You wake up next to each other unexpectedly-

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**DISCLAIMER: these are all consensual situations (consent is key y'all)💞

Todd Anderson-
-"oh god, oh god, oh god, how could this happen?"
-he wakes up first
-freaks out so badly because he can't remember what happened the night before
-doesn't know if he should wake you or not
-contemplates sneaking out of the second-floor window (forgets he has a door because he was panicking so much)
-apologises a lot when you wake up
-turns around while you get dressed
-"it's not like you haven't already seen it"
-literally wouldn't make eye contact with you for weeks after it happened

Neil Perry-
-"erm, Y/N? How did you get here?"
-wakes up feeling happy for the first time in a while
-doesn't realise you're laying in bed next to him until he rolls over
-does the most dramatic gasp and wakes you up
-also kind of just wants to lay in bed with you for the rest of the day and relax
-which is what you end up doing
-until Todd comes back and catches you napping together
-"this is the best day of my life"

Charlie Dalton-
-"now this is something I could get used to"
-wakes up spooning you (little spoon energy)
-doesn't remember how this happened
-but also doesn't mind because he's got a girl in his bed
-and he's always lowkey had a crush on you even though he'd never admit it... before you ended up sleeping together
-doesn't want you to get out of bed
-remembers little details from the night before as you're getting dressed
-"can I count this as our first date?"
-he takes you out for lunch the same day
-also asks you to be his girlfriend

Knox Overstreet-
-"Y/N... this is a nice surprise"
-plays with your hair whilst you're still asleep
-can't help but admire how beautiful you look
-calms you down when you wake up and completely freak out
-showers you with compliments to make you feel better about the situation
-respectfully looks away when you get dressed
-but also can't help but peek every few seconds
-you both promised you would keep it a secret but it managed to spread around the group anyway thanks to knox telling charlie
-"so are you two dating now, or what?"

Steven Meeks-
-"I think you got in the wrong bed last night..."
-lowkey scared that he might have gotten you pregnant
-accidentally touches your boob while he's fumbling around for his glasses
-also picks up one of his textbooks when he grabs his glasses
-awkwardly manoeuvres himself so he's propped up on one elbow
-looks over the top of his book every once in a while and smiles because you look so beautiful
-still can't get over the fact that you're in his bed
-"are you seriously doing homework right now?"

Gerard Pitts-
-"What are you doing in my bed?"
-steals all of the blanket away from you because he's so tall
-your legs are kind of tangled around his and he doesn't want to wake you because you look so peaceful when you sleep
-blushes SO hard when you get out of bed and he sees you naked
-you can't help but laugh at how dumbfounded he looks
-"we should do this again sometime"
-after you leave he literally stares at the wall for an hour trying to remember how it happened
-plucks up the courage to ask you out later that day

A/N- hi! hope everyone is staying safe during lockdown! thank you to redundant_lyf for this request- it's not something i'd usually write so i hope you enjoyed it!

if y'all want me to write more stuff like this then do let me know :) thanks for all the support and love you're showing this book it really means a lot to me! ily💗

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