I have officially counted the sunrises.
Fifteen to be exact.
" What's it like outside? " I asked again, without looking at her.
" What do you mean? "
" Outside. Far from here. From where you came from. "
" Oh, you mean Sector 45. "
" Whatever. "
" It's pretty much the same. Literally. "
" Huh. Is that good or bad? "
" Uh, what's the deal with you? " she asked
I smirked. Staring outside the small window.
" You are aware of the cameras within our cell, huh? "
" I-"
" No need to defend. Nobody is dumb enough to watch us do nothing. "
" What? "
" I've been here for two years. None of them done anything. "
" Maybe because the Chief Commander is ruthless. "
" Ruthless? "
" Unafraid of anything. "
" I know what ruthless means! "
" It sounded like you were asking me-"
" Nevermind! " I said
There was a moment of silence.
And then the moment was shortlived.
" Seriously, what's your deal? " she said
" What deal? "
Fifteen days.
I have been suffering for fifteen days.
The past two years was fine.
The past fifteen days?
Living hell.
" Why are you here? " she asked
" Don't you think it's my question to ask? " I said
" I asked first. "
" I was here first. "
" But I did ask first. "
I sighed.
" Fine. My parents got enough of me so they sent me away, "
" What? "
" I got into their nerves. Sent me in an asylum. Been there for three months. And then the Reestablishment took over, and transferred me here. To die. " I said
" Oh. "
" My turn. Why are you here? " I said
" They sent me here to die. "
" What? "
I was right.
" I was caught trying to kill my self for about three times. "
" So, your parents sent you here to die? "
" Oh no, not my parents. The Reestablishment. "
" You had the government send you here? "
" Signed by the Chief Commander himself. "
" Wow, the Chief Commander finds a way to get in our conversation. "
" You know, we've been together for the past what, few days-"
" Fifteen. " I said
" I wasn't asking about how ma-Nevermind. "
" Get to the point. "
" I haven't seen your face. " she said
" You don't need to see my face. "
" Why not? "
" No use. We only have one lightbulb and it's not enough to fill in the whole room. "
" Fine, at least tell me your name. "
" You first. "
" I asked first. "
" I told you my story first. "
" Fine, I'm Cas. "
" Cas? "
" Yeah, your turn. "
" Eliza. "
And then is felt the air thinning.
Like the oxygen got sucked out of our small room.
I could hear Cas grasping for air.
I tried my best to pound on the small window.
My eyes rolled back in.
And I felt my whole body grow cold.
And then I passed out.

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