My head feels fuzzy.
I opened my eyes and saw lights.
The solar panels must be working overtime.
I am in a white room that is fully lighted.
This must be the real color-
I have been staring at the walls of my cell for hours and it isn't white. Nor painted.
I am in a different place.
Or am I dead?
That I headed towards the light.
My clothes feel different. Er
Because it is different.
It's white and made up of some cottony material.
Where am I?
Am I dead?
What happened?
All I remember is..
The air thinning.
Oh, I am in a different place.
And still alive.
And will probably get killed if I don't get out of here.
I stood up. And the room is so white and clean.
And it looks like I am the one messing it up.
And then the door opened.
And a man in a lab coat entered.
And I turned around so that i am not facing him.
" It's good to see you up, Miss Trauer. " he said
My last name.
Elizabeth Trauer.
Trauer, a German word for sorrow.
" What happened? " I said
" I can see that you have your back facing me. "
" It's a preventive measure. "
" Ah, I heard about your uh, condition. "
" Yeah. "
" The Chief Commander gave us specific instructions on how to deal with your-"
" The Chief Commander? "
" Yes, of Sector 45. "
I inhaled.
" What happened? Where am I? "
" In a holding facility in Sector 45 headquarters. Namely, the infirmary. "
" Why am I here? "
" You were in need of serious medical attention-"
I remember the air thinning.
" You should just have left me there to die. "
" That's not possible, see, the Reestablishment needs you. "
I realized that I am staring at the wall for too long because it started steaming.
" Needs me? Are you kidding me? " I said as I turned around.
Now, I am angry.
And I am looking at him.
" Miss Trauer, please don't-"
" See, nobody needs sorrow in their life. And my name, Trauer, means sorrow. "
I am now staring at him.
" Miss-"
" You know, I killed my optometrist. And then my parents got rid of me."
" Please don-"
" That was the last thing I said to them. But they didn't listen. "
And then I closed my eyes, and he sighed for relief.
" I don't kill people by purpose. " I said
I poured water to a glass and handed it to him.
" Drink up. " I said with my eyes closed.
He got the glass and I assume he drank from it.
" Thank you. " he said
" Yeah, whatever. " I said
" If you want to freshen up, you can take a shower, and in the shower room, there is another set of clothes that you could wear. " he said
" Thank you. "
" I'm gonna-"
" Go. "
And he did,
I haven't seen myself in a while.
The shower area has a huge mirror and I found myself staring at my reflection.
I have a long black hair.
Fair skin.
And red eyes.
Everything about me looks normal.
Except my red eyes.
And my lethal stare.
And now the mirror is starting to crack, so I broke gaze and went in the shower.

As soon as I got out of the shower room, I saw the doctor that I was talking to a while ago, and my roommate, Cas, in a uniform,
" What are you doing here? " I said
" It's nice to finally see your face, Miss Trauer. " Cas said
" What are you, Cas? "
She stiffened.
" Lieutenant Mariè Castellè, at your service. " she said
" They sent you to me. " I said, looking indirectly at them.
The doctor approached me.
" Miss Trauer, I need to check your vitals before we clear you. " he said
" Clear me? "
" Yes, so that we can release you. "
" And go back to where I came from? "
" Uh, no, clear to talk to the Chief. " Lieutenant said
Finally! For all the times I have actually talked to someone, the Chief manages to enter the conversation. And now I'd be meeting him.
" He's gonna have some protection right? I mean, he knows what I can do. " I said
" Of course. " the doctor said
And he checked my vitals, excluding my eyes.
" Very good. " he said
And then Cas the Lieutenant handed me a different set of clothing.
Jeans, shirt and another set of fresh underwear.
" Could you please change in to that? " she said
" Whatever. " I got it and entered the shower room and changed.
After five minutes, I went out.
" Ready? " she said
" Is this the same Chief that everyone is talking about? "
" Probably. I mean, there is only one Chief, of Sector 45 and The Reestablishment. He's the same person. "
" So, I'd be meeting the Chief of the Sector and the Reestablishment? "
" Yes. "
" Okay then. Let's go. "

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