Chapter 06

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Sun-Hi POV

Life was started to get busy again. Between training and appearing on several TV shows I barely had time for anything else. On top of that was all the preparation we had to do for our tour across Asia.

I hadn't seen Yoongi in a while, unless you'd count the secret glances, we stole at the shows we both performed at. I could totally see why people rarely dated when they were in this industry, aside from it basically not being allowed. I didn't even have time to hang out with a friend, that worked in the same building as me.

Not that I regretted this life at all, I was finally doing what I loved most and that was singing and performing.

"Unnie, Eun-Hee and I are going back to the dorms to start dinner. Are you eating with us?" Haru asked me.

"Oh yes, that'd be great! I'm going to go through my solo dance again before I head back too" I said.

"Good luck, see you later." Haru left the practicing room.

I sucked in a deep breath after she closed the door behind her. I liked the quietness when I was alone, which was why I stayed after the others had already left most of the time. I did have to keep practicing for my dance solo though, it wasn't an easy one, but I felt so excited they decided I should do a dance break in our song. Soojin was our main dancer, but she had full confidence in me that I could pull this off.

There was one part of this dance that I couldn't seem to do. It was an aerial spin. It looked so cool the way our choreographer did it and it fit perfectly with the music and the rest of the choreo. I just couldn't do it, I couldn't get my form right.

I started counting in my head, took a short sprint, and jumped. I managed to do half a spin before I landed hard on the floor of the practice room.

"Shit." I rubbed my elbow, already knowing that that was going to turn into an ugly bruise. I felt so frustrated with myself. I was a decent dancer, why couldn't I do this?

There was one thing that I knew would help ease the frustration a bit and that was Yoongi. Seeing him right now was impossible, he was in Japan for a tour.

I grabbed my phone from my bag and dialed his number.

"Yoongi speaking." He said and I let out a sigh of relief that he picked up.

"Hi, are you free to talk?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm alone in my hotel room right now. I have an hour to kill before we leave for the venue."

Just hearing his voice already made me feel better.

"I just need to rant. I have this dance solo I need to do and everything is going great except this one move and I hate how I can't get it right." I said.

"I know exactly how that feels. What is the move you have trouble with?" He asked.

"Ah, it's this aerial flip. I have to jump high and twist my whole body while doing a 360 turn. I keep falling halfway through it, it's so annoying." I tried to explain it the best I could.

"Could you show me?"

Yoongi POV

"What? Show you? How? You're in Japan." She stammered.

I chuckled. "There's a thing called facetime, dummy. We could facetime, if you don't mind." I asked.

In all honesty, I just wanted to see her. I wasn't a dance teacher and probably had no idea how to help her with this. But I just wanted to see her. It's been too long.

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