Neil {2}

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"For your homework this week, I want you to write a poem" Mr Keating, my dad, explained, surveying the room of boys- and me- who looked like they'd rather do anything except write a poem- but he wasn't finished yet.

"The poem must contain the theme of love, it can be about your love for anything. But don't make it crass, I'm looking at you Mr Dalton" he laughed along with the class, Charlie was known for not having the purest mind.

As soon as he said love poem, Neil and I caught each other's eye but quickly looked away, I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. My dad glanced between the two of us, a sly smile emerging on his lips as if he's just figured something out. Which he hadn't- because me and Neil were most definitely not in love with each other.

"Y/N, you are most definitely in love with Neil Perry. You don't need to hide that from your old dad" he said once everyone had left the room. I wriggled uncomfortably in my seat, talking about relationships with my dad wasn't an ideal situation- especially not in a classroom where anyone could walk in and hear him.

"Dad, we're just friends. Trust me, we don't like each other in that way" I tried to convince him but he was having none of it, I could tell.

"If you say so, Y/N" he dismissed me and I hurried to the common room to make a start on my poem. I had so many ideas coursing through my brain and I had to get them down on paper before they disappeared.

"You already started on the poem?" Charlie took a seat next to me as I scrawled the numerous ideas on a page.

"Just scribbling down some ideas, writing about love isn't exactly my forte" I looked up at Charlie, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Think of someone you love and write about them. Unfortunately you can't write about me, that would be too obvious" we both laughed at his flirtatious ways, Charlie would willingly give attention to any female within his vicinity.

"That's too bad, I was going to write an epic love poem all about your good looks" I teased, I looked over his shoulder and locked eyes with Neil again. With a sheepish smile, I looked back down at my page and knew exactly what (and who) to write about.

"I'll leave you to get on with your poem, goodbye my love" Charlie faked blowing me a kiss and I returned it. Everyone always made comments about how 'we were so well suited' and 'would make a really cute couple'. But I wish they'd say it about someone else...

"Hey Y/N, do you mind if I join you?" Neil hovered awkwardly over the seat Charlie had just left vacant and I couldn't form the words to say yes, so I just nodded my head, slightly too vigorously.

"Your dad really set us a challenge this week, huh?" Neil laughed and waited for me to reply. Words were still not forming in my mouth and I must've looked so strange sitting there with my jaw agape and no sound coming out.

Speak Y/N. It's only Neil, he's the least intimidating person ever.

"Yeah, love poems are hard" I sighed and looked up at him, his eyes were such a beautiful shade of brown, as if someone had swirled melted chocolate and gold together.

"They're easier when you know who- or what, I mean what- you're writing them about" his cheeks flushed a deep crimson but I pretended I hadn't notice his slip up.

We sat in silence for a while, getting on with our various pieces of homework and nudging each other from time to time in a teasing way. Silence with Neil was never awkward, it was welcome and comfortable.

"I'm going to the cafeteria to get some food, I'll be back in a minute" Neil whispered before leaving the room, earning a glare from Dr Hager who believed in complete and utter silence at all times.

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