After two days, Warner and I had shared bond together.

We had dinner together, breakfast together, mostly spent his free time with me.

Trying to prove, what I think is impossible.

It is impossible for a person who is incapable of love and joy to have it.

I know Warner told me that everybody is capable of it, but what if I'm not like everybody?

I mean, my looks could literally kill you.

And even burn you.

And today, I am having breakfast with him.

" What are you doing today? " he asked me.

I frowned.

" What I do almost everyday. " I said

" Which is? "

" Nothing. "

" You've been here for like what, six days and you don't do anything? "

" No, basically, I am still in my world of solitude when I'm in my room, but the difference is, I can go out to eat here, talk to someone, and have a window. "

" Since you are free today, I am taking you out. "

" You're not gonna kill anyone in front of me again, are you? "

" No, unless necessary. "

" Necessary? "

" Like, if we were under attack or something. "

" Okay, I'll keep that in mind. "

" And plus, you don't have any relatives living. "

" That doesn't sound sad, at all. " I said sarcastically.

" I'm sorry. " he said

" Please don't bring it up again, ever. " I said

" I'm sorry, I won't. " he said

" It's fine. Where are we going? "

" Well, I planned for you to meet someone, but since you are-"

" I'm fine, Warner. Proceed as planned. " I said

" You sure? "

" Yes, I am sure. " I said

" Okay, after breakfast, we leave. "

" Great. " I said

True to his word, we did leave after breakfast.

" Who are we meeting that you requested to drive the tank yourself? " I asked

" People that are very important to me. " he answered

" Oh, okay. "

" They are one of the people that gave me joy and made me feel loved. "

" So, you are trying to prove your experiment again? "

" I am not experimenting on you. "

" You did with that stimulation thing. "

" Okay, that was one time! "

" But you are still trying to prove the impossible! "

" Believe me on this, Eliza, nothing is impossible."

" Except for this. "

" Could you please stop being so pessimistic? "

Awkward silence.

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