I woke up to the sound of the door opening.

Am I really sleeping on a bed?

I am awake, but I refused to open my eyes.

This might be a dream.

I don't want to wake up in a dark room, sleeping in a ratty mattress.

I want to wake up on a bed.

Even though I didn't want to, I opened my eyes.

And I saw green.

Captain Green-Eyes is here.

" You're up. " he said

" You're here. " I said

" It has been four hours. " he said

I sat up.

And he handed me a neatly folded set of white clothes.

" Change in to this. " he said

" Why? "

" Just change into that. " he said

I unfolded it.

" No. " I said

He frowned.

I stared at it, trying to burn it.

" Don't attempt to burn it. " he said

" I'm not wearing that. "

" Why not? "

" It's almost next to nothing. And I'm not wearing that in an establishment filled with men! I'm not gonna be here to serve as an..an entertainment! Just send me back to the hole where I came from-"

" You are not here for entertainment! "

" Then why am I here? Why bring me here? "

My eyes are wide open now, I am angry and I am looking at him.

But not in the eyes.

And in the time span that I have been looking at him, he should have died right now.

I frowned.

" You're not dying. " I said

" What? " he said

" I have been looking at you for quite some time now, much longer than the optometrist, and here you are still standing, still sane. "

He frowned.

" The Reestablishment needs you. " he said

" Needs me how? To kill people? To torture them?"

" Can you please just change into that? " he said

I frowned.

" No. "

" I would personally give you my coat if walking around the Headquarters in that makes you uncomfortable. "

" It is uncomfortable. "

" You're only gonna wear that once! " he said

" Why wear it once if you can-"

" You can burn it after wards. " he said

" Fine. I'll wear this stupid outfit. " I said

I stood up and went in the bathroom.


I have a bathroom.

The outfit does not cover that much of my skin.

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