" Aren't you being a little paranoid? " I said

We are in a tank, going to Warner's safe house.

" This is taking precaution, Eliza. "

" I know, but really, a safe house? "

" No one will know that you are there. "

" Exactly! What if something happens to me? "

" Nothing will happen to you. "

" How can you be so sure of that? "

" Eliza, please, just bear with me. "

" I can't exactly bear with you if I don't know what the hell are you being paranoid about. "

" You don't understand. "

" Then make me understand! "

" I wish I can. "

" What do you mean, you wish?! Warner, I can sense that you are pained and all, your emotional bucket is full, and it's close to tipping of, you might explode! "

" I know. "

" You do know that I can feel that you are close to crying. "

" Eliza, I have to protect you from him. I don't want to lose you. "

" Protect me from Anderson? What exactly happened to the two of you that made you feel so enraged. "

" You want me to share a part of me? "

" Yes, heck! Warner, I shared a lot to you, and your family. It's the least you can do! " I said

" Fine, once we get in the safe house, I'll share. "

" Promise? "

" Promise. "

As soon as we got out of the tank, I saw the safe house.

" This is it? " I said

" What is? "

" The safe house? "

" What did you expect? "

" It's a house! "

" It's my house. " he said as he showed me the keys.

" You have a house? " I said as he push the keys in.

" Yes, I do. Shall we? " he said as we enter.

The house is so him.

" Is the house camouflaged? " I said as he locked the front door.

" Yes. If anything happens, just go out and walk a few steps, you'll see Adam's place. " he said.

" Why don't I just stay there? " I said

" Because as far as the Reestablishment is concerned Adam Kent, James Kent and Kenji Kishimoto are dead. And if my father comes after you-" he frowned.

" Your father? " I said

" I-"

" Anderson is your father! " I said

He sighed.

" I'd better start sharing now. " he said

He held my hand as we sat on the couch.

" Well, I don't know where to start. "

" Start wherever you want. "

He closed his eyes.

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