I didn't leave my room for whole three days.

I didn't talk to anyone.

Cas came in the room, to bring me food.

But I didn't even turn around to face her.

She was the only one who came in.

I didn't expect Warner to come in and check on me.

Because he was the one who set up the meeting with my father.

" Eliza? " I hear Cas say as she entered.

I didn't respond.

" I brought you something to drink. It's okay that you don't eat, but at least drink something. "

She's gonna leave it here anyway.

" Eliza, could you at least talk to me? " Cas said

I didn't move.

I felt her hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off.

" Hey-" she said

She's getting into my nerves.

So, I turned to face her.

" What?! Talk to you? I spent two years not talking to anyone and you expect me to talk to you! You don't even know me! We've known each other for fifteen days! " I said, my eyes looking directly into her eyes.

" Eliza-"

" This is what you want right? Me to talk to you?! "

She's shaking.

I heard the door opened.

Warner entered.

I can't kill Cas!

I can kill Warner.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

She sighed with relief.

And I turned around.

" Next time, be careful with what you wish for. " I said to Cas.

Cas breathed hard.

" You are dismissed, Lieutenant Castellé." I heard Warner say.

I think I need that glass of water.

" Now you decide to show up! " I said

" I'm sorry, were you expecting me? " he said

" No, I was just expecting you to come first so I can look at you. "

" You were planning to kill me? I am not surprised. "

" I hear many people want to kill you. "

" I get death threats a lot. "

" Good for you. "

" None of them actually done it. "

" Probably, because you are still alive. "

" Normally, if people answer me like you do, I have them executed. "

" Not if I kill the executor first. Plus, I am not normal. "

" Well, you-"

" Don't ever call a girl who can kill someone with a gaze normal. "

" Trust me, I have seen worse. "

I closed my eyes.

" Get dressed. " he said

I frowned still not looking at him.

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