOO!! I was getting excited just writing this! Ehem so anyway thankyou all you're amazing!
- Ellie

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