Getting lost in the woods together~

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Todd Anderson-
-panics so much
-hides his panic to keep you calm
-"let's hope the sweaty-toothed madman doesn't come and get us"
-keeps his arm around your shoulder at all times and kisses your forehead reassuringly
-puts his jacket around you when it starts to get cold

Neil Perry-
-tries to look for the positives in being lost
-"at least Nolan can't tell us off for kissing out here"
-every time he sees a pretty flower, he picks it and gives it to you
-you make him a daisy chain and he wears it like a crown
-jokingly suggests you should live in the woods together forever

Charlie Dalton-
-starts telling ghost stories (but ends up scaring himself more than you)
-'don't worry, nuwanda will protect you'
-tries to climb a tree to get a sense of where you both are
-but he fails spectacularly and falls from the first branch
-takes the privacy of the woods as an opportunity to make out with you

Knox Overstreet-
-instead of being scared that you're both lost, he manages to turn it into a romantic adventure
-"how could we ever be lost when we have each other?"
-doesn't let go of your hand
-starts humming the tune of your favourite song as comfort
-spins you around and you end up dancing in cute little clearing

Steven Meeks-
-he points out constellations and planets
-drops his glasses and you both spend about 10 minutes looking for them under the leaves
-tries to think of a logical way to get back to Welton
-you sit down to think of a plan together, but just end up cuddling
-you fall asleep on his shoulder whilst he traces the stars on your palm

Gerard Pitts-
-keeps banging his head on low hanging branches
-"do you think there's bears in here?"
-when you get tired, he gives you a piggy back
-both give up trying to find a way out
-he decides that weaving flowers into your hair is much more entertaining than walking around lost for hours

A/N- it's uh... been a while😭 so sorry for the lack of updates but i watched dead poets society again today for the first time in ages and felt like writing here again, i hope you enjoyed it! <3

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