: (v) to make something whole or able to work properly again.
I don't know what day is it today.
How many months have passed?
Or how many years have gone by?
Am I still alive?
Am I still alone?
Am I still the creature that they have condemned for life?
I heard that there is also someone else like me.
Someone who has a vicious capability of killing someone with the use of one of the five senses.
I overheard one of the guards who came in with my supplies talking about her sometime ago.
Says she has lethal touch.
Like, one touch could kill you.
At least, her "condition" needs actual contact.
In my case?
No actual contact needed.
All I need is to look at you, or you look at me, and then what?
Easy, you die.
Well, not that easy.
Easy because you are going to leave this world full of trials and hardships.
Not that easy because I have heard them scream in agony.
My eyes are red as fire and blood.
I don't know why I have red ones, both my parents have blue ones, but I came out differently.
Also, none of them have a vicious eyesight.
I started accidentally killing plants, to trees, birds, cats, dogs, a monkey from the zoo, an elephant, a lion and then, a human.
I accidentally killed my optometrist.
He was just diagnosing my condition when he suddenly dropped on the floor, screaming.
I was sixteen at that time.
And then the Reestablishment took over.
And my parents couldn't bear the shame I had brought upon them, so, they sent me in an asylum.
For no apparent reason.
I'm not crazy.
I'm sick.
I was doing good, sorta, in the asylum, when the Reestablishment decided that I was too deadly to be with civilization, including the insane parts of it, so, they released me from the asylum and sent me in a place where I can't harm anyone.
What kind of place is that?
Food and other supplies are being delivered to me since that day.
Today, I just killed the last thing that is living in here.
I just killed a leaf.
A leaf that accidentally got in when one guard delivered my supplies.
Stared at it and then boom, it burst in to flames, burnt for a short while and then... Nothing
I am officially alone
Absolutely no signs of life.
Just me.
I'm not sure I'm even alive.
Watching the leaf burn made me realize that I am also capable of burning things down.
No more things to experiment into.
What if all the things I have killed felt a burning sensation too?
That's why they were screaming, probably.
I am aware that there are cameras recording my every move
But I don't care.
I don't think anyone would be wasting their time watching someone who is deep in her thoughts.
I'd like to think that I am a waste of space.
Because I am an outcast. Nobody wants to be near me.
A waste of time.
Even my parents didn't have much time for me. So they just let me go in a facility.
A waste of resources.
The Reestablishment could have just killed me instead of building me a place.
I think it's a waste for the Chief Commander to have his troops send me supplies.
They could just let me starve to death.
No one will miss me.
No one even knows my name.
I don't use my last name anymore because it belonged to my father and I don't have a father anymore, he has abandoned me.
But I did have one.
Why did the Reestablishment keep me here?
I have no use.
The silence drives me mad.
The sense of being alone drives me mad.
I could kill someone by just looking at them but that doesn't I don't want company.
I've been alone for what?
Quite sometime and I haven't talked to anyone.
Not counting the guards who come and go with supplies.
I only say thank you to them.
Which is once a month.
I was sixteen when they admitted me to the asylum.
Spent three months in there.
And then two winters had past,
Which means, two years.
So, I have been alone for two years.
Which makes me eighteen,
Eighteen years of living in a curse.
A curse of solitude.
The girl with the red eyes whose looks could really kill has been alone for two years.
Literally Alone.
And with that, I found myself sobbing.
And I saw light come in.
Someone must've opened the door.
Which is impossible.
I am in a dark room, with one door, the room is not roomy enough, and not livable enough, and it could only be opened on one side.
Bathing hours?
Not a problem, I have my own shower which drains out.. Out somewhere.
And I heard the door closed.
Someone is in here with me,
I looked up and wiped up my tears.
And proved that there is someone indeed with me.
And that someone is a she.
The Reestablishment has given me company.
And I don't think it's a good thing.
Because, maybe they want me to kill her.

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