Chapter 5 - Not Gay

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John walked back through the back door of his house. A huge grin on his face as he unconsciously skipped into the lounge room where his father was reading the newspaper and listening to the radio on low volume.

He peered over at his son who looked like the happiest kid on earth.

He coughed slightly and ruffled his newspaper bringing his son back from his dream like state.

"Someone's finally in a good mood" John's father mumbled from behind the paper.

John quickly straightened himself up a bit and took a seat in the chair across from his dad.

"If I wouldn't be mistaken, I'd say you're in love" his father laughed.
"What?" John asked puzzled. He wasn't in love with Sherlock, he couldn't be he was straight. Well on the brink of considering other terms.

"Okay, who'd you see? Was she pretty?" His father quizzed.
"He- ah" John stuttered, that came out unexpectedly. Johns dad sat his newspaper down on his lap.

"So it's a he?" He said with a smirk.
"He's no one I only just met him, he was walking by the yard and we had a chat" John explained, lying a little he didn't want his father to know Sherlock was actually asleep in the treehouse outside, that could bring on so many wrong impressions.

"Right" his father dragged teasingly.
"Oh shut up" John blushed before racing out of the room.

"John!" His dad called, John peered from behind the door frame.

"I don't care if you know, if you like boys. We will support you just as much as we did for Harry. We love you John" He soothed.

"Thankyou Dad," he said before turning away. "But I'm not gay". he giggled before climbing the stairs.

"Sure!" He heard his father laugh, he rolled his eyes and smiled.
He walked to his new room at the end of the hall and it made him happy, it reminded him of Sherlock. And for some reason it made him happy.

"John?" There was a soft knock on the door, his mother stood at the frame and smiled. "Your beds all made up and ready. I think it's best if you get lots of sleep. You have your first day at your new school tomorrow an you'll need lots of energy." she encouraged.

"But mum I'm 16 I can stay up all I want now!" He protested.

"Sure you can" she said sarcastically. "You're still my baby boy and you still need sleep. Now PJs on and into bed rascal!" She laughed.

John rolled his eyes as his mother left not before placing a kiss on his forehead and a quick I love you.
He lay in his bed for what could have been hours thinking about his day. Well mainly Sherlock of course. That tall handsome boy would not leave his thoughts alone.
He sighed before falling into a dreamless sleep.


Morning came sooner than John would have preferred. He groaned as the bright morning sun purrs in through his window. He reluctantly rolled out of bed, throwing on his new school uniform and heading down stairs to where his mother was making breakfast in the kitchen.

His dad was seated at the dining table but his sister was no where to be seen.

"Where's Harry?" he asked his mum taking a piece of toast from a plate and eating it quickly. He couldn't be late for his first day.

"She's not feeling too well today so I'm letting her stay home." She explained. "You'll be okay to walk to school on your own should you?"
"Mum! 16 remember. I'm even legal!" John groaned. He heard his father choke slightly on his toast in laughter.

His mother turned around wide eyed in shock.

"John! You are not legal till I say so!" She spat.

"Yeah when you're 30.." His father mumbled. John rolled his eyes.
"Well I'm off I don't want to be late." John said grabbing his bag and heading out the door.

"Okay Hun, bye!" His mother called waving him out the door.

"Bye!" The front door closed behind him and John made his way down the road towards his new school.
Half way to his destination, a familiar low voice called from behind him.

"Hello Stranger."

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