" So, what happens now? " I said

It has been two weeks since Anderson tried to kill me, and two weeks since he died.

I haven't fully recovered yet, but at least I can now lift my head up.

Warner had me transferred to the Headquarters for a better medical attention, true to his word, he never left my side, sort of, he told me when he was to leave, which is part of our word.

And, he had James, Adam and Kenji transferred too.

" What happens to what? " he said

" Everything, the whole Reestablishment, the Sectors, everything. "

" You are now having a conversation with the Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment. " he said

" I would clap, but I won't. But, I'm proud of you. "

" Me too. "

" Who becomes the Chief? "

" Adam. I did a lot of talking things through with him, and he finally agreed. "

" Is that even legal? "

" I am the Supreme, Eliza. I say what's legal or what's not. "

" Okay. "

" That's it? No arguement? "

" Nope. "

" Normally, you wouldn't just back down without a fight. "

" Huh, I do. "

He bit his lip.

" Hey, Warner, what happened to that convincing the Prince of something? " I said

" That's classified. " he said

" Says who? The Supreme? "

He smiled.

" It's not really that classified. " he said

" Then, tell me! "

" Lieutenant Castellè is taking care of it. "

" What? "

" I had to send someone out to his country and see the advantages of his land. "

" Oh, and Cas is the right person? "

" I think so. No, I, yes. She had established a good connection with the Prince. "

" Is it the last remaining independent country? "

" Illèa is the last remaining independent country, and I intend to have it. " he said

" Oh. And Cas is checking it out? "

" Yes. "

" Cool. "

He played with my fingers.

" Have I thanked you enough? " I said

" What? "

" Thank you. " I said

" Did you hit your head three weeks ago? "

" No! I think. But still, thank you. "

" Again, Eliza, you're welcome. And again, for what? "

" Saving me. "

" I took you to that safe house to keep you safe and to protect you, and I shouldn't have left you, Anderson wouldn't have done this to you, and you wouldn't have to come close to the brink of death!" He said

" It's not your fault. You didn't know that he knew where I was. "

" But he did! "

" That's not all I'm thankful for, though. " I said

He frowned.

" Then what else? "

" Saving me from me. " I said

" You did hit your head three weeks ago, you are not making any sense. "

" A few weeks ago, I thought I was a  hopeless case. I didn't think that I could love anything or anyone, but since you were trying to prove the impossible, you changed my perspective. "

" I did?  "

" Two weeks ago, I asked you if we had found love and joy, and you answered, we have found each other. And then, boom, you have proven that nothing is impossible. "

He smiled.

" That's what you're thankful for? It's nothing! "

I rolled my eyes.

" It's not nothing to me. "

" Then it's not nothing. "

We looked at each other.

" Hey, Warner? " I said

" You keep on starting with hey, and you didn't realize that I'm sitting right here. " he said

" Okay, Warner, can I ask you something? "

" Yes. "

" Right before you left me in the safe house, you promised me something. "

" I did? "

" Yes, I asked you what your first name was, and you didn't answer me, you told me that you would tell me when you get back, and voila! We have been together for like, two weeks now, and I almost died not knowing your name. Do you think it's time to tell me? "

He smiled.

" Very observant. And patient. "

" That's me. "

" Great. " he said

" So, now is not the time? " I said

He scoffed.

" You mean, I tell you now? " he said

" You don't know when I'm gonna die. "

" You're not gonna die, Eliza. "

" You don't know that. Like I don't know your name. How am I going to tell you that I love you if-"

Did I just say that?

" Tell me what? "

That caught me off guard.

" If I tell you my name, will you finish your sentence? " he said

" Depends. " I said

He smiled.

" If I tell you my name, will you tell me the-"

" Yes, Warner! I'll say it! " I said

He smiled and then nodded.

"  My name is Aaron. Aaron Warner Anderson. " he said


" Your turn to fulfill the end of your bargain. " he said

" Your name is Aaron? You had me waiting for two weeks, Aaron. " I said

I smiled.

And he did.

" I love you. " he said

" I love you. " I said

The girl who didn't think she could love, has loved.

The girl who didn't think she'll ever let those words escape from her mouth, but it did.

The girl who didn't think no one will love her, has someone who loves her.

The girl who thinks she was nothing, is now something.

The girl who thinks she has no one, now has someone.

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