I am aware of the other being that is here with me.
But I didn't look at her.
Instead, I went back to my sobbing position.
I have a roommate.
But if I look at her, I'll kill her.
None of this makes sense.
Why did they put her in here?
The deadliest place on earth.
Maybe they sent her to kill me.
I hope she does it fast.
I don't want to feel it.
Considering that I have brought upon such great agony unto the world, I am a little bit selfish and heartless.
My heart doesn't exist anymore.
The organ does.
But I think my heart disappeared many years ago.
No one can and would accept me for who I am.
They say first impressions last.
But when I see you, your first impression of me will be the only one left of you.
The woman with me is pounding on the door.
I think she does not know what kind of a sick monster am I!
I need to get her out of here.
I tried so many times to burn the door down, but no such luck, it's fireproof.
I had nothing to kill before so I looked at everything, but now, I am staring at the floor.
And like the wall, it's also fireproof.
" It's useless. " I said without looking up.
" What? " she said
" The door has proofing in every kind. Like, fire, water, sound. "
I heard her slump down the floor.
I stared out the small window.
The window was as big as the bricks. Enough for me to see the weather.
It's almost nighttime.
" What are you here for? " she asked
" Can I ask you that first? I mean, I know this cell is build for me. "
" Wow, territorial much? " she said
This is the first conversation that I have for the past two years.
I'm talking to an actual person.
" Call me territorial, but I have been in this cell, all alone for the past two years. "
" Wow, alone for two years? No one to talk to? "
" Yeah. The world hates me. "
" That's sad."
" So sad that you are forced to talk to me. "
A sudden wave of claustrophobia came rushing to me.
Okay, the cell is big enough for two people to fit in, but I got so used to living, well if you call it living, in here. Alone.
I am so far from civilization that the Reestablishment decided to bring a part of it to me.
All I have to do is not to look at her.

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